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Login Success & the Session

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Let's see if we can log in for real. But first... we, uh, need to put some users in our database. Head to /api - we'll use our API to do that! Eating our own dog food.

I do have a few users in my database already... but you probably don't... and I don't think I set any of these with real passwords anyways. So let's create a brand new shiny user.

But... our API currently has a big shortcoming. I'll close this and open up the POST endpoint. When someone uses our API to create a user, they will eventually send the plain-text password on the password field. But... in the database, this field needs to be set to an encoded version of that password. So far, we don't have any mechanism to intercept the plain text password and encode it before it gets to the database.

We'll fix this soon, but we're going to cheat for now. Find your terminal and run:

php bin/console security:encode

This is a fun utility where you can give it a plain-text password - I'll use foo - and it will give us back an encoded version of that password. Copy that.

Now we can use our endpoint: I'll use the POST endpoint with email set to quesolover@example.com, password set to the long, encoded password string, username set to quesolover and I'll remove the cheeseListings field: we don't need to create any cheese listings right now. Hit "Execute" and... perfect! A 201 status code. Say hello to quesolover@example.com!

Copy that email address, then go back to our homepage. On the web debug toolbar, you can see that we are not logged in: we are anonymous.

Ok, let me open my browser's debugger again... then try to log in: quesolover@example.com, password foo and... nothing updates on our Vue.js app yet... but let's see what happened with that AJAX request.

Yea! It returned a 200 status code with a user key set to 6! It worked! And that response is coming from our SecurityController: we're returning that data.

Wait, Where's my API Token?

But wait, it gets better! If we refresh the homepage, we are now logged in as quesolover. And our important job number one is done! Just because we're creating an API doesn't mean that we now need to start thinking about some crazy API token system where the authentication endpoint returns a token string, we store that in JavaScript and then we send that as an Authorization header on all future requests. No, forget that! We're done! Starting now, all future AJAX requests will automatically send the session cookie and we'll be authenticated like normal. It's just that simple.

And yes, we are going to talk a bit about API token authentication later. But... there's a good chance you don't need it. And if you don't need it... but try to use it anyways, you'll complicate your app & may make it less secure. As a general rule, while you can use API tokens in your JavaScript, you should never store them anywhere - like local storage of cookies due to security. That makes using API tokens in JavaScript... tricky.

So... if we're not going to return an API token from the authentication endpoint... what should we return? Just returning the number 6... probably isn't very useful: our JavaScript won't know the email, username or any other information about who just logged in. So... what should we return? There's not a perfect answer to that question, but I'll show you what I recommend next.