2708 search results for Doctrine

... with this part of doctrine, so let me expalin a bit Person is the main table, then we have "language", "skills", "whatever1" and "whatever xxx" tables, person can have as many of "the other tables records associated to ...
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I have the most bizarre issue with the messenger component here. I have followed this guide to the letter, using Symfony 5.2.5, PHP 7.3, and have configured it to use doctrine async. I'm using sass and have this at ...
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... I couldn't understand why it was being done this way in the tutorial, I was wondering why would someone want to trigger a POST and at the same time persist data directly into the DB by using doctrine, it took me some ...
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... fields so people can open / close certain parts of the form (because its a big form). If I completely skip Symfony Forms and use Doctrine and custom html form markup. Will it be more work with validating, etc? Because I ...
Hey Carlos! Happy new year! Yea, I see the issue. First, it's not the Symfony inflector we're dealing with - but the Doctrine one... not that this helps us really (just noting that for clarity). Inside API Platform, I ...
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... >getNotes() doesn't require the extra query: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/joins-reduce-queries That *technically* answers your question... but it's not worth it for me :). Cheers!
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first, thank you for sharing this easy way to manage Collections in a form. I come across an "issue" or may be I don't understand one mechanism: how does Doctrine know what items from your collection are new or updates ...
Olivier Mellinger
Olivier Mellinger
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... other? It's not an easy question to answer. If what we need to do in our hook is something "pure" and "low level" (like making some calculation, logging something, etc), then I like the doctrine listeners. But if what ...
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... `# config/packages/test/doctrine.yaml doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_TEST_URL)%'` And as I showed above the env for the test environment is indeed exposed. Maybe there's somewhere else I need to define something? Because it looks to me like I have option A going on but something somewhere is missing it.
... update a user and change a key in my settings ("language" to "fr"), Symfony (Doctrine) tries to create a new entity (But runs into an Exception due to Unique-Key on `user_id` from OneToOne) instead of updating the existing ...
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... see that doctrine transport table has a field called 'available_at' it seems to be related to it. What do you thing? One last idea is to have the handler sending a message to the event bus if the notification is not yet ...
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... allow SQL injections You're 100% correct. And the UserProvider (the Doctrine user provider) DOES protect against SQL injections by using the normal prepared statement queries. So, you're covered without thinking about it ...
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... good to fix, but it's not critical. Well, for example, if we're talking about this "PDO driver" warning - you may ignore it for now as we're not going to cover Doctrine and database in this course. In later courses we will ...
... Doctrine, but I will have an unimplemented repository interface (eg `FooRepository`) in my bundle and I'll use `registerForAutoConfiguration()` on it and the App's implementation (eg `InMemoryFooRepository`) will appear in ...
I sometimes find that this doesn't always automatically tag implemented classes. For some reason, I seem to have no problem with any of my Repository interfaces (that have nothing to do with Doctrine), but I end up ...
... creating a mini-container that has *some* services in it. You can learn about the idea here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony4-doctrine/service-subscriber > but both methods don't appear to be necessary to ...
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... is an entity in Doctrine or not) and then use it again in `resolve` to fetch the repository and make the query. That's a quick answer to a not-so-easy task. If you're interested, let me know if you need more details :). Cheers!
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... doctrine entitylistener as I learned a whilo ago from this video. Only difference, I use postPersist. I am now experimenting a bit with phpmailer since i want to sent a mail to the user right after he registered for ...
Wannes V.
Wannes V.
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... work with PHP 7.3 and 7.4. In this case, this tutorial is (unfortunately) quite old - so old that we can't update its dependencies without making *major* changes :/. The reason the tutorial is old is that the Doctrine ...
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Hi. I try to install orm-bundle in symfony 5 but all the time I have this error: `!! In Configuration.php line 304: !! !! The doctrine/orm package is required when the doctrine.orm config is set. ` My composer ...