2708 search results for Doctrine

... to join and select it when you query for the User: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/joins-reduce-queries (of course, this happens in the security layer, so you would need to likely extend your user provider to control this query). Cheers!
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... performance issues with your site before reaching for it. Regarding database connections, I think if the sub-request happens within the current request (not using ESI/HTTP caching), the sub-request would share the doctrine connection (but I'm not 100% sure on this).
... class work even though it's not hooked up with Doctrine. That should be it - but let me know if you run into trouble :). Cheers!
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... unnecessarily loads the base, but above all implies latency in the treatments I know that doctrine transport is amazing for development experience. But I'm wondring is symfony core team already solved the's problems ...
... ApiPlatform\Core\DataPersister\ContextAwareDataPersisterInterface; use App\Entity\User; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface; class ...
... " config. That's also on purpose - the bundle-config (like framework, or twig, or doctrine) is really meant to be used by *end-users* and not by applications. 2) So, most of the time, when you want to configure another ...
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... things like Doctrine, Twig, etc are pre-installed) 2) Added your 2 entities exactly to my project 3) Removed a few extra properties - like "job" - to get things working 4) Then used the API Platform admin area to do exactly ...
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... it would seem)! EDIT : Perfect man ! We are done ! Thanks ! So, the final output : https://zupimages.net/up/20/04/vqro.png There are some errors, but which do not seem to bother. One of which concerns Doctrine and the ...
... `self::$container->get('doctrine')->getManager()`) whenever you needed it. In some cases, after making a request with the Client, you'll need to ask for the entity manager again. Otherwise, you'll (kind of) still be using ...
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... App\Entity\Social s LEFT JOIN App:UserSocial us ON s.id = us.social_id AND us.user_id = 1" but when I try ->getQuery()->getResult(), I get an error which doesn't make any sense: [Syntax Error] line 0, col 9: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, got '*' Any Idea? ...
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... //symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/raw-sql-queries - please, notice that we refer exact table and column names in MySQL DB, not class and property names. Otherwise, if you want to do this in a few queries instead ...
... /FormFactory.php#L78 I'll say 2 things about this: 1) The "guessers" themselves often *do* contain caching. For example, Doctrine metadata is cached - so checking whether or not a column is "nullable=false" is nearly ...
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... :). In a more perfect world, the "stations" table would have a true relation to the "markets" table through a join table. That would then all be mapped correctly on Doctrine (as a ManyToMany relationship) and API Platform ...
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... hinted to `Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry`. Then it works ! Sorry if I wasted a bit of your time, maybe this will help other people encountering the same issue.
... ', 'DESC') ->setMaxResults(30) ->getQuery() ->execute();` 4) And I failed to write it using "Doctrine Query Language" as in https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine.html#querying-for ...
... like `$entityManager->clear()` in your app... or are you doing this work in a test? Or, `$entityManager->detach()`. Everything makes it *feel* like you queried for `CartProduct` object... but then Doctrine... sorta ...
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... According to the error, it sort of seems like Doctrine thinks (for some reason) that this is a NEW Product it should insert. Based on what this, we can keep debugging :). Cheers!
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... useful it is to people between the doctrine transport and Rabbit. But, this is obviously a vote from you for "yes, useful!". > it could include a workaround for the DelayStamp Yea, we still need this for Redis - this was a ...
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... it to put the binary contents of the file itself onto the message class. However, I think you may run into problems if you do this with the Doctrine transport (which, out-of-the-box doesn't like binary content, though ...
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... not sure what you other things you're processing in the doctrine event listener. Btw, adding an extra "setBusinessName()" method to your User entity so that you have a businessName field is not a bad solution. And you ...
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