1015 search results for API Platform

... )normalization *context* - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/master/src/Serializer/Filter/PropertyFilter.php#L43 - and it is called both at the start of the request during read/deserialization AND later during serialization ...
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... creating 2 separate database containers - one for the normal environment and one for the test environment. Try downloading the code from this tutorial - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending - and ...
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... has a `string` type-hint on the argument (and maybe you also have `declare(strict_types=1)` on your class... I can't remember if that's needed). The point is: this error is because if your type-hint - API Platform is ...
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... api-platform does that by default... EXCEPT! Since the `admin:read` group is present, my beautiful IRI has become a nested object with just `passwordVersion` (and jsonld stuff). Note that I may have made a mistake. If so ...
Philippe B.
Philippe B.
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... /screencast/api-platform-security/json-login - that will try to authenticate the user whenever the URL is /login. Basically, whenever you go to /login, you will hit this json_login "authentication mechanism" *before ...
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... Hi Victor, ` /var/www/api-platform # yarn why babel-eslint yarn why v1.16.0 [1/4] Why do we have the module "babel-eslint"...? [2/4] Initialising dependency graph... [3/4] Finding dependency... [4/4] Calculating file ...
... = true; }) ``` it doesn't seem to do anything. So i'm just wondering what I'm missing, or what's the best way to config eslint & typescript parser. Thanks in adance, your videos for react and api-platform has given me a huge head start in building my first headless app!
... :). In a more perfect world, the "stations" table would have a true relation to the "markets" table through a join table. That would then all be mapped correctly on Doctrine (as a ManyToMany relationship) and API Platform ...
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... with the paginator, you're dealing with a `SlidingPagination` instance (https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform) which extends `AbstractPagination` https://github.com/KnpLabs/knp-components/blob/master/src/Knp ...
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... is how Doctrine works: the security system will initially query for the currently-authenticated user. Later, when API Platform queries for that same User, Doctrine returns the *same* object (instead of making a 2nd query ...
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... //localhost:8010 (from http://localhost:8020) due to CORS. If that's the case, you'll just need to modify your backend Symfony app to set some CORS headers to allow this. Actually, API Platform comes with NelmioCorsBundle pre-installed, which allows you to add this config: https://github.com/nelmio/NelmioCorsBundle Cheers!
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Query Extension Auto-Filter a Collection

... best solution. Really, we need to not return unpublished treasures at all. Find the API Platform Upgrade Guide... and search for the word "state" to find a section that talks about "providers" and "processors". We talked ...

Security Voter

... this and paste it down for securityPostDenormalize: So here's the deal: anytime that is_granted() is called - from anywhere, not just from API Platform - Symfony loops through a list of "voter" classes and tries to ...

Custom Item Data Provider

... >setIsMe($this->security->getUser() === $data): Try the test now: We got it! What we just did is a really natural way to use entities in API Platform... but also have the flexibility to add custom fields that require a ...

Serializing Messages as JSON

... this object's one property into JSON. We're not going to go too deep into Symfony's serializer component, but if you want to know more, we go much deeper in our API Platform Tutorial. Anyways, this simple JSON structure is ...

... allowed to make requests to YourJavaScriptBackend.com"). This is determined via CORS headers (see NelmioCorsBundle, which comes pre-installed with API Platform). Your API backend will need to allow your JavaScript frontend to ...
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... platform events for example? Speaking of api platform, I could also set these properties in a data persister. I hope you get my point. I don't see how one would be better than the other and I often struggle with these kinds ...
Tobias I.
Tobias I.
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... the `ConstraintViolationList` into JSON. API Platform is a great platform that has a lot of this built-in. But ultimately, this is what it's doing behind the scenes :). > Yup, I am primarily talking from a standpoint ...
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Hey victor ! Cool question :). We've just started releasing our security tutorial - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security - and this is *exactly* the kind of stuff I hope to clear up there. But ...
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... functionality is realy dynamic or just generated at compilation time when no user is logged in. In https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/2719#issuecomment-493445142) the discussion is about completely hide api ...
Jascha Lukas Gugat
Jascha Lukas Gugat
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