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While the concepts of this course are still largely applicable, it's built using an older version of Symfony (4) and React (16).

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CSRF Protection Part 2

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The only tricky thing is that we only want to require the Content-Type header when the user is requesting an API endpoint. In our application, this means all the endpoints inside of RepLogController. So, we could see if the URL starts with /reps... but that could get ugly later if the API grows to a lot of other URLs.

If your app is entirely an API, that's easy! Or if all the URLs start with /api, that's also easy to check.

But, in our app, let's use a different trick... which is gonna be kinda fun.

Above the controller class, add @Route() with defaults={} and a new flag that I'm inventing: _is_api set to true.

101 lines | src/Controller/RepLogController.php
// ... lines 1 - 13
// ... line 15
* @Route(defaults={"_is_api": true})
class RepLogController extends BaseController
// ... lines 19 - 101

When you put an @Route annotation above the controller class, it means its config will be applied to all of the routes below it. Now, inside of the subscriber, we can read this config. To see how, add dump($request->attributes->all()) then die.

// ... lines 1 - 9
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
// ... lines 12 - 16
// ... lines 18 - 22
// ... lines 24 - 32

If you refresh the main page... no _is_api here. But now go to /reps. There it is! Any defaults flags that we set are available in $request->attributes.

Creating a Custom ApiRoute Annotation

The only problem is that this syntax is... oof... gross. Let's make it easier. In the Api directory, create a new PHP class called ApiRoute. Make this extend the normal Route annotation class.

Yep, we're creating a brand new, customized route annotation. Add @Annotation above the class.

12 lines | src/Api/ApiRoute.php
// ... lines 1 - 6
* @Annotation
class ApiRoute extends Route

If we did nothing else, we could at least go into our controller and use it: @ApiRoute().

102 lines | src/Controller/RepLogController.php
// ... lines 1 - 14
// ... line 16
* @ApiRoute(defaults={"_is_api": true})
class RepLogController extends BaseController
// ... lines 20 - 102

Try it! Nothing changes. But now, in ApiRoute, go to the Code -> Generate menu - or Command+N on a Mac - and override the getDefaults() method. Return a merge of _is_api set to true and parent::getDefaults().

20 lines | src/Api/ApiRoute.php
// ... lines 1 - 11
public function getDefaults()
return array_merge(
['_is_api' => true],
// ... lines 19 - 20

Nice, right? Back in the controller, remove the ugly defaults stuff. Oh, and if you want to mark just one route as an API route, you can also use this new annotation above just one method.

Ok, go back and refresh! Got it!

Validating the Content-Type Header

Back in the subscriber, remove the dump. Then, if !$request->attributes->get('_is_api') return. And now that we know were only operating on API requests, check the header: if $request->headers->get('Content-Type') does not equal application/json, we have a problem! Create a new 400 response: $response = new JsonResponse().

The data we send back doesn't matter - I'll add a message that says what went wrong. But, give this a 415 status code: this means "Unsupported Media Type". Finish this with $event->setResponse($response). This will completely stop the request: this response will be returned without even calling your controller.

// ... lines 1 - 10
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
// ... lines 13 - 23
if (!$request->attributes->get('_is_api')) {
if ($request->headers->get('Content-Type') != 'application/json') {
$response = new JsonResponse([
'message' => 'Invalid Content-Type'
], 415);
// ... lines 38 - 46

Ok, let's try this! Find the rep_log_api.js file and look down at createRepLog. We are setting this Content-Type header. So, this should work! Move over, go back to /lift and refresh. I'll open my network tools. And.. yea! It totally works! But try to delete a rep log... failure! With a 415 status code.

Always Sending the Content-Type Header

This is because the DELETE endpoint does not set this header. And... hmm, it's kinda weird... because, for the DELETE endpoint, the body of the request is empty. There's some debate, but, because of this, some people would argue that this request should not need any Content-Type header... because we're not really sending any JSON!

But, by requiring this header to always be set, we give our application a bit more security: it removes the possibility that's somebody could create a CSRF attack on that endpoint... or some future endpoint that we don't send any data to.

In other words, we are always going to set this header. Remove it from createRepLog and go up to fetchJson() so we can set this here. The only tricky thing is that it's possible that someone who calls this will pass a custom header, and we don't want to override that.

Add let headers = and set this to the Content-Type header. Then, if options && options.headers - so, if the user passes a custom header, merge them together: headers = , ...options.headers then ...headers. Then, delete that property and, below, pass headers to headers.

53 lines | assets/js/api/rep_log_api.js
function fetchJson(url, options) {
let headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'};
if (options && options.headers) {
headers = {...options.headers, ...headers};
delete options.headers;
return fetch(url, Object.assign({
// ... line 9
headers: headers,
}, options))
// ... lines 12 - 17
// ... lines 19 - 53

Try it! Move over - looks like the page already refreshed. And... yes! We can delete again!

And we are protected from CSRF! That's because, first, we do not allow other domains to make AJAX calls to our site and, second, all of our API endpoints require a JSON body - which we explicitly required by looking for the Content-Type header.

Oh my gosh.... we're done! That's it, that's everything! If you've made it all the way through, you rock! You have the tools to create the craziest frontend you can think of! And yes, there are more things in React that we could cover, like the React router or Redux, which adds a more complex architecture on top of React, but helps solve the problem of passing around so many props.

But, these are extras - go get some real-world success with React and report back! We'd love to know what you're building.

Alright people, seeya next time.