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Password encoders -> password_hashers & debug:firewall


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By converting to the new security system, our deprecations just went way down. If you look at what's left, one of them says:

The child node "encoders" at path "security" is deprecated, use "password_hashers" instead.

This is another change that we saw when upgrading the security-bundle recipe. Originally, we had encoders. This tells Symfony which algorithm to use to hash passwords. This has been renamed to password_hashers. And instead of needing our custom class, we can always just use this config. This says:

Any class that that implements PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface should use the auto algorithm.

63 lines | config/packages/security.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 11
Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface: 'auto'
// ... lines 14 - 63

And since... every user class with a password needs to implement this - including our class - that covers us.

Oh, but if you had a different algorithm before, move that down to this line. We don't want to change the algorithm: we just want to delete encoders in favor of password_hashers.

Now, on the homepage... we have even less deprecations! Two left! Let's try to log in. Ah! I think I missed some conflicts in my base layout earlier.

Let's swing over and fix these. In templates/base.html.twig... yep. When we upgraded the twig-bundle recipe, this conflicted and I didn't even notice! Shame on me!

Now... much better. Let's log in: we have a user called abraca_admin@example.com with password tada. Sign in and... it's alive!

The debug:firewall Command

Speaking of "security" and "firewalls" and other nerdery, Symfony ships with a new command to help debug and visualize your firewall. It's called, appropriately, debug:firewall. If you run it with no arguments:

php bin/console debug:firewall

It'll tell you your firewall names: dev and main. Re-run this with main:

php bin/console debug:firewall main

Here we go! This tells us what authenticators this firewall has, which user provider it's using - though our app usually only has one - and also the entry point, which is something we talk about in our Security tutorial.

Ok, put a big ol' check mark next to "Upgrade Security". Next, let's crush the last few deprecations and learn how we can be sure that we didn't miss any.