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Service Integration Test

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Thanks to the unit test, we can confidently say that the KnpUIpsum class works correctly. But... that's only like 10% of our bundle's code! Most of the bundle is related to service configuration. So what guarantees that the bundle, extension class, Configuration class and services.xml files are all correct? Nothing! Yay!

And it's not that we need to test everything, but it would be great to at least have a "smoke" test that made sure that the bundle correctly sets up a knpu_lorem_ipsum.knpu_ipsum service.

Bootstrapping the Integration Test

We're going to do that with a functional test! Or, depending on how you name things, this is really more of an integration test. Details. Anyways, in the tests/ directory, create a new class called FunctionalTest.

Make this extend the normal TestCase from PHPUnit, and add a public function testServiceWiring().

27 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/tests/FunctionalTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class FunctionalTest extends TestCase
public function testServiceWiring()
// ... lines 16 - 27

And here is where things get interesting. We basically want to initialize our bundle into a real app, and check that the container has that service. But... we do not have a Symfony app lying around! So... let's make the smallest possible Symfony app ever.

To do this, we just need a Kernel class. And instead of creating a new file with a new class, we can hide the class right inside this file, because it's only needed here.

Add class KnpULoremIpsumTestingKernel extends Kernel from... wait... why is this not auto-completing the Kernel class? There should be one in Symfony's HttpKernel component! What's going on?

Dependencies: symfony/framework-bunde?

Remember! In our composer.json, other than the PHP version, the require key is empty! We're literally saying that someone is allowed to use this bundle even if they use zero parts of Symfony. That's not OK. We need to be explicit about what dependencies are actually required to use this bundle.

But... what dependencies are required, exactly? Honestly... most bundles simply require symfony/framework-bundle. FrameworkBundle provides all of the core services, like the router, session, etc. It also requires the http-kernel component, event-dispatcher and probably anything else that your bundle relies on.

Requiring FrameworkBundle is not a horrible thing. But, it's technically possible to use the Symfony framework without the FrameworkBundle, and some people do do this.

So we're going to take the tougher, more interesting road and not simply require that bundle. Instead, let's look at the actual components our code uses. For example, open the bundle class. Obviously, we depend on the http-kernel component. And in the extension class, we're using config and dependency-injection. In Configuration, nothing new: just config.

Ok! Our bundle needs the config, dependency-injection and http-kernel components. And by the way, this is exactly why we're writing the integration test! Our bundle is not setup correctly right now... but it wasn't very obvious.

Adding our Dependencies

In composer.json, add these: symfony/config at version ^4.0. Copy this and paste it two more times. Require symfony/dependency-injection and symfony/http-kernel.

32 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/composer.json
// ... lines 1 - 11
"require": {
// ... line 13
"symfony/config": "^4.0",
"symfony/dependency-injection": "^4.0",
"symfony/http-kernel": "^4.0"
// ... lines 18 - 32

Now, find your terminal, and run:

composer update

Perfect! Once that finishes, we can go back to our functional test. Re-type the "l" on Kernel and... yes! There is the Kernel class from http-kernel.

This requires us to implement two methods. Go to the Code -> Generate menu - or Command + N on a Mac - click "Implement Methods" and choose the two.

27 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/tests/FunctionalTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace KnpU\LoremIpsumBundle\Tests;
// ... lines 4 - 16
class KnpULoremIpsumTestingKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader)

Inside registerBundles, return an array and only enable our bundle: new KnpULoremIpsumBundle(). Since we're not dependent on any other bundles - like FrameworkBundle - we should, in theory, be able to boot an app with only this. Kinda cool!

38 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/tests/FunctionalTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 26
public function registerBundles()
return [
new KnpULoremIpsumBundle(),
// ... lines 33 - 38

And... that's it! Our app is ready. Back in testServiceWiring, add $kernel = new KnpULoremIpsumTestingKernel() and pass this test for the environment, thought that doesn't matter, and true for debug. Next, boot the kernel, and say $container = $kernel->getContainer().

38 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/tests/FunctionalTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 10
class FunctionalTest extends TestCase
public function testServiceWiring()
$kernel = new KnpULoremIpsumTestingKernel('test', true);
$container = $kernel->getContainer();
// ... lines 18 - 21
// ... lines 24 - 38

This is great! We just booted a real Symfony app. And now, we can makes sure our service exists. Add $ipsum = $container->get(), copy the id of our service, and paste it here. We can do this because the service is public.

Let's add some very basic checks, like $this->assertInstanceOf() that KnpUIpsum::class is the type of $ipsum. And also, $this->assertInternalType() that a string is what we get back when we call $ipsum->getParagraphs().

38 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/tests/FunctionalTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 12
public function testServiceWiring()
// ... lines 15 - 18
$ipsum = $container->get('knpu_lorem_ipsum.knpu_ipsum');
$this->assertInstanceOf(KnpUIpsum::class, $ipsum);
$this->assertInternalType('string', $ipsum->getParagraphs());
// ... lines 23 - 38

The unit test truly tests this class - so we really only need a sanity check. I think it's time to try this! Find your terminal, and run:


Yes! We're now sure that our service is wired correctly! So, this functional test didn't fail like I promised in the last chapter. But the point is this: before we added our dependencies, our bundle was not actually setup correctly.

And, woh! In the tests/ directory, we suddenly have a cache/ folder! That comes from our kernel: it caches files just like a normal app. To make sure this doesn't get committed, open .gitignore and ignore /tests/cache.

5 lines | LoremIpsumBundle/.gitignore
// ... lines 1 - 3

Next, let's get a little more complex by testing that some of our configuration options work.