1545 search results for symfony bundle

... "collect" key to true and the "toolbar" key also to true in config_test.yml (https://github.com/symfony/symfony-standard/blob/master/app/config/config_test.yml#L13+L9). Then, make sure you go to http://localhost:8000 ...
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... that you get if you install WebpackEncore and get its recipe. It's this file right here - https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/main/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/1.10/assets/bootstrap.js - and its purpose is to ...
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Hey @Mathew! Darn! So close that you have it working locally... but not on staging! > Imagine Bundle though does not upload any of the thumbnails, but DOES try to read them as if they are there, so my site has a ...
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... /2d1ba2cf32556d9c01ff7bd05bb02ec9bfb44e5c/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/5.3/config/packages/web_profiler.yaml#L4 This will "stop" redirects. Basically, each time it is about to redirect you, you will instead see a page saying "you're about to be redirected ...
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... registration, my Mailsubscriber send an email. Finally I changed strategy and it works. This my Subscriber: ``` namespace App\EventSubscriber; use App\Event\UserCreatedEvent; use Swift_Mailer; use Swift_Message; use Symfony ...
Gaetano S.
Gaetano S.
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... after deploy. This is, in reality, a lot of stuff: all of the YAML files (services, bundle config, routing, etc), Doctrine annotations, validation metadata, Twig templates: these are all "code" that you can read once ...
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... topic in general doesn't really relate to API Platform - it's more of a Symfony security setup. This bundle - https://github.com/dunglas/DunglasAngularCsrfBundle - which doesn't work for Symfony 5 (as the author is mostly ...
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... - Symfony or not - could use this. Then (B) I would create another directory and include just the Symfony-specific configuration needed to integrate those classes into Symfony. This bundle would have the library has a ...
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... to test it. Inevitably you could translate this manual behavior into some methods provided by symfony/http-client (`static::createClient()` in a test), although it would be nice to structure the evolution of the ...
... bundle adds it automatically in some way, I can't remember). Anyways, this is no big deal, and to understand why, let me explain the "flow" of what happens on authentication: A) The user POSTs to `/authentication_token ...
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Building really fast applications Tobias Nyholm

... better understanding what your application's actually doing. And it's fun. Performance is fun, eh. Short about me. I work at a company called Happyr. I do plenty of Symfony stuff. I'm also running PHP Meetup in Stockholm ...

... ** ```php use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase; use League\Flysystem\Filesystem; use League\Flysystem\InMemory\InMemoryFilesystemAdapter; use League\Flysystem\UnableToWriteFile; use Symfony ...
Pagination Column Sorting

Welcome to Day 13! We're going to tap the breaks on Stimulus and Turbo and only work with Symfony and Twig today. Our goal is to add pagination and column sorting to this list. I like to add pagination with Pagerfanta ...

The Twig Extensions Library

... Copy that composer require line. Then, find your terminal and, paste! While we're waiting for this to install, I want to point out something important: we're installing a PHP library, not a Symfony bundle. What's the ...

Adding a Custom Action

... still using the one from the bundle. The fix is actually in routing.yml: This tells Symfony to import the annotation routes from the bundle's AdminController class... which means that class is used when we go to those ...

... \Controller; use App\Entity\PromoCode; use App\Form\PromoCodeType; use App\Repository\PromoCodeRepository; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use ...
Dhrubajyoti D.
Dhrubajyoti D.
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Resetting the Database

... called Factories. Run the tests: symfony php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/Repository/LockDownRepositoryTest.php They pass! We can run them over and over and over again! Before ...

Contentful Item Template

... need to update is the URL. But, hmm. If we had created a "skill show" page in Symfony, we could use the Twig path() function to link to that route! However, each skill page is actually created via a dynamic route thanks ...

Mapping a Layout to Contentful Pages

... /skills/. But, one thing that can be added to Layouts is another way to map or resolve which layout should be used on which page. And, yea! The Contentful bundle added two new ones: Contentful Entry and Contentful Space ...

Foundry Fixtures You'll Love

... git status to see that the recipe enabled a bundle and also created one config file... which we won't need to look at. In short, Foundry helps us create entity objects. It's... almost easier just to ...
