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Updating the All-Important FrameworkBundle Recipe


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At your terminal, run:

composer recipes

As you probably know, whenever we install a new package, that package may come with a recipe that does things like add configuration files, modify certain files like .env, or add other files. Over time, Symfony makes updates to these recipes. Sometimes these are minor... like the addition of a comment in a config file. But other times, they're bigger, like renaming config keys to match changes in Symfony itself. And while you don't have to update your recipes, it's a great way to keep your app feeling like a standard Symfony app. It's also a free way to update deprecated code!

Hello recipes:update

Until recently, updating recipes was a pain. If you're not familiar, just check our "Upgrade to Symfony 5" tutorial! Yikes. But no more! Starting with Symfony Flex 1.18 or 2.1, Composer has a proper recipes:update command. It literally patches your files to the latest version... and it's awesome. Let's try it!


composer recipes:update

Oh! Before we run this, it tells us to commit everything that we've been working on. Great idea! I'll say that we are:

upgrading some code to Symfony 5.4 with Rector

git add .
git commit -m "upgrading some code to Symfony 5.4 with Rector"

Perfect! Try the recipes:update command again. The reason it wants our working copy to be clean is because it's about to patch some files... which might involve conflicts.

Let's start with symfony/framework-bundle, because this is the big one. The most important files in our project come from this recipe. I'll hit 4, clear the screen, and go!

Behind the scenes, this checks to see what the recipe looked like when we originally installed it, compares it to what the recipe looks like now, and generates a diff that it then applies to our project. In some cases, like this one, that can cause some conflicts, which is pretty cool. The best part might be that it generates a changelog containing all the pull requests that contributed to these updates. If you need to figure out why something changed, this will be your friend.

Oh, but creating the changelog requires making a bunch of API calls to GitHub. So it's possible that composer will ask you for a personal access token, like it just did for me. In some rare cases with a giant recipe like framework-bundle, if your recipe is really, really old, you might get this message even if you have given an access token to Composer. If that happens, just wait for 1 minute... then re-enter your access token. Congratulations, you just hit GitHub's per-minute API limit.

Anyways, there's the CHANGELOG. It's not usually that long, but this recipe is the most important and... well... it was horribly out-of-date. Oh, and if you have a trendy terminal like me - this is iTerm - you can click these links to jump directly into the pull request, which will live at https://github.com/symfony/recipes.

Changes to .env

Alright, let's walk through the changes this made. This is the biggest and most important recipe, so I want to cover everything.

Since I've already done my homework, I'll clear the changelog and run:

git status

Woh. It made a bunch of changes, including three conflicts. Fun! Let's go through those first. Move over and start inside .env. Let's see: apparently the recipe removed these #TRUSTED_PROXIES and #TRUSTED_HOSTS lines.

32 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 15
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 17 - 18
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 22 - 32

Both of these are now set in a config file. And while you could still set an environment variable and reference it from that config file, the recipe no longer ships with these comments. I'm not sure why this caused a conflict, but let's delete them.

Changes to services.yaml

The next conflict is up in config/services.yaml. This one is pretty simple. This is our config and below, the new config. The recipe removed the App\Controller\ entry. This... was never needed unless you make super-fancy controllers that do not extend AbstractController. It was removed from the recipe for simplicity. It also looks like the updated recipe reformats the exclude onto multiple lines, which is nice. So let's take their version entirely.

30 lines | config/services.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 8
// ... lines 10 - 18
resource: '../src/'
- '../src/DependencyInjection/'
- '../src/Entity/'
- '../src/Kernel.php'
// ... lines 25 - 30

Changes to src/Kernel.php

The final conflict is in src/Kernel.php... where you can see that our side has a bunch of code in it... and their side has nothing.

Remember how I mentioned that configureRoutes() was moved into MicroKernelTrait? Well it turns out that all of these methods were moved into MicroKernelTrait. So unless you have some custom logic - which is pretty rare - you can delete everything.

12 lines | src/Kernel.php
// ... lines 1 - 7
class Kernel extends BaseKernel
use MicroKernelTrait;

Ok, back at the terminal, let's add those three files:

git add .env config/services.yaml src/Kernel.php

And then run

git status

to see what else the recipe update did.

Updated public/index.php, deleted bootstrap.php!

Interesting. It deleted config/bootstrap.php and modified public/index.php. Those are related. Look at the diff of index.php:

git diff --cached public/index.php

This file used to require config/bootstrap.php. And that file's job was to read and set up all the environment variables:

git diff --cached config/

Let's go check out the new public/index.php. Here it is. Now this requires some vendor/autoload_runtime.php. And the file is much shorter than before. What we're seeing is Symfony's new Runtime component in action.

10 lines | public/index.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload_runtime.php';
return function (array $context) {
return new Kernel($context['APP_ENV'], (bool) $context['APP_DEBUG']);

You can check out its introduction blog post to learn more about it.

Basically, the job of booting up Symfony and loading all of the environment variables was extracted into the runtime component. But... we don't actually have that component installed yet... which is why, if we try to refresh the page, we're gonna have a bad time:

Failed to open autoload_runtime.php.

To fix this, head over to your terminal and run:

composer require symfony/runtime

This package includes a Composer plugin... so it's going to ask us if we trust it. Say "yes". Then it installs... and promptly explodes when it tries to clear the cache! Ignore that for now: we'll fix it in a few minutes. It involves updating another recipe.

But if we try our site... it works!

New Environment-Specific Configuration

Ok, we're almost done! Back at the terminal, let's see what else changed:

git status

Notice that it deleted config/packages/test/framework.yaml, but modified config/packages/framework.yaml. This is probably the most common change that you'll see when you update your recipes today.

Open config/packages/framework.yaml. At the bottom... there's a new when@test section.

25 lines | config/packages/framework.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 19
test: true
storage_factory_id: session.storage.factory.mock_file

Starting in Symfony 5.3, you can now add environment-specific config using this syntax. This configuration used to live inside of config/packages/test/framework.yaml. But for simplicity, the recipe deleted that file and just moved that config to the bottom of this file.

Back at the terminal, diff that file... it's hiding two other changes:

git diff --cached config/packages/framework.yaml

The recipe also changed http_method_override to false. That disables, by default, a feature that you probably weren't using anyways. It also set storage_factory_id to session.storage.factory.native. This has to do with how your session is stored. Internally, the key changed from storage_id to storage_factory_id, and it should now be configured.

Environment-Specific Routing Config

Back at the terminal, let's look at the final changes:

git status

Speaking of environment-specific config, you can do that same trick with routing files. See how it deleted config/routes/dev/framework.yaml, but added config/routes/framework.yaml? If we open up config/routes/framework.yaml, yup! It has when@dev and it imports the routes that allow us to test our error pages.

resource: '@FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/routing/errors.xml'
prefix: /_error

This is yet another example of the recipe moving configuration out of the environment directory and into the main configuration file... just for simplicity.

The new preload.php File

Finally, the recipe added a config/preload.php file. This one is pretty simple, and it leverages PHP's preloading functionality.

6 lines | config/preload.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
if (file_exists(dirname(__DIR__).'/var/cache/prod/App_KernelProdContainer.preload.php')) {
require dirname(__DIR__).'/var/cache/prod/App_KernelProdContainer.preload.php';

Essentially, on production, if you point your php.ini, opcache.preload at this file, you'll get a free performance boost! It's that simple. Well... mostly that simple. The only other thing you need to do is restart your web server on every deploy... or PHP-FPM if you're using that. We leverage this at SymfonyCasts for a little extra performance boost.

And... phew! The biggest recipe update is done. So let's add everything and commit. Because next, more recipe updates! But with FrameworkBundle behind us, the rest will be easier and faster.