2708 search results for Doctrine

... `- Removing doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle (1.3.5) - Removing fzaninotto/faker (v1.8.0) - Removing jdorn/sql-formatter (v1.2.17) - Removing symfony/contracts (v1.1.5) - Removing symfony/test-pack (v1.0.6) - Removing ...
You mention in the video to not bother with the version info on the composer command for the doctrine-migration-bundle, but the installation failed for me without it. When I used the entire command given at on the ...
Andy @ melt
Andy @ melt
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Hi Guys: Is it possible to roll back you doctrine schema. I know you are going to introduce Doctrine Migrations bundle for the following lesson. But my old project doesn't have Doctrine Migrations bundle, and I want ...
... That's probably not a bad idea - I try to avoid Doctrine listeners if I can, and instead do work in services, and call those services when needed. Doctrine is great, but Doctrine listeners are a weird place, where you're already right in the middle of saving something. Not a bad policy to avoid :). Cheers!
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... //symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/custom_dql_functions.html Doctrine docs: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/current/cookbook/dql-user-defined-functions.html Cheers!
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Hey 3amprogrammer , You're right, Doctrine relates to the database, but also it relates to the data in common. Doctrine has a nice doctrine/cache library which helps to cache data, i.e. you could easily cache data which you fetch from a database, which in turn reduce a database server loading. Cheers! ...
Hey |mention:76041| That's a good question. I believe Doctrine does not support setter methods. They are not explicit about it in the docs though https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/dql-doctrine-query-language.html#new-operator-syntax I'd just give it a try to confirm it Cheers! ...
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... "Doctrine itself doesn't come with any pagination features." "Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator" is there at least from 2013 (version 2.4). It is very simple to compare with KnpPagination Bundle, but it is there. This pure doctrine paginator is also used in the Symfony FastTrack book.
Hey davidmintz The `doctrine/cache` library was deprecated some time ago. I'm not sure how you ran into this problem but I'm guessing you upgraded the DoctrineBundle library. Try upgrading all doctrine libraries by running ``` composer upgrade "doctrine/*" ``` and clear the cache manually just in case `rm -rf var/cache` ...
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Cheers! And yea, I think Doctrine is much harder than Symfony :). Doctrine gets tricky with relationships, and it really just comes down to getting the configuration correct, then everything works nicely. Doctrine is ...
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... FYI it's not compatible with Symfony 4.4 and you will need to change some files `src/Repository/ImagePostRepository.php ` replace `Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface` with `Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry ...
Robert W.
Robert W.
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Hey Nizar To remove the generate images by the bundle you can use its Cache service and call `remove()` on it passing the path to the file. And, you can make it automatic if you create a Doctrine listener for hooking ...
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Unbelievable that a mature orm framerowk like Doctrine doesn't support having attributes on a many-to-many relationship. To me that's enough to dismiss Doctrine as garbage and start looking for alternatives. What is disturbing is that Symfony seems to "promote" Doctrine as the go-to choice for orm. ...
Matteo S.
Matteo S.
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Hi Marcus S.! Yes, thanks for sharing! Doctrine recently released a few new major versions (doctrine/common 3 and doctrine/persistence 2) and it's temporarily wreaking a small bit of havoc on things :p.You described it very well and the solution. Thanks! ...
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... Ohh you're on Symfony 4.4 and you're using DoctrineBundle 2.x - You didn't download the course code, did you? :) The problem is the `doctrine/cache` library, you can try removing it or, probably a better solution would be to downgrade `doctrine/doctrine-bundle` to version 1 (you're on version 2)
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Great overview Ryan. One thing I don't understand. You don't configure the eventsubscriber in the services.yml and it works out-of-the-box. But when I want to subscribe to a doctrine event I have to put it explicitely ...
Paul Rijke
Paul Rijke
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Hey Mamour W. At the moment we don't have a Doctrine tutorial based on Symfony5 but we do have a couple you might be interested. These are based on Symfony4 but majority of the content is still relevant https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations Cheers! ...
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Ah, thank you! It'll be covered in the new Doctrine tutorial (near the end) which will start coming out this week: http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine. Here's a preview on the script (https://github.com ...
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Hey Romain L.! Thanks for the report! It looks like there is a bug in PHP 7.4 and doctrine/orm - it requires doctrine/orm version 2.7.1 or higher to fix it. We're going to work to upgrade affected tutorials, but you can (for now) work around the issue by running: ``` composer up doctrine/orm --with-dependencies ``` Cheers! ...
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Hey Parham A. I think it's not possible because EasyAdminBundle relies on Doctrine and it does not support DynamoDb, you can see all the platforms that Doctrine supports here: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects ...
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