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Hunting Down the Final Deprecations


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All right team! Let's fix these last few deprecations. One of the trickiest things about these is that, sometimes, they come from third-party bundles. I don't have any examples here, but sometimes you'll get a deprecation and... if you look into it, you'll realize it's not your fault. It's coming from a library or a bundle you're using. When this happens, you need to upgrade that bundle, and hope there's a new version without any deprecations. We actually did have some examples of this way back at the beginning of the tutorial. But... we've already run composer update a few times, and have, apparently, upgraded all of our dependencies to versions without deprecations. Yay, efficiency!


Ok, let's take a look at this list. It says that, in Symfony 5.1, ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN is deprecated and we should use IS_IMPERSONATOR instead. You can show the context or trace to try to get more info, like where this is coming from. It isn't always obvious... and that's one of the trickiest things about deprecations. But this one is coming from base.html.twig.

Great! Open templates/base.html.twig and search for "previous_admin". In an earlier tutorial, we used this to check if we are currently impersonating a user with Symfony's switch_user feature. If we are, we changed the background to red to make it really obvious.

To fix the deprecation, very simply, change this to IS_IMPERSONATOR. Copy that... because there's one other spot on this page where we need to do the same thing: IS_IMPERSONATOR. Done! One less deprecation!

95 lines | templates/base.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 21
// ... line 23
{{ is_granted('IS_IMPERSONATOR') ? 'style="background-color: red !important"' }}
// ... lines 26 - 60
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" aria-labelledby="user-dropdown">
{% if is_granted('IS_IMPERSONATOR') %}
// ... lines 63 - 67
{% endif %}
// ... lines 69 - 71
// ... lines 73 - 79
// ... lines 81 - 95


While we're talking security, open up config/packages/security.yaml and head down to access_control. I have a few entries - /logout, /admin/login - that I want to make absolutely sure are accessible by everyone, even users that are not logged in. To do, we added these rules on top and, previously used IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY. So if I go to /logout, only this access_control is matched... and since the role is IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY access is always granted.

In Symfony 6, IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY has changed to PUBLIC_ACCESS. So use that in both places.

59 lines | config/packages/security.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 38
// ... lines 40 - 41
- { path: ^/logout, role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
- { path: ^/admin/login, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
// ... lines 44 - 59

If you're wondering why we didn't have a deprecation for this... well... it's a rare case where Symfony is unable to catch that deprecated path and show it to us. This doesn't happen very often, but it's a situation where a tool like SymfonyInsight can help catch this.... even when Symfony itself can't.

The Deprecated Session Service

Okay, the last deprecation on the list says:

SessionInterface aliases are deprecated, use $requestStack->getSession() instead. It's being referenced by the LoginFormAuthenticator service.

Let's go check that out! Open src/Security/LoginFormAuthenticator.php. Ahh. I'm autowiring the SessionInterface service. In Symfony 6, that service no longer exists. There are some technical reasons for this... but long story short, the session wasn't ever, really a true service. What you're supposed to do now is get it from the Request.

So, no big deal. Remove the SessionInterface constructor argument... and we don't need this use statement anymore either.

86 lines | src/Security/LoginFormAuthenticator.php
// ... lines 1 - 21
class LoginFormAuthenticator extends AbstractLoginFormAuthenticator
// ... lines 24 - 27
public function __construct(private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, private UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator)
// ... lines 31 - 84

Now search for "session". We're using it down in onAuthenticationSuccess(). Fortunately, this already passes us the$request object! So we can just say $request->getSession().

86 lines | src/Security/LoginFormAuthenticator.php
// ... lines 1 - 60
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, string $firewallName): Response
if ($targetPath = $this->getTargetPath($request->getSession(), $firewallName)) {
// ... line 64
// ... lines 66 - 67
// ... lines 69 - 86

Hunting Down the Final Deprecations

Done! So... did we do it? Have we achieved zero deprecations and spiritual enlightenment? Go back to the homepage, refresh and... we did! Well, at least that first part... no deprecations! And if we surf around our site a bit... I'm not seeing any deprecations on any of these pages!

Does this mean we're done? Well, we've manually tested all of the pages that we can click on. But what about POST requests... like submitting the login or registration forms? And what about API endpoints? We have one called /api/me... which doesn't work because I'm not logged in. Log back in as "abraca_admin@example.com" with password "tada" and then... yea, /api/me works.

We can't see the web debug toolbar for this request, but I bet you already know the trick. Go to /_profiler to see the last ten requests. Here's the POST request to /login. Go down to Logs. Great! That had no deprecations. Go back and also check the API endpoint. If we look at Logs again, it also had no deprecations. We're on a roll!

Another option, instead of checking the profiler all the time, is to go over to your terminal and tail the log file:

tail -f var/log/dev.log

This will constantly stream any new logs. Actually, hit "ctrl" + "C" and run that again, but grep for deprecation:

tail -f var/log/dev.log | grep deprecation

Perfect. Now, if any logs come through that contain the word "deprecation", we'll see them. And since deprecated code paths trigger a log in the dev environment, this is a powerful tool.

Deprecated $this->getDoctrine() Method

For example, let's go register as a new user. I'll log out, then "Sign up". It asks me for my name, email, and a password. Click to "Agree" to some made-up terms and submit. Oh, my password is too short: my own validation rules coming back to haunt me! Fix that, hit "Register" again and... it works!

But if we go back to our terminal... rut roo!

Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.4, method AbstractController::getDoctrine() is deprecated. Inject an instance of ManagerRegistry in your controller instead.

It's not easy to see where this is coming from in our code, but we did just register... so let's open up RegistrationController. Ah, it's complaining about this right here: the getDoctrine() method is deprecated.

Instead of using this, we can inject the $entityManager. At the end of the argument list, autowire EntityManagerInterface $entityManager. And... then down here, delete this line because $entityManager is now being injected. Another deprecation gone!

90 lines | src/Controller/RegistrationController.php
// ... lines 1 - 7
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
// ... lines 9 - 16
class RegistrationController extends AbstractController
// ... line 19
public function register(Request $request, UserPasswordHasherInterface $userPasswordHasher, VerifyEmailHelperInterface $verifyEmailHelper, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager): Response
// ... lines 22 - 56
// ... lines 58 - 88

Logging Deprecations on Production

Are we done now? Probably. Our project is pretty small, so checking all the pages manually isn't that big of a deal. But for bigger projects, it might be... a huge deal to check everything manually! And you really want to be sure that you didn't miss anything before you upgrade.

One great option to make sure you didn't miss anything is to log your deprecations on production. Open config/packages/monolog.yaml and go down to when@prod. This has a number of handlers that will log all errors to php://stderr. There's also a deprecation section. With this config, Symfony will log any deprecation messages (that's what this channels: [deprecation] means) to php://stderr.

63 lines | config/packages/monolog.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 40
// ... lines 44 - 58
type: stream
channels: [deprecation]
path: php://stderr

This means that you can deploy, wait for an hour, day or week, then... just check the log! If you want to log to a file instead, change the path to something like %kernel.logs_dir%/deprecations.log.

So that's my favorite thing to do: deploy it, and then see - in the real world - whether or not anyone is still hitting deprecated code paths.

At this point, I'm not seeing any more deprecations on our web debug toolbar, so I think we're done! And that means we're ready for Symfony 6! Let's do the upgrade next!