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Symfony Flex: Aliases, Packs & Recipes


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Symfony is a set of libraries that gives us tons of tools: tools for logging, making database queries, sending emails, rendering templates and making API calls, just to name a few. If you counted them, I did, Symfony consists of about 100 separate libraries. Wow!

Right now, I want to start turning our pages into true HTML pages... instead of just returning text. But we are not going to jam a bunch of HTML into our PHP classes. Yuck. Instead, we're going to render a template.

Symfony's Start Small & Install Features Philosophy

But guess what? There is no templating library in our project! What? But I thought you just said that Symfony has a tool for rendering templates!? Lies!

Well... Symfony does have a tool for that. But our app currently uses very few of the Symfony libraries. The tools we have so far don't amount to much more than a route-controller-response system. If you need to render a template or make a database query, we do not have those tools installed in our app... yet.

I actually love this about Symfony. Instead of starting us with a gigantic project, with everything we need, plus tons of stuff that we don't need, Symfony starts tiny. Then, if you need something, you install it!

But before we install a templating library, at your terminal, run:

git status

Let's commit everything:

git add .

I can safely run git add . - which adds everything in my directory to git - because one of the files that our project originally came with was a .gitignore file, which already ignores stuff like the vendor/ directory, var/ directory, and several other paths. If you're wondering what these weird marker things are, that's related to the recipe system, which we're about to talk about.

Anyways, run git commit and add a message:

git commit -m "route -> controller -> response -> profit"

Perfect! And now, we are clean.

Installing a Templating Library (Twig)

Okay. So how can we install a templating library? And what templating libraries are even available for Symfony? And which is recommended? Well, of course, a great way to answer these questions would be check the Symfony documentation.

But we can also just... guess! In any PHP project, you can add new third-party libraries to your app by saying "composer require" and then the package name. We don't know the package name we need yet, so I'll just guess:

composer require templates

Now, if you've used Composer before, you might be screaming at your screen right about now! Why? Because in Composer, package names are always something/something. It is literally not possible to have a package just named templates.

But watch: when we run this, it works! And up on top, it says using version 1 for symfony/twig-pack. Twig is the name of the templating engine for Symfony.

Flex Aliases

To understand this, let's take a tiny step backwards. Our project started with a composer.json file containing several Symfony libraries. One of these is called symfony/flex. Flex is a composer plugin. So it adds more features to composer. Actually, it adds three superpowers to composer.


The flex.symfony.com server was shut down in favor of a new system. But you can still see a list of all of the available recipes at https://bit.ly/flex-recipes!

The first, which we just saw, is called Flex aliases. Head to https://flex.symfony.com to see a giant page full of packages. Search for "templates". Here it is. Under symfony/twig-pack, it says Aliases: template, templates, twig, and twig-pack.

The idea between behind Flex aliases is dead simple. We type composer require templates. And then, internally, Flex changes that to symfony/twig-pack. Ultimately, that is the package that Composer installs.

This means that, most of the time, you can just "composer require" whatever you want, like composer require logger, composer require orm, composer require icecream, whatever. It's just a shortcut system. The important point is that, what really got installed was symfony/twig-pack.

Flex Packs

And that means that, in our composer.json file, we should now see symfony/twig-pack under the require key. But if you spin over, it's not there! Gasp! Instead, it added symfony/twig-bundle, twig/extra-bundle, and twig/twig.

We're witnessing the second superpower of Symfony Flex: unpacking packs. Copy the original package name and... we can actually find that repository on GitHub by going to https://github.com/symfony/twig-pack.

And... it contains just one file: composer.json. And this requires three other packages: the three we just saw added to our project.

This is called a Symfony pack. It's... really just a fake package that helps us install other packages. It turns out, if you want a rich template engine to be added to your app, we recommend installing these three packages. But instead of making you add them manually, you can composer require symfony/twig-pack and get them automatically. When you install a "pack", like this, Flex automatically "unpacks" it: it finds the three packages that the pack depends on and adds those into your composer.json file.

So, packs are a shortcut so that you can run one composer require command and get multiple libraries added to your project.

Ok, so what is the third and final superpower of Flex? So glad you asked! To find out, at your terminal, run:

git status

Flex Recipes

Whoa. Normally when you run composer require, the only files it should modify - other than downloading packages into vendor/ - are composer.json and composer.lock. Flex's third superpower is its recipes system.

Whenever you install a package, that package may have a recipe. If it does, in addition to downloading the package into the vendor/ directory, Flex will also execute its recipe. Recipes can do things like add new files or even modify a few existing files.

Watch: if we scroll up a little, ah yes: it says "configuring 2 recipes". So apparently there was a recipe for symfony/twig-bundle and also a recipe for twig/extra-bundle. And these recipes apparently updated the config/bundles.php file and added a new directory and file.

The recipe system is sweet. All we need to do is composer require a new library and its recipe will then add all the configuration files or other setup needed so that we can start using that library immediately! No more following 5 manual "installation" steps in a README. When you add a library, it works out-of-the-box.

Next: I want to dive a bit deeper into the recipes. Like, where do they live? What's their favorite color? And what did this recipe added specifically to our app and why? I'm also going to let you in on a little secret: every file on our project - all the files in config/, the public/ directory... all of this stuff - was added via a recipe. And I'll prove it.