1545 search results for symfony bundle

weaverryan , yes we have this in a Symfony bundle. We need to set Metadatafactory and ConstraintValidatorFactory . If we do this in the ValidatorBuilder Service, we became errors like this ` Symfony\Component ...
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... best place to ask questions like that but...you're nice and competent, so I'll try :) So I'm trying to create a back-end with Symfony and (obviously) Api Platform. It's hard but I'm making progress. For my front-end I ...
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... latest PHP version as users with lower PHP version won't be able to install it. So, technically, you can bump that PHP version to 7.2.5 as required by Symfony and then Composer should be able to install it. Actually, you ...
... *BundleExtension class, the ContainerBuilder that you're passed is an *empty* ContainerBuilder. This is done on purpose: Symfony is kind of "sandboxing" you: you can add services, etc, but you don't have access to read or ...
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Hi, I notice a minor issue when following along with Symfony 5. `make:fixtures` generates ArticleFixtures with `use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager` - note `\Common\` in the namespace path. ArticleFixtures ...
Edward B.
Edward B.
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... resolving to Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\Parser\Preset\Light). I guess it makes configuration and decoupling easier that way. Only thing that I still might not get is the "circular" definition of some aliases/services. For ...
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... and there it goes... Before I even know exactly what was and what was the purpose of a Symfony Bundle, I was able to swear that bundles was the right approach to build the modules of our new ERP. But now I'm really ...
... ", "ext-ctype": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "doctrine/data-fixtures": "^1.3", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^1.6", "symfony/console": "*", "symfony/flex": "^1.1 ...
... installable set of packages. Problem 1 - This package requires php ^7.0, satisfiable by symfony/browser-kit[v3.4.0, v3.4.1, v3.4.10, v3.4.11, v3.4.12, v3.4.13, v3.4.14, v3.4.15, v3.4.16, v3.4.17, v3.4.18, v3.4.19 ...
... bundle name that make it unique, which is the point of service id? Just a string of unique and referenceable characters carrying some hint about it's usage and vendor, I guess?. Now (A),.. I get your point, maybe I just ...
Adam Hazda
Adam Hazda
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... of the post. ``` namespace AppBundle\Controller; use AppBundle\Entity\Bibliography; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Symfony ...
Ross Nolan
Ross Nolan
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Enforce Named Autowiring with Target

Alright, and welcome back. So in the last chapter, we added logging. So when a button is pressed, we log a before and after message to to the Symfony logger, which uses monolog, which is which uses a third-party ...

... \Users\antoi\symfony\test_project\node_modules\webpack\lib\NormalModule.js:231:10) at C:\Users\antoi\symfony\test_project\node_modules\@symfony\webpack-encore\lib\webpack-manifest-plugin\index.js:56:24 at ...
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... ($request, $response); require('/Library/WebServer/Documents/ea/web/app_dev.php') in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebServerBundle/Resources/router.php (line 42) Delete is not working too: There is a ...
Mailbox Spain Mail forwarding
Mailbox Spain Mail forwarding
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Input DTO Class

... composer require symfony/debug-bundle Once this finishes... we should be able to go back to the browser, hit Execute again and... perfect! A 400 error JSON response, but no HTML. To see the dumped variables, go down to ...

Conditional Actions

... actually the exception that is thrown behind the scenes. In other words, we're really doing the same thing that we normally do in a controller. And... we're done! The service is set to be autowired, so Symfony will know to ...

Compiler Passes

... objects and calls load() on each one. This is where most of the services come from. But there's a bunch of other compiler passes, and most do small things. They're usually registered inside your bundle class ...

... \Security\CasLogoutSuccessHandler` is whatever you called your class :). I know, a bit complex, but this is how your run code after logging out. in Symfony 6 (once the Cas bundle supports it), the code is a little different ...
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... course intro page pressing on the "Symfony 4" button, or on any chapter page like the current one in the tab called "Versions" near the "Conversation" tab. For example, the version of "symfony/maker-bundle" installed in our ...
... the controller calling. As awesome and modular as Symfony and its Kernel is, that call_user_func() for the controller + method combo is in a private method! Of all the things! If only that call could be placed in another ...