2709 search results for Doctrine

am trying to have symfony doctrine generate my database with Swedish collation (otherwise the sorting of characters åäö gets all messed up). I put this in my config file, but it seems to have no effect. doctrine ...
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... I do know that the reason Doctrine returns a `string` with a `decimal` type is exactly because it doesn't trust php to keep the exact precision if it returns it as a `double`. From their docs: > For compatibility ...
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... query to get the total number of items. Here is the code: ``` use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder; use Pagerfanta\Adapter\AdapterInterface; /** * Class CustomORMAdapter * @package AppBundle\Pagination */ class ...
Vladimir Z.
Vladimir Z.
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... second in video where we're using it? Or probably to a specific code block where we have it? But answering your question, I'm not sure what this means exactly, but as I see it comes from the "Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping ...
Hey Wondrous! Sorry for the slow reply! We're usually much faster - that's my bad - prepping for a conference next week! This is an interesting question/problem. First, when using Doctrine (ignore API Platform for a ...
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... working site. But then following tutorial I'm trying to install doctrine with "composer require orm". And after that site is crashing with this error: Argument 1 passed to Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request ...
Ruslan I.
Ruslan I.
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... trace [▼ "exception" => Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ConnectionException {#588 ▼ -query: null #message: "An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'db_user'@'localhost' (using ...
Hey Leszek C.! Hmm! I'm not sure this is easily possible. There is a system in this called slug handlers - https://github.com/doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions/blob/main/doc/sluggable.md#slug-handlers - but i've ...
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... updated the Question entity correctly :). By default (well, more accurately, thanks to this line of config that lives on your config/packages/doctrine.yaml file - https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/doctrine ...
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... that the related column for these dynamic fields somehow exists in the database)? Yes and no :). If you do manage to add a field to the PHP class *and* add the column to the table, Doctrine will not see it automatically ...
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... system takes over. But if that object has embedded objects, that is entirely up to whatever data persister is handling the object to deal with (e.g. the Doctrine data persister of course handles saving embedded objects ...
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... StackOverflow that discussed this problem on an older symfony version. Based on these suggestion I included the following use statements `use Doctrine\ORM\ServiceEntityRepository; use Doctrine\ORM\ManagerRegistry;` but the error ...
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Hey ahmedbhs ! Excellent questions! > Why we don't activate `result_cache_driver` This activates the cache on a separate, optional caching system where Doctrine can cache the results of a query. Even if you activate ...
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... " - this is nice, but API Platform also comes with a normalizer for ramsey/uuid. So the result should be the same :). C) "Symfony 5.2 provides new Doctrine types to help you work with UUID/ULID values in your entity ...
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Hey Sung, First of all, that "Schema $schema" comes from the parent class, your migrations should match method signature of the parent up() method. Doctrine migrations give you that object so you could do custom things ...
... you're caching will give you 99% of the overall boost available. > By default, does doctrine set the result of repository queries under cache ? No, it does not cache the *results* of the queries by default. You *can ...
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... Address(...), new Address(...))` - this is called a variadic argument. 2) The problem with my original comment (and what caused the "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection given" error) was that I forgot that when ...
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... :filter_name'); $qb->setParameter('filter_name', $filter['name']); } // and so on for all your possible filters you want to support in that URL ``` This way you specify columns and Doctrine properly ...
... //symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/install#codeblock-7f348c163d - this is meant to be set to *your* server version - e.g. 5.7 or something like `mariadb-10.2.12` if you're using Mariadb. If you do *not* set this correctly ...
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... limit-to-an-update-query-in-doctrine-orm - I think it's the same issue. In short, occasionally there will be an SQL feature you use that isn't supported by all database systems. In those cases, because Doctrine is ...
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