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The Problem of Snapshots & JavaScript Popups

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Let's go log in so we can access the product admin page. I'll click the cheating links to fill in the fields and hit sign in. Now click "Admin" and then click the "New" button.

Snapshotting Pages with an Open Modal

This opens a Bootstrap 5 modal. Oh, and usually there is a dark gray backdrop... behind this... which is missing right now. Refresh... then hit this button again. There is the backdrop. Why was it missing the first time? It's actually a bug in Bootstrap 5.0.1 when using Turbo. But don't worry, it's already fixed and will be available in 5.0.2.

Anyways, now that I have this modal open with my backdrop, click the back button in your browser and then revisit the admin page. Woh! The modal was still open for just a moment and then closed. This is very similar to what happened with our submitted form. The snapshot was taken when the modal was open. And so, when the preview is rendered... it... still has a modal!

Do this flow again: click the button then hit "back" in your browser. But this time hit the "forward" button in your browser. Whoa. The modal stays open! Which I guess is okay: that is an accurate representation of the page's state. The only problem is that... well... the modal is completely nonfunctional. I can click the "Cancel" button until Symfony 10 comes out... and nothing will ever happen.

Snapshotting: Event Listeners are Lost

There are a few important things we need to understand. As we talked about a few minutes ago, the snapshot for a page is taken the moment you navigate away from that page. And so, if a modal or a dropdown or anything else is currently visible at that moment, well... it gets cached!

Also when Turbo takes a snapshot, it clones the body element using a method called cloneNode(). That's important because it means that any JavaScript listeners - like an "on click" listener for this cancel button - are not included in that clone. When we're looking at a snapshot, it's not really the same body from before: it's a clone with no JavaScript listeners attached.

That is why the modal doesn't work: it's the same HTML, but without any JavaScript listeners. This was an intentional design decision inside Turbo. Cloning the body element, which removes all of the listeners, helps keep Turbo fast by avoiding memory leaks.

If you write all of your JavaScript with Stimulus, this is no problem. When the snapshot is restored, a new Stimulus controller instance will be created automatically and everyone is happy. But in this case, this is Bootstrap's modal... so we can't exactly tell them to use Stimulus.

And, besides, even if this modal was functional, it would still show up and then disappear when we navigate back to the admin page... which isn't a huge deal, but it's not perfect.

Listening to the turbo:before-cache Event

So what's the solution? Clean up the page before the snapshot is taken. Head over to the Turbo documentation, click on Reference and go to Events. Turbo dispatches a bunch of events when it does different things, like when we visit a page or submit a form. Learning how to leverage these will be the difference between a "nice" Turbo experience and an awesome one. Check out this turbo:before-cache event:

Fires before Turbo saves the current page to cache.

That sounds perfect! We could run code to close the modal! Copy that event name.

How do we use this? Open up assets/app.js. Usually when we want to add some JavaScript, we write a Stimulus controller. But for Turbo events, we actually don't need that. Instead, say document.addEventListener() - which is how you add an event listener in normal JavaScript - then paste the event name. Pass an arrow function with an event argument and, inside, console.log(event).

17 lines | assets/app.js
// ... lines 1 - 12
document.addEventListener('turbo:before-cache', (event) => {

Turbo dispatches most of its events on the html tag itself. And, remember, as we navigate around, the html element is never removed: this one html element sticks around forever. That's nice because it means we can attach an event listener to it just one time and it will always be there. And since app.js is only executed once - on initial page load - the listener won't be added over and over again as we navigate to new pages.

Oh, and like we talked about earlier, the document variable is kind of the "parent" of the html element. You can attach the event to it - like we're doing - or to the actual html element itself... which is document.documentElement. It doesn't matter.

Anyways, let's see this in action. Go refresh the page and open the console. Now, click to another page. There it is! The moment we navigated away from the product admin page, a snapshot was taken. If you expand the event object that we logged, often this detail key here will contain extra information that's relevant to this event. There's nothing in this case... but we will see this with other events later.

Let's Hide the Modal!

So here's my thinking: we're using Bootstrap 5's modal system, and it has a built-in method to hide a modal. So, in this function, if a modal is open, we'll call that hide() method and... done! The page will cache with a hidden modal and we can all take a snapshot of a group high-five.

To do that, import { Modal } from bootstrap. Remove the event argument - we won't need it - and the log. Now, if document.body - that's an easy way to get the body element - .classList.contains('modal-open'), then we know that there is a modal currently open.

22 lines | assets/app.js
// ... lines 1 - 13
import { Modal } from 'bootstrap';
document.addEventListener('turbo:before-cache', () => {
if (document.body.classList.contains('modal-open')) {
const modal = Modal.getInstance(document.querySelector('.modal'));

I'm using a bit of Bootstrap-specific knowledge here. Click over to the product admin page and open the modal. Yup! When the modal is open, the body element gets a modal-open class. We're using that as an easy way to check if the modal is open.

Inside of the if, now that we know that the modal is open, we can say const modal = and use a nice method from Bootstrap to get that the modal instance that's connected to our element: Modal.getInstance() and pass it the Element that the modal is attached to. If you inspect element, it's always going to be this element here: the one with the modal class. We can find that with document.querySelector('.modal').

If you're not very familiar with using native JavaScript without jQuery, that's fine. You can use jQuery instead of native JavaScript if you want to. But this is about as complicated as it gets. We're using classList to see if an element has a class and then using the querySelector() method to find an element with a certain class on it. Now that we have the Bootstrap modal instance, we can call its hide() method: modal.hide().

That's it! Testing time! Find your browser, refresh, open the modal, hit back, then hit forward. Ummmm. It... kind of worked? The modal isn't there... but this gray backdrop is there?

What happened? The problem is that Bootstrap's hide() method is asynchronous. To say that a less-fancy way, when you hide a Bootstrap modal, it doesn't instantly hide: it fades out over time with an animation. After that animation finishes, it does the rest of its cleanup, like removing this backdrop. Unfortunately, the snapshot is taken immediately, before the modal has finished doing all of its cleanup.

This is one of the trickiest things with the preview feature: how to clean up and play nice with third-party JavaScript. So next, let's find a way to solve this both for Bootstrap's modal and also a Sweetalert modal that we have on a different page. That will give us clean preview functionality across our entire site whenever either of these are used.