1545 search results for symfony bundle

Hi again! :) I have a question for you. In the last tutorials from Symfony 2 and 3, if I'm not wrong we were using the FOSUserBundle to manage this part and it was really helpful. I used it too this bundle and now I'm ...
... the bundles into your app :). First, in both cases, yea, it's common to have an assets/ or Resources/assets directory in your bundle. And then, a controllers subdirectory is fine - you can organize that part however ...
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Hi! It looks like I don't have `bin/.phpunit` in my bundle's vendor. In my local bundle I have the following `vendor/bin` structure: ``` │ .phpunit.result.cache │ simple-phpunit │ simple-phpunit.bat │ var-dump ...
Boolean T.
Boolean T.
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Complex Symfony2 Examples Users Menus CMS Features

... one way to enforce security from within a controller: use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException; // ... public function indexAction() { } On the surface, isGranted simply checks to see if the ...

CSV Export

... bundle. If you scroll down a little bit, you'll find a block called global_actions. Ah, it looks like it's rendering the search field. The global_actions block represents this area on top. In other words, if we want to add a ...

... the tutorial - for reference, here's what the recipe gives you out-of-the-box - https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/90f05b162bcf87755eafb73f5ae4f4f8a1b8f1ef/symfony/mercure-bundle/0.3/manifest.json#L18-L44 - and see if it makes a difference or not. I'm curious! Cheers!
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HI team ! i had a problem when installing KnpTimeBundle showed as: ` Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - symfony/config v5.1.0 requires php >=7.2.5 -> your PHP ...
Explore Environments Config Files

... all. This could be called hal9000.yaml and not change a thing. The important part is the root key, which tells Symfony which bundle is being configured. Usually, the filename matches the root key... ya know for sanity ...

Making a Twig Extension Filter

... Because, that bundle also gave us a service that provided a custom Twig filter. We could suddenly say {{ answer|markdown }} and that would process the answer through the markdown parser: The only problem is that this ...

Dispatching Custom Events

What if a user wants to change the behavior of our controller? Symfony does have a way to override controllers from a bundle... but not if that controller is registered as a service, like our controller. Well, ok ...

Finishing framework Config

... be needed... well, starting in Symfony 4.0.2... there was a small bug. Since I'm using 4.0.1, I'll keep it. Let's go check on Composer. It downloads the package and... explodes! CSRF protection needs sessions to be ...

Customize everything with Events

... you can see that this is page rendered by RegistrationController. Back in my editor I'll press Shift+Shift and look for RegistrationController in the bundle. Specifically, registerAction() is responsible for both rendering ...

I am experiencing some strange behavior. I am using Symfony 6.3 and have both required the encore bundle (v2.1.1) and stimulus bundle (v2.12.0) separately. I have installed all dependencies via composer and npm. When I ...
... \EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\ActionDto #} {# @var entity \EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto #} {% set confirmationMessage = action.getHtmlAttributes()['data-confirmation-message']|default('') %} {% if ...
... that library in the future (you also typically do *not* commit the vendor/ directory to version control - e.g. git) 2) But, in general, you have described a very valid question: "How can I put CSS/JS into my bundle, and ...
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Hello, guys. Great course, but I'm having a problem. After extracting "start" folder from archive, installing all bundles with "composer install" and running local server with "symfony serve -d" I'm able to see ...
Ruslan I.
Ruslan I.
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Hi Andrew! Wow, this is really interesting what you've done! The compile() step runs the "compiler pass" process (https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony-journey-di/compiler-passes) - a series of functions that ...
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... ; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class MovieController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/movies/new", name="movies_new") */ public function newAction() { return $this->render('movie/new.html.twig', array()); } }`
Steven L.
Steven L.
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Hey Renaud G.! Hmm, let's see if we can pull all of this apart :). It seems to me (but correct me if I'm wrong!) That your intention is to: A) Allow your bundle to have a `secret_key` configuration option B) Allow a ...
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... Ah, it's cool - it will hopefully be a good explanation to *someone* who is wondering all of that :). In short: there is no point to the extra "middle" level "layout.twig" file. Early in Symfony, we tended to over ...
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