585 search results for Turbo

Yo Julien Quintiao! That's a really great question. The short answer is: use those libraries... but disable turbo for those sections :). For Turbo to work (as you know), your JavaScript needs to be written "correctly ...
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Hey Kiuega, Thank you for your interest in SymfonyCasts tutorials. Yes, we do plan a tutorial about Turbo... and it might happen this year. About Mercury - I'm not sure, but most probably it might be covered ...
Yeah... it looks like swup and turbo do almost the same exact thing: turn all the links in the body to ajax calls. So, right now it looks to me like there's no point in using both together, it's either one or the other ...
Hi roenfeldt! Excellent question! SEO is complex, but I can fairly confidently say no: turbo frames will NOT negatively impact SEO. In fact, I believe they're designed with this in mind. Why? Let's look at an ...
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Hey Alcides! Thanks for the nice words - I appreciate it! ❤️ > As far as I understood turbo frame is not SEO friendly right? Well.... yes and no. It IS true that, even if a search engine crawler supported JavaScript ...
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Hi, me again, with another question. Sorry, but I swear I'm scouring the internet first before turning to asking here. How do I redirect to a turbo frame? I know this has something to do with request/response ...
Hello, To do activate Turbo in my web, do I have to add stimulus controller to any element? In my my web page, I did not connect stimulus controller to any element. I see turbo is not working now. is it normal? thank you ...
Hey Aries, Turbo tutorial is released: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo - and we do talk about Mercure there :) Enjoy! Also, feel free to use our advanced search to find more related content in other tutorials, e.g. [this](https://symfonycasts.com/search?q=mercure&sort=most%20relevant&page=1&types=video) Cheers! ...
Hey |mention:56475| , I haven't enabled Turbo for EA yet, so can't tell you for sure... but there should not be any problems I think... there were some problems in the past as I see: https://github.com/EasyCorp ...
Hello, For your information, it seems that my problem came from the fact that I had installed turbo before stimulus. It must have given me some information or files for turbo to work properly. By trying again on a new project in the right order, everything works. ...
same problem here... I don't think disabling xdebug is a solution. I tried disabling xdebug with xdebu.mode=off but the ajaxtoolbar error still happens but the others dissapear. If I remove symfony/ux-turbo all is clean ...
Hey Kerrial N.! Hmm. Have you added any JavaScript yet to try to "clean up" or "close" the Offcanvas before Turbo caches the page - like we did with the modal? https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo/cleaned-preview#codeblock-ee773c0b6d This stuff can be... oddly tricky - so let me know. Cheers! ...
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Hey! Is there really a Mercury tutorial planned? That would be great ! If yes, for when could we have access to it? Do you plan to do a Mercury training again combining it with Turbo, or this time, with a traditional Symfony project not using Turbo? ...
Hey the team, How you would set up the use of turbo-frame on an article detail page with comments ? We could have a turbo-frame for displaying and adding comments in a method. But how to retrieve the information related to the article in this method. Thank for your advice. ...
... I think there's a bug? After adding the data-turbo-cache="false" attribute, if you click 10 times to go to the you-won page and then click the BACK button and try clicking on the counter button again, the turbo stream flash message is no longer rendering.
Instead of adding another else statement to the template you can also add an "append" turbo stream to the reviews frame to add a button within the turbo frame tags: ``` <a href="{{ path('app_product_reviews', {id: product.id}) }}" class="btn btn-success"> Review Again! </a> ``` ...
... "Turbo can also be used to build Native iOS or Android apps". Now that has me convinced. Does this mean one could take a mostly PHP powered website and with some JS/Turbo sprincles make a mobile App? I's love to see an example of that even if it's just a Hello World or To Do List App.
<turbo-frame id="product-{{ product.id }}-review">
{% for review in product.reviews %}
<div class="component-light my-3 p-3">
<p><i class="fas fa-user-circle me-2"></i>{{ review.owner.email }} <i class="fas fa-star ms-4"></i> {{ review.stars }}/5</p>
{{ review.content }}
{% else %}
<p>This product has not been reviewed yet!</p>
{% endfor %}
See Code Block in Script
128 lines | src/Controller/ProductController.php
// ... lines 1 - 20
class ProductController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 23 - 71
* @Route("/product/{id}/reviews", name="app_product_reviews")
public function productReviews(Product $product, CategoryRepository $categoryRepository, Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, HubInterface $mercureHub)
// ... lines 77 - 82
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
// ... lines 84 - 85
$update = new Update(
'<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-quick-stats"><template>QUICK STATS CHANGED!</template></turbo-stream>'
// ... lines 91 - 109
// ... lines 111 - 117
// ... lines 119 - 126
See Code Block in Script
49 lines | templates/product/show.html.twig
{% extends 'product/productBase.html.twig' %}
{% block productBody %}
<turbo-frame id="product-info" target="_top" class="row pt-3 product-show">
// ... lines 5 - 31
<div class="p-3 mt-4 d-flex justify-content-between flex-wrap flex-lg-nowrap">
<div id="product-quick-stats">
{{ include('product/_quickStats.html.twig') }}
{{ include('product/_cart_add_controls.html.twig') }}
// ... line 40
// ... lines 42 - 46
{{ include('product/_reviews.html.twig') }}
{% endblock %}
See Code Block in Script