2708 search results for Doctrine

Custom Filter Logic for Entities

... dig further. When we refresh now and go back to that operation... nice! Our filter now has a description! Okay, enough with the documentation: let's get to the part where we actually apply that filter. For a Doctrine ORM ...

AMQP Internals Exchanges Queues

... We've just changed our messenger configuration to send messages to a cloud-based RabbitMQ instance instead of sending them to Doctrine to be stored in the database. And after we made that change... everything... just ...

Hi Petru L., just wanted to add some thoughts: * Doctrine FAQs recommend setting default values using properties: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.6/reference/faq.html#how-can-i-add-default ...
... [Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ToolsException ...
None! The whole "setting a property so that Doctrine actually saves" is a bit of a hack. If there were a way to do it, I would prefer to be able to reach into Doctrine directly via some function and say "my User entity ...
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Hi peons :), Is there a way to change the default behaviour of Doctrine and make it look in another directory than "Entity". I mean I want my enteties Classes in another directory... I tried the mapping options but it ...
Hi there, I am getting this error every time I run $ ./bin/console doctrine:database:create [Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ConnectionException ...
Hey Victor, Thank you for your reply. Unfortuntaly the configuration above isn't working for me. This is my full config at doctrine.yml: ``` doctrine: dbal: default_connection: default ...
... others :). For the YAML-equivalent of the annotations, check out the first code-block here: http://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/associations.html#relationship-mapping-metadata. there's a YAML tab: you can use that ...
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... direction?). I'm interested in knowing about doctrine behaviors, for example, I use a lot in propel timestampable, softdelete and well of course, i18n I'm not sure how to even begin to work that out on doctrine the ...
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... will be removed in 3.0; use Twig instead. Show context Show trace 21:28:58 n/a The "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger" class implements "Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\SQLLogger" that is deprecated Use {@link \Doctrine ...
... Doctrine query : Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException in C:\xampp\htdocs\cauldron_overflow\vendor\doctrine\orm\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException.php (line 49) * * @return QueryException */ public static ...
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... Doctrine paginator object. That's an instance of `Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator `. B) Use THAT to create an ApiPlatform Paginator object - that is an instance of `ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Paginator ...
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... /Lesson_3/vendor/doctrine/data-fixtures/lib/Doctrine/Common/DataFixtures/Loader.php. I would check that out... I can't see exactly what that is, because I'm not sure what the precise version is of this library that you're ...
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Hey Houssem! Are you referring to database transactions? If so, excellent question! First, Doctrine automatically wraps its operations in a transaction. You can actually see this in one of our videos - https ...
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Hey Mastou, Why persist($comment)? Because we just created that Comment object. So, basically, if you create a new entity, to say Doctrine to store that object into DB you need to call persist on that object first ...
Hey David B.! I couldn't agree more - I've always thought Doctrine fixtures were clunky - and it's been on my list for a long time to improve it. But, that's *also* why we added our own mini-fixture system on top of ...
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... it more complex in every new chapter. And about Doctrine Relations: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations where In particular to your question, you may want to take a look at: - https ...
... not mapped to your entity and that you work with via doctrine DBAL - Doctrine migration might think that those fields should be removed, so better do not mix data in the same table. About foreign key constraints - yes ...
Hello, When I try running php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate using the code on the /start folder provided here I get the following error: `PHP Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\AbstractMigration ...