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Including other Templates

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Using a base layout is very common, and we've just mastered that! Now suppose that we have a small "sales" banner that we want to include on both the homepage and the contact page, because penguins care about saving some krill too. If we wanted it on every page, then we should put it in our layout, but pretend for now that we only need it on these 2 pages.

Using the include Function

To avoid duplication, create a new template that will hold the sales banner. The filename doesn't matter, but I often prefix these files with an underscore to show that they only contain a small page fragment, not a whole page:

{# templates/_banner.twig #}

<div class="well">
    <h3>Save some Krill!</h3>

    <p>Sale in summer suits all this weekend!</p>

To include this on the homepage we can use the include() function. We use this in a say something syntax because include() renders the other template, and we want to print its content:

{# templates/homepage.twig #}

{% block body %}
    {{ include('_banner.twig') }}

    {# ... #}
{% endblock %}

Let's add the same code to contact.twig and refresh to make sure that our big sales banner is showing up. Cool!

Passing Variables

We can also access our variables from within the included template. Since both pages have a pageData variable, we can use it from within the included template:

{# templates/_banner.twig #}

<div class="well">
    <h3>Save some Krill!</h3>

    <p>Sale in summer suits all this weekend! {{ pageData.title }}</p>

You can also pass extra variables to the template. The include() function takes two arguments: the name of the template to include and a collection of additional variables to pass. These variables are a key-value list of names and their values.

In Twig, a key-value array is called a "hash", and uses a syntax that's just like JavaScript or JSON (i.e. {"foo": "bar"}). Let's pass a backgroundColor variable into the template and use it.

{# templates/homepage.twig #}

{% block body %}
    {{ include('_banner.twig', { 'backgroundColor': 'violet' }) }}

    {# ... #}
{% endblock %}
{# templates/_banner.twig #}

<div class="well" style="background-color: {{ backgroundColor }};">
    <h3>Save some Krill!</h3>

    <p>Sale in summer suits all this weekend! {{ pageData.title }}</p>

When we refresh, we see a beautiful purple background.