2708 search results for Doctrine

... every program can have many lessons. You would do something similar with assignments and tests. In Doctrine, these would be a Program entity and a Lesson entity. The Lesson entity would have a ManyToOne relationship back ...
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Thanks Ryan. I have been enjoying your lessons on Symfony, Twig, Drupal and Doctrine. My background is straight procedural PHP. Learning this much simultaneously is quite a task. You said “the number of lessons ...
Jim Fuqua
Jim Fuqua
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... in place, if the `owner` of a `DragonTreasure` is set to `null`, instead of saving that, Doctrine deletes the `DragonTreasure` entirely. So perhaps `orphanRemoval` is missing. Or some thing in this process is not ...
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... pointing at the same `src/Entity/` directory, right? I think (?) that would confuse things. For example, if you asked for the `ProductRepository`, to instantiate that object, it hits this line - https://github.com/doctrine ...
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... static property). If you're truly making different HTTP requests, then you'll need to change to use a real transport (e.g. doctrine) and then process those in your context after the request finishes. So yes, this stuff can be tricky! Let me know if this helps... or didn't make any sense ;). Cheers!
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... question: > App\Form\CountryType::App\Form\{closure}(): Argument #2 ($city) must be of type ?App\Entity\City, Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\FormEvents\formEvents\src\Form ...
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... app found the database through doctrine right away. Tbh, I'm not familiar with Colima, though it looks super interesting. Unfortunately, because I'm a bit clueless about it (other than reading about it just now for ...
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Hi there! Sorry for the trouble, but I think I know what the problem is. Since a few weeks ago, the Doctrine recipe comes with Pgsql 14 instead of 13. That's actually fine. However, it's possible that you have an ...
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... to searching or paginating the files is really to ad search/pagination for this `ArticleFile` entity. For pagination, see https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/pagination For searching, you have two ...
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... since that would, again, be associated with 2 fields on "companies"? PHP 8.1, Symfony 6.1, API Platform 2.8, doctrine-bundle 2.7, MySQL 8.0.26 I'm using uuid_binary in this case, because it's a Type 4 UUID. I'm aware of ...
... dependencies are typehinted and injected with interfaces and this would quickly get out of hand. 2. Pass the needed objects to the message envelope. However, I've tried this before, and this causes issues with doctrine. Since it ...
Hey David, Well done! And thanks for sharing your additional optimization on this spot with others! Yeah, there's always a way to optimize it further, we don't pay too much attention to Doctrine optimiation in this ...
... questions on the best practices (assuming any) for token requesting/refreshing. I'll experiment a bit. ``` namespace App\Security; use App\Repository\ApiTokenRepository; use App\Repository\UserRepository; use Doctrine\ORM ...
Aaron Kincer
Aaron Kincer
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... methods in my entities (I usually start with a public getter/setter for every property... and sometimes I remove methods that I don't use... but not always - I'm not strict about it). > I tried to use the doctrine ...
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... keeps whining and whining about any and all kinds of issues with the query. After googling for a very long while, I get I need some additional Doctrine Extension, yet the question really lies in, do I really need them? if ...
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... /screencast/symfony4-doctrine/service-subscriber ). That's because, as you already know, your listener/subscriber service isn't instantiated unless it's necessary. However, if you have an event subscriber/listener that is ...
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... the database could be the very first "migration" (of course that would require configuring a mysql root user/password in doctrine). Is that not possible? This is tough because of the highly varied ways that you can ...
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... App_2_data. If the app specific data is not found, it looks for the data in other app_data section to get some basic data. I am very sorry to post this here, as we started with discussing Doctrine and now it has gone ...
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Hi, victor I have injected the entity manager to the form, but I still have problems with the create view. This is my code: doctrine.yml ``` doctrine: dbal: default_connection: default ...
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... test, but I actually boot up Symfony and use the real service from the container (no mocking). This is useful, for example, test call a method on a Doctrine repository and test that the query returns the results you expect. I tend to fall on the "pragmatic" side of testing - it's a tool, but I don't abuse it :). Cheers!
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