1545 search results for symfony bundle

Configuring the Cache Service

... FrameworkBundle is the main bundle inside of Symfony. So you can see that this dumps... wow... a ton. FrameworkBundle provides a lot of services... so there's a lot of config. To... zoom in a bit, re-run the command again ...


We know there are lots of useful service objects floating around that, internally, Symfony keeps inside something called a container. But this container thing can also hold something other than services: it can hold ...

JSON API Endpoint

... the only rule for a Symfony controller is that it must return a Symfony Response object. So we could literally say return new Response(json_encode(['hearts' => 5])). But that's too much work! Instead say return new ...

Making an Argument Available to All Controllers

... bundle of shortcuts that work via magic. Now that you’ve journeyed to the center of Symfony and back, if you look at each shortcut, you should be able to explain the magic behind each of these. The one I want to look at now ...

... ":"Client","class":"Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Client","type":"-\u003E","function":"doRequest","file":"\/Users\/casrime\/Downloads\/code-api-platform-security (3)\/finish\/vendor\/symfony\/framework-bundle\/Client.php ...
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... I don't see how Symfony is putting programs in a "db program table" if they are part of a bundle in javascript files in a js directory which is either in web/ or in a bundle's public/js directory. It appears that they ...
Jim Fuqua
Jim Fuqua
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Complex Config Test

There is one important part of the bundle that is not tested yet: our configuration. If the user sets the min_sunshine option, there's no test that this is correctly passed to the service. And yea, again, you do not ...

... Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception [RuntimeException] An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup ...
Paolo Mazzanti
Paolo Mazzanti
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... seems that the ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\Client doesn't keep the authentication between the calls. Here's my config/packages/test/security.yaml ` security: encoders: CrosierSource ...
... I'm getting an error I'm having trouble figuring out. I've inherited a Symfony project from a dev who's no longer around. One action is responsible for displaying a photo gallery page. It builds the following query ...
... theme: http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony-forms/render-form-bootstrap 2) You will also need to override the layout file used by the bundle. The docs are here: https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/FOSUserBundle ...
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Hey @Boolean_Type! > cause I'm noobie in Symfony bundles/container/other stuff Hmm, for a "noobie" you're asking some pretty good questions on some pretty advanced stuff ;). So, you're correct that there's no way to ...
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... bundle decides which type-hints it wants to "support" for autowiring (in this case, it's DoctrineBundle), and the best-practice is to support interfaces, but not concrete classes (there are exceptions of course, including ...
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... @example.com\", roles=json_array(), first_name=\"Jane\"" ``` **Symfony:** 7.0.9 **doctrine/doctrine-bundle:** "^2.12" **MariaDB:** 10.4.32-MariaDB How to enforce the `NOT NULL` constraint? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Easwaran Chinraj
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... bundle/src/TailwindBuilder.php:117"},"command":"asset-map:compile","message":"Built Tailwind CSS file does not exist: run \"php bin/console tailwind:build\" to generate it"},"level":500,"level_name":"CRITICAL","channel ...
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... send emails. I'm sure you've noticed your `monolog.yaml` is likely already set up in this way: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/4031f688ba05b714093cf39a5795e51d2af27a73/symfony/monolog-bundle/3.7/config/packages ...
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Hello! Many thanks for this tutorial! My API bundle works perfectly between my Angular frontend part and my Symfony backend part without doing Auth to my app. After adding the auth configration to my symfony app I ...
... /webpack-encore-bundle` to start using Symfony UX #} {% block stylesheets %} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts ...
... directory with that one line. Reference: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/symfony/twig-bundle/5.4/templates/base.html.twig Explanation: this tutorial was built with (and the code download ships with) an ...
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Hey The_nuts, Tricky question. Ideally, go with the 1st option you mentioned. If you could localize that route, i.e. add {_locale} there - then Symfony will do the rest itself I think. If your website localized - then ...