2708 search results for Doctrine

Hey Ryan, Thanks for these fun courses in Symfony 6 :) Regarding the commands, is there a bundle that would allow commands to be run only once? I'm looking for behavior that's similar to doctrine migrations, where ...
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... the-password-when-using-doctrine - try moving it there *and* don't forget to include the `->flush()` call. In case you're curious, or it's helpful, here is the logic that's called during login to trigger this entire ...
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Hey Sudhir! Hmm, ok: Error 1: It looks to me like some bad data has been somehow put into your roles column in the database. This column is an array, that's been serialized to a string. Doctrine is trying to ...
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... commets so /** * * and so on and when i do like shown here so bin/console make:entity it uses # as comment signs. This has to be something to do with bin/console I guess or some config like doctrine or something. It would be ...
... temporarily. But no.) So I went ahead and tried `composer require doctrine/cache "^1.12"` and that seems to work -- don't know if bad side effects will show up somewhere later on. If I understand it correctly, this ...
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Hey Emanuele P.! Hmm. Yes, I tend to agree with the issue you linked to. If you're worried about SQL injection, then because you are using prepared statements (that's automatic with Doctrine), there's no risk. For XSS ...
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Hey guys! Loved this tutorial. But I sill miss some hardcore examples. I have a legacy application and I had to create an API to talk to it. So no Doctrine at all. Not even for user authentication! Then I really got ...
... operation. so in this spirit, to get a Transaction from an Operation Type, it would have to go through Operation first, as there is no relation at all other than the OperationId on the Transaction ? hmmm I'm starting to see a way to "join" these 2 columns.(gota learn more on doctrine joins tho.)
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Hey, Vlad! I can help you with it. This feature called ParamConverter in Symfony. Actually, in this case triggered the Doctrine Converter. This guy do all that magic: 1. Determine entity repository from typehinted ...
... number of queries, the SELECT is selecting data that I'm not using. I bet there is a way to tell Doctrine what columns we want to fetch. Excuse me, I mean what object properties... So, can that be done with the QueryBuilder, or do we have to write the DQL directly?
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... to be accessible outside (twig). I tried to use the doctrine annotation to set a default value, but still I get the error saying that this field (votes) can't be null, I had to set the property to Zero to make it work ...
Hanane K.
Hanane K.
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went ahead of myself and installed the berbeley extensions. doctrine.yaml file ``` doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%' # IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version ...
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... happy with simple Doctrine fixtures and don't need all those Foundry features - great, just use them, it's totally valid :) Cheers!
... data"; $stmt = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->fetchAll(); ``` How can i implement it with doctrine? because the result of this will be an list of how much ...
Raphael Schubert
Raphael Schubert
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... as the $value, Doctrine will convert it to the proper type itself, but your code will be more clear as for me. I hope this helps ;) Cheers!
Hey SamuelVicent! You have a few options here. The easiest, but the one that contains the least information, would be to use the "doctrine" transport so that your messages are stored in a database. Then you can query ...
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Hi victor I guess the doctrine migrations are different. In Laravel, they write classes for migrations, and when you run migrations, then those classes are compiled to SQL Queries, and then runs against the currently ...
... in the DB. As a second alternative, you may want to add cascade persist for that collection in your mapping and Doctrine will automatically do that persisting. I hope this helps! Cheers!
Hey guys, I have one problem related to custom data provider. What I need: Need to group data from specific table. So the data collection not will return array of entities but just array of arrays (because doctrine ...
... Hey Syed, I'm not sure how it works in Laravel, but yes, you're right, Doctrine generates database-specific migrations. And yes, if you generate it for PgSQL, you won't be able to run it for MySQL... and the vice versa ...