1015 search results for API Platform

Hey Sébastien J. We are actively releasing a new course about Api Platform + Symfony + Vue.js. I know it's not ReactJS but its internals are very similar https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security Cheers! ...
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# added so we can use the new API Platform test tools before
# they are released. In API Platform 2.5, this won't be needed.
class: App\ApiPlatform\Test\Client
arguments: ['@test.client']
public: true
See Code Block in Script
Hey Skylar, It can be easily configured! Change this line in your "config/routes/api_platform.yaml": https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/5ea0d377f1c5a906b029d2808c881b8ce2a79b11/api-platform/core/2.1/config/routes ...
Hey Sung L. That's a great question! I had to dug for awhile and found an issue about it - https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/972 Also read this comment from Kevin https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues ...
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On Authentication Success

... will look something like '/api/users/'.$user->getId(). But I don't want to hard code that because we could potentially change the URL in the future. I'd rather have API Platform generate that for me. And fortunately, API ...

Relating Resources

... with API Platform. Our DragonTreasure entity now has a new owner property with getOwner() and setOwner() methods. And over in User we have a new dragonTreasures property, which is a OneToMany back to DragonTreasure. At ...

PropertyFilter Sparse Fieldsets

... fewer fields if they want to. This all works quite nicely. But if you look at the API Platform documentation for the PropertyFilter, they actually recommend a different solution: something called "Vulcain". Nope, not ...

Pagination Foundry Fixtures

... a collection need pagination... just like a website. And with API Platform, it just works. To play with this, let's go to /api/treasures.jsonld. This is page 1... and then we can add ?page=2 to see page 2. That's the ...

Hey Alberto rafael P.! I think I understand :). The key to making this information available via the API is all about adding the correct API filters: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/filters - basically ...
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Hi soufianejhioui! Welcome to the nice world of API Platform :). > 1 - Is api Platform suitable for making microservices ? Sure! It makes creating APIs quick and easy - I don't see any problem here. > My matter is i ...
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Hello team! I have seen this tutorial I think a bit late, and well I think I started at the end... or not?! ... Is this tutorial applicable to API Platform context? In other words, the way to upload files in API ...
Testing Token Authentication

What about a test like this... but where we log in with an API key? Let's do that! Create a new method: public function testPostToCreateTreasureWithApiKey(): This will start pretty much the same as before. I'll copy ...

Hey @Alexey-N! Ahh, grr to that! Yes, that is kind of a silent dependency - I forget about it too! If you install the api-platform/api-pack - https://github.com/api-platform/api-pack - that includes the `symfony ...
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Heyyy back Omar! :) First, sorry for the slow reply - holidays started a bit early for me, and these harder API Platform questions usually wait for me. Hmm, what you're describing sounds an awful lot like GraphQL ...
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Hey guys, 1) what about exporting word docx formats. What we should exactlly do ? Do we need to create a normolizer like this https://api-platform.com/docs/core/content-negotiation/#reusing-the-api-platform ...
Hi, When creating a new entity using "bin/console make:entity" command, Symfony doesn't offer to mark the entity as an API Platform resource. Steps I took: 1) composer create-project symfony/skeleton 2) composer ...
Hey Olivier! Yep, the tutorial should be up-to-date :) - API Platform has only had one minor release since we recorded this. So, hmmm. It definitely looks like it's *creating* a new User object instead of updating the ...
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Hey Mohamed! Thanks for the kind words! It especially means a lot to me because you've already worked on API Platform before :). > 1. Is it a good idea to use API Platform for building public 3rd party interacting ...
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... collection, we want the user to be able to go to /api/users/4/treasures.jsonld. That, of course, doesn't work. But it can be done. This is called a subresource, and subresources are much nicer in API platform 3. Okay, let's ...

DTO Quirks Embedded Objects

... cheeseListings field. That's... not right. An embedded object... with only the @id field? We know that if none of the fields on a related object will be serialized, then API Platform should return an array of IRI strings ...
