2708 search results for Doctrine

Decorating the CollectionProvider

... they've decided to rebel! Let's pop open the failed response. Hmm: More than one result was found for query, although one row or none was expected. If you view the page source, this is coming from Doctrine... and eventually ...

Using GROUP BY to Fetch Count in 1 Query

... Doctrine Query. This stuff is just weird, cool and fun. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. If you encounter any crazy situation that we haven't thought about, have any questions, or pictures of your cat, we're always here for you down in the comments. Alright, see you next time!


... fortuneCookie.categoryId = and then the integer ID. But in Doctrine, we don't think about the tables or columns: we focus on the entities. And, there is no categoryId property on FortuneCookie. Instead, when we say ...

State Processors Hashing the User Password

... deserialized onto the User object, but before it's saved. In our tutorial about API platform 2, we used a Doctrine listener for this, which would still work. Though, it does some negatives, like being super magical - it's ...

Query Extension Auto-Filter a Collection

... Except... that won't quite work. Why? The CollectionProvider from Doctrine executes the query and returns the results. So all we would be able to do is take those results... then hide the ones we don't want. That's ...

Embedded Write

... Doctrine failed because we never told it to persist the new User object. Though... that's not the point: the point is that we don't want a new User! We want to grab the existing owner and update its username. By the way, to ...

Relating Resources

... our Doctrine tutorial. But since this isn't on production, we can cheat and just to turn the database off and on again. To do that run: symfony console doctrine:database:drop --force ...

Filters Searching Results

... called BooleanFilter that we'll use now and another called SearchFilter that we'll use in a few minutes. Pass this BooleanFilter - the one from ORM, since we're using the Doctrine ORM - because we want to allow the user ...

Operations Endpoints

API Platform works by taking a class like DragonTreasure and saying that you want to expose it as a resource in your API. We do that by adding the ApiResource attribute: Right now, we're putting this above a Doctrine ...

Swagger UI Interactive Docs

... is that our API did return a list of all of the DragonTreasures we currently have, which is just this one. So in just a few minutes of work, we have a fully featured API for our Doctrine entity. That is cool. Copy the ...

Builder in Symfony with a Factory

... actually have Doctrine installed in this project, so instead of the EntityManager, let's require LoggerInterface $logger... and I'll again add private in front to turn that into a property: Then, down in buildCharacter ...

Adding new Properties

... doctrine:migrations:list you'll see that it recognizes both migrations and it knows that it has not executed the second one. To do that, run: symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate Doctrine is ...

docker-compose Exposed Ports

... be super easy. To start, remember when the Doctrine recipe asked us if we wanted Docker configuration? Because we said yes, the recipe gave us docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml files. When Docker boots ...

Extending with Events

... go to any question... it says "Updated By", "Null". Our goal is to set that field automatically when a question is updated. A great solution for this would be to use the doctrine extensions library and its "blameable ...

When a Migration Falls Apart

... not required: it does allow null... which is not what we want. But fixing this is easy: ask Doctrine to generate one more migration: symfony console make:migration This is really ...

Type Validation

... must be an int, string given. This is cool. When the deserializer does its work, it first tries to figure out what type the field should be, which we know it does in a number of different ways, like reading Doctrine ...

Output Properties Metadata

... know what type title will be. And... that's no surprise! When we serialize a CheeseListing entity, API Platform can use the Doctrine metadata above the title property to figure out that it's a string: But in this case ...

Custom Filter for Custom Resources

... difference is that the apply() method has different arguments than filterProperty()... which makes sense because that method was all about querying via Doctrine. Before we start filling this in, go to src/Entity ...

Custom Resource PUT Operation

... we added a bunch of built-in filters to allow users to search and filter the results: But what if the built-in filters aren't enough? What if we need to add some custom filtering logic? Let's do that next by first creating a custom filter for a Doctrine entity and later creating a custom filter for our DailyStats resource.

Custom Paginator

When an API resource is a Doctrine entity like CheeseListing, life is good! We get tons of things for free, like pagination, access to a bunch of pre-built filters and one time I swear I got free pizza. But... these ...
