2709 search results for Doctrine

... dynamic nature of the class, but here is the logic behind the search filter: https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/435992613de0a012ad42b5352e71453a35061968/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Filter/SearchFilter.php#L168 If I'm ...
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... the codding via annotations... I think it is messy and is not PHP... sorry guys I LOVE annotations, but I like them a different amount in different situations. For routing & Doctrine metadata, I love annotations. The ...
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... be implemented via Bundles (Beberlei Doctrine Extension), a mysql index have to be created via @Entity annotation and even if you do all this, you are not done, you have to escape the $searchTerm manually, because ...
... Doctrine instance from the request information for parameter "invoice" below my configuration: - InvoiceRepository ``` namespace App\Repository; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; class InvoiceRepository extends ...
Gianluca M.
Gianluca M.
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... Doctrine. Thank you as usual! The database tables were created, in mysql the keys, indices, and foreign keys were not named the same as I had before because they are auto-generated by doctrine in Symfony, but that s not issue rather nicety.
... is how Doctrine works: the security system will initially query for the currently-authenticated user. Later, when API Platform queries for that same User, Doctrine returns the *same* object (instead of making a 2nd query ...
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... DoctrineFixturesBundle are you using? (try `composer show doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle`) We use an older version on this tutorial (which you will get if you download the course code) as this tutorial is getting a bit older now, and ...
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... Doctrine in any way. If you put these in the `src/Entity` directory, you won't even need to change the API Platform configuration to look in another directory (but if the classes live elsewhere, it's just a simple config ...
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Hey Jonathan! Thanks for the really nice words!!!! You're awesome! Ok, your query indeed sounds difficult, and is probably a decent use-case for skipping Doctrine and going to SQL. Can you do it with the QB or DQL? Of ...
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Hey Alexander, Yeah, ManyToMany relation is implemented with an auxiliary table behind the scene where Doctrine keep entities IDs. And as soon as you need to add extra data on this auxiliary table - you can't use ...
... "owning" side (a concept I talk about about here https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony2-ep3/doctrine-inverse-relation#owning-versus-inverse-side - because it *is* tricky) if your relationship is never set, which ...
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... those 2 entities, doctrine can't find the Account Entity and give this error : Entity of type 'VRZ\Bundle\AccountBundle\Entity\Account' for IDs id(48) was not found (Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException) This is the code ...
Julien Quintiao
Julien Quintiao
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... this is a bad approach. Creating entity repository with many custom methods in some cases could be overhead. So in this cases criteria could help as well. Also I like to easily apply criteria to already fetched Doctrine ...
... Doctrine entity, Symfony tries to automatically query for the Article from the database, by using some information from the route. Usually, you have a route that looks like this: ``` /** * @Route("/article/{id ...
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``` namespace RevprodBundle\Entity; //use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="RevprodBundle\Repository\ProductRepository") * @ORM\Table ...
Vasiliy Repin
Vasiliy Repin
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... (or the same would be true if we did count($event->getAttendees()) in PHP), Doctrine says "I don't know how many attendees there are, let me query for them). There are 2 ways to fix this: 1) Mark the "attendees ...
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... /" }, "files" : [ "vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/VarDumper/Resources/functions/dump.php" ] }, "require" : { "php" : ">=5.5.9", "doctrine/doctrine ...
Jürgen Schatral
Jürgen Schatral
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... isn't - somehow - some other database configuration somewhere else. Look in all of the files in app/config for a "doctrine" root key. In short: your configuration is not behaving as it should. And although you should not ...
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... Platform simply calls `$product->getProductFiles()`, which uses 100% Doctrine logic. Then, for each related file, it does the same thing, calling `$productFile->getFile()`, once again using normal Doctrine logic and NOT the ...
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... /distribution/) is not in sync with the application. For example the documentation declares all variables as "public" though Doctrine specifically mentions that variables should be "protected" or "private". Creating ...
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