1545 search results for symfony bundle

If you have a problem with "has unmet peer dependency" or undefined package stimulus, it's because you are using stimulus v3 but by installing "composer require symfony/ux-chartjs:1.2.0" you get bundle with package ...
... mere 6 deprecation warnings -- and wondering what if anything I should do about them. Things like: 'Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.1: Using type "Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollectionBuilder" for argument 1 of ...
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Symfony Keep it Simple with Route and Templates

... /AppBundle/Controller/PostController.php namespace AppBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class PostController extends Controller { } The @Route Annotation¶ So instead of having ...

... is an internal service that's created to support your firewall (https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/9aaec948d5c0a626fbd1946b15afc76ea1345973/src/Symfony/Bundle/SecurityBundle/DependencyInjection/SecurityExtension.php ...
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Hey Fabien! More or less, yes :). Almost 4 years later, Symfony has gone from multiple bundles per app to 1 bundle to app (AppBundle) to *zero* bundles in Symfony 4. A lot of the arguments here are still relevant, and are the reasons why that change has been made over time. Cheers! ...
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You already answered this for yourself in another thread, but I want to answer it here in case for others :). This tutorial is currently about an old bundle - in version 2.8 Guard was accepted into core (yay!) and now ...
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... Symfony default controller which is "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller" - you have a shortcut to get current user object, just call $this->getUser() in your dashboardAction(). Cheers!
Hey Max, I think I know the problem. The {% stylesheets 'bundles ...%} tag comes from Assetic bundle, but starting from Symfony 2.8, Assetic is no longer included by default in the Symfony Standard Edition. So you need to install it with Composer and enable it in your AppKernel manually. Check the docs please. Cheers! ...
Hey Marco, That makes sense then :) We have symfony/webpack-encore-bundle package installed in this course, if you will install it - the Symfony Flex will execute a recipe that creates that file for you with some pre ...
Hm, I think you need to update your Symfony application first, at least to the ^2.6 as we can see from dependencies, but it would be better upgrade to the 2.7 as this is a LTS (Long Term Support) version. Looks like this bundle can't be correctly installed on Symfony 2.3. ...
Hey, sorry for my late reply, the weekend got in the middle :) I think you're right, Symfony Flex installed a higher recipe version of monolog for some reason. I'm not sure why but perhaps monolog bundle v3.7 supports Symfony 4.4. Double-check what version of monolog you got install Cheers! ...
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Hey Игорь П. That has nothing with Symfony 6, just ignore this warning, it will go away after you install debug bundle BTW just as a reminder, this course was built with Symfony 5 and we do not recommend to update course deps to latest versions to have issue less learning =) Cheers! ...
Hey Chuck! Thank you! Great question! HATEOS bundle is really cool! But we don't want to show this topic in basics and kept it for the next episode (Symfony REST 5) which was already released a few weeks ago. You can check it http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony-rest5/hateoas-hypermedia-buzzwords . Cheers! ...
... FYI it's not compatible with Symfony 4.4 and you will need to change some files `src/Repository/ImagePostRepository.php ` replace `Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface` with `Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry ...
Robert W.
Robert W.
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Great post Ryan, I did a post about creating a Hello World Module in Drupal 8 based on Symfony AcmeDemoBundle where you can see the similarities like route definition, controller code, namespaces post + code here => http://jmolivas.com/porting-symfony-2-acme-demo-bundle-as-drupal-8 ...
Jesus Manuel Olivas
Jesus Manuel Olivas
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... Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "DoctrineCacheBundle" from namespace "Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle". ...
Christopher S.
Christopher S.
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... append 'extends Controller' next to a class statement, it automatically includes the file "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\Controller" instead of "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller" ...
Roy Hochstenbach
Roy Hochstenbach
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Hey @Fabien Since Symfony 3.4 (I believe! but definitely since Symfony4) the internal bundle structure of your application doesn't exist anymore. The reason is simple, that structure was confusing, and Symfony does not ...
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Hi Victor, I have the same issue that Tarek has and sadly the solution proposed here doesn't work. It has to do with the bundle version I think, The newest versions aren't compatible with Symfony 4.4.* and the oldest are only compatible with Symfony 2.2 ~ 3.* versions I still can't find a solution tho.. ...
... : `Fatal error: Cannot redeclare static Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase::$container as non static App\Tests\Controller\WebhookControllerTest::$container in C:\Users\user\Desktop\StripeFormation2\tests\Controller\WebhookControllerTest.php on line 11`