1545 search results for symfony bundle

... /SymfonyCasts/reset-password-bundle . Unfortunately, I don't have estimations for you yet when the new Symfony 5 security course might be released, sorry. Btw, you're looking at Symfony3 course about security, we also ...
... /Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php:145 { …} !! ./vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:926 { …} !! ./vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Console/Application.php:96 { …} !! ./vendor/symfony/console ...
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Recipe Upgrades with recipes:update

... broken since we upgraded the FrameworkBundle recipe. Let's commit this change... and keep going: Skip down to symfony/twig-bundle. That's number 7. I'll clear the screen and... okay! We have conflicts. Exciting! I'll ...

Environment Variables

... not stuck in the middle of our code. One of the best ways to do this - and the way that Symfony recommends - is via environment variables. OooOOoo. But... environment variables are still kind of a mystery to a lot of PHP ...

Adding Outside Bundles with Composer

We got rid of the ugly, but the site looks a little empty. We'll improve things by loading fixtures, which are dummy data we put into the database. When we started the project, we downloaded the Symfony Standard edition ...

... require, require-dev looks like this ` "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.2", "symfony/browser-kit": "^4.3", "symfony/css-selector": "^4.3", "symfony/maker-bundle": "^1.11 ...
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... exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Bundle "App" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the registerBundles() method of your App\Kernel.php file? in @App/Controller ...
victor , Thanks for your reply. Actually I'm still on symfony 3.1 but since last composer update of "friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "~2.0", my controllers inheritance doesn't seem to work, because since FOSUserBundle ...
... be cool! But I can tell you the process is the same as for Symfony 3.x, so you can steal the skeleton from any public Symfony bundle and try to tweak it for yourself. Cheers!
This is awesome! Makes sense. I have a couple of "folders/packages" that I made, for example comment,like system that I like to re-use on other new symfony projects and make kinda portable. Is making a 'bundle' outside ...
Hey Mike P. I'm not sure if you can *just* use it directly inside a Controller, Symfony needs to compile and configure the bundle, so everything can work correctly. I don't think there is a performance impact at run ...
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Hi Victor I upgrade the symfony/maker-bundle to the latest version 1.50.0, same command: `symfony console make:registration-form` Same reply: ``` Creating a registration form for App\Entity\User Do ...
... `/assets/controllers.json` file was never changed after installing Mercure like Ryan's was. Does symfony/mercure-bundle need to register a controller there? Thx!
... $parameters = $request->request->all(); $email = $parameters['login_form']['_username']; // and so on... ``` See a related PR https://github.com/php-translation/symfony-bundle/pull/488 for more context. Cheers!
... file is removed regardless of how it was added automatically, and then updated the webpack config file. All is super great again...few. One question why does the main Symfony site say to use: composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle? What's the big difference? Cheers Steve
... ()"/"isauthenticatorManagerEnabled()"/"hasauthenticatorManagerEnabled()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DataCollector\SecurityDataCollector". I understand the code enabling the ...
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... /symfony/issues/41796 - and it looks like your issue might be fixed with DoctrineBundle 2.43. or higher. Try: `composer update doctrine/doctrine-bundle` and let me know if it helped :). Cheers!
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Hey Mepcuk! Try running `composer require symfony/monolog-bundle` - that's my guess. By default, Symfony ships with a barebones logger service. One thing it does (which is kind of annoying) is that it dumps out to the ...
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Hey Alberto, In theory it should work, you just need to upgrade your webpack encore bundle to the latest. But it requires at least Symfony 4.4. If you're on Symfony 4.3 - it should be an easy upgrade to 4.4 for you ...
Hey triemli! Sorry about the trouble - let's see if we can work it out :). Check out my answer here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle/controller-functional-test#comment-4844889084 There was a subtle ...
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