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SameSite Cookies & CSRF Attacks

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Before we go further into API platform, we need to have a quick heart-to-heart about CSRF attacks. This is a complex topic... so I'll try to hit the highlights. If you're consuming your API from JavaScript, you have two basic options for authentication. First, you can use HttpOnly cookies, which is how sessions work. Or second, you could return some sort of "access token" on login and store that in JavaScript. Generally speaking, storing access tokens in JavaScript is a dangerous practice because it can be stolen if some bad JavaScript somehow runs on your page. If the access token have a short lifetime, that helps... but then they're less useful... because your user will need to constantly log in. Sheesh, this stuff is complex!

Anyways, that is the principle reason why I recommend using HttpOnly cookie-based authentication - like a session - for your JavaScript frontend. And, like I mentioned earlier, if you need this for your JavaScript front-end, it can also be used in other situations, like for authenticating a mobile app that you're building.

But... using an HttpOnly cookie - whether that's a session cookie or something clever like a JWT - is vulnerable to its own type of attack: a CSRF attack. Boo! The simplest example of a CSRF attack is this: an attacker puts an HTML form on their site but makes the action attribute submit to our site. Then, when someone who is logged into our site visits the bad site, the attacker tricks that user into filling out this form - making it look like they're ordering free ice cream, when in fact that endpoint on our site sends the attacker ice cream instead. The user has been tricked into taking some authenticated action on our site that they didn't intend.

Avoiding CSRF Attacks

This problem has traditionally been solved with a CSRF token - an extra field that must be sent on that form submit that proves that the request originated from the real site - not from somewhere else. Symfony's form component adds CSRF tokens automatically.

And if you Google for "dunglas csrf", you'll find a bundle called DunglasAngularCsrfBundle which helps generate and use CSRF tokens in your API. Yea, the name says "Angular", but it works with anything.

The downside is that using CSRF tokens in an API is... annoying: you need to manage CSRF tokens and send that field manually from your JavaScript on every request. If you're using cookie-based authentication and need to 100% prevent a CSRF attack for an endpoint, this is the time-tested way to do that.

Hello SameSite Cookies

But... there is a new way to prevent CSRF attacks that is emerging... a solution that is implemented inside browsers themselves. It's called a "SameSite" cookie... which you can read all about on the Internet.

The basic reason that CSRF attacks are possible is that when a user submits the form that lives on the "bad" site, any cookies that our domain set are sent with that request to our app... even though the request isn't "originating" from our domain. For most cookies that... should probably not happen. Instead, we should be able to say:

Hey browsers! See this session cookie that my Symfony app is setting? I want you to only send that back to my app if the request originates from my domain.

That is now possible by setting a special "attribute" when you add a cookie called "SameSite".

So... because Symfony is responsible for creating the session cookie... how can we tell it to use this cool SameSite attribute? It already is. Open up config/packages/framework.yaml. If you've started a Symfony project any time recently - like we did for this tutorial - then you probably already have this key: framework.session.cookie_samesite set to lax. Yep, our session cookie is already setting SameSite to lax.

18 lines | config/packages/framework.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 8
// ... lines 10 - 11
cookie_samesite: lax
// ... lines 13 - 18

What does lax mean? Well, the other possible setting is strict. If SameSite is set to strict, then the cookie will never be sent when a third-party initiates a request to our site... even if they literally click a link to visit our site... meaning... they wouldn't be logged in when they arrive. The lax setting is different because the cookie will be sent for "top-level" GET requests... meaning GET requests where the address bar changes. That "more or less" means... when the user clicks a link to your site - though there are a few other, less visible ways that another site could covertly make a GET request to your site and have the cookie sent.

Caveats with SameSite

Anyways, lax is probably what you need and it should protect your API from CSRF attacks... as long as you're aware of two things. First, you need to make sure that your GET endpoints never do anything - they should just return data. If you, for example, allowed users to send ice cream via a GET request, then that endpoint is vulnerable to CSRF attacks. It's ok to return information on a GET request because, while third parties can initiate GET requests, they can't read the returned data, unless you go out of your way to make this possible.

And second... most... but not all browsers support SameSite cookies. If a user visits your site in a browser that does not support SameSite cookies, it will treat it like a normal cookie. That means your site will work fine, but that user would be vulnerable to a CSRF attack.

If that's a problem, you'll either need to implement CSRF tokens or block old browsers from using your site... since they're basically using a vulnerable browser. As you can see from caniuse, the browsers that don't support it include Opera Mini, Blackberry browser and a few other minor ones. IE 11 does support it on Windows 10.

I know... it's crazy! If you use API tokens in JavaScript, they can be stolen by other JavaScript. If you use the safer HttpOnly cookies, then you need to worry about CSRF protection... unless you use SameSite cookies... which protects almost every browser... or you could use CSRF tokens to be safest... but it complicates your life.

Oh... the world of API authentication. The typical recommendation is, regardless of what you choose to do, be aware of what you're protected against and what you're not.

Now it's time to turn to authorization, which answers questions like: how can we lock down certain resources or operations? How can we hide fields from some users or allow only some types of users to update specific fields? Ah... we're going to dream up every way of customizing access to our API.