1015 search results for API Platform

... class: https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/main/src/Api/IdentifiersExtractor.php If you poke in there and have success, let me know. Otherwise, it's a tiny bit of duplication, but I think your solution is fine ...
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... exposes the `Link` header by default: ``` nelmio_cors: defaults: ... expose_headers: ['Link', 'Location'] ... ``` Thanks for showing all the cool stuff about API Platform !
... but it's written for version 2, however, the logic is still relevant but the code will change for version 3 https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/output-class Oh, and here are the docs about DTOs https://api-platform.com/docs/core/dto/ Cheers! ...
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Hi Ryan, In this chapter you are talking about the DTO solution, are you going to do a course to explain how it works in Api Platform v3? I've always used them in v2, to separate the Entities from the Api. But in ...
... normal `setDescription()`), when a `description` property is sent to the API, API Platform sees that `setTextDescription()` should be used and then reads *its* `Groups`. It actually doesn't know or care that the `description ...
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... and everything is going okay! but I can't use the API correctly and I don't know exactly the requested steps for this process. For now i am using API Platform and NelmioCors bundle. Should I use LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle too? Is there any bundle or steps I should use too?
... API Platform's GraphQL), there shouldn't really be any advantage or disadvantage. Frequently in the API Platform docs, they recommend solutions that "work everywhere" vs GraphQL or REST-specific solutions... just for ...
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Hi, how might one filter/create a custom API platform filter for a virtual property like 'isMe'? If someone wanted an API client to be able to filter and retrieve either all resources where isMe is set to false, or all ...
Johanna B.
Johanna B.
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... the Stripe-php library and find it so useful! So that means we could do the exact same thing with this build tool? Or would it be better to do something by hand to get something better? I'm just discovering API Platform and it's great! Thank you !
... has a custom query to return a sub-set. I'm sure there are other solutions - but this is absolutely what I would have done. Here is some more info on this approach: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/filtered-collection Cheers!
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... use the course code directly, and I want to make sure that's ok :). Here's a conversation about the issue: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/api-resource#comment-5080596003 Basically, somehow, your ...
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... I'm using api-platform/core 2.5.6 and symfony/framework-bundle 5.0. It appears that the Symfony validators are firing based on the ORM definition of user before the data persister is used. The error I get when I ...
Hi, have just come back to this after rebuilding my backend with the latest version of api-platform etc and decided to use session-based authentication instead of JWT as it looks like the cleaner solution for my needs ...
... EntityListener to encode passwords on `PrePersist` works in all those cases... but only when creating the user. `PreUpdate` is not triggered by DQL queries, which Api Platform uses internally :/ Maybe I'm doing/understood something wrong?
Jérôme Zecca
Jérôme Zecca
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... "? This shows your custom homepage and not the API Platform documentation? But... it's somehow a bit disfunctional? If you go to /api, on the bottom left of the web debug toolbar, if you hover over the 200 status code, which route is being matched for that page? Cheers!
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... example, I can make a POST on my "/employees" with owner = /users/2 and all work good. :) My API is pretty new, I'm using the last version of API Platform with Symfony 5.0.1. I followed your tutorial since the beginning and ...
Embedded Write

... is that the username field is not writable via this operation. Let's think about this. We're updating a DragonTreasure. This means that API Platform is using the treasure:write serialization group. That group is above the ...

Cheers! I try to rework rest series based on api-platform this time and tested with behat. But examples for sharing multiple contexts in another context doesn't seem to work anymore. The entire example is found in https ...
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... example, I make a request to `/api/articles` that it returns the list of ALL articles in ALL languages. Then adding the language filter is just a matter of using the built-in API Platform filters. B) If you used the "accept ...
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Hey @Sebastian-K! Hmm, interesting! Subresources are cool - and are MUCH nicer than in API Platform 2 (they were kind of a hacked addon the, but they're a first-class citizen now). And so, we can definitely use them ...
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