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Finishing framework Config

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Let's finish this! Back on debug:config, search for default_locale. Apparently, it's already set to en. Cool! Let's remove that from config.yml. You can move it if you want: the translator did add a locale parameter. I'll delete it.

Migrating csrf_protection

Close a few files: I want to keep comparing config.yml and framework.yaml. In config.yml, we have csrf_protection activated. Ok, so uncomment it in framework.yaml. Then, remove it from config.yml. Let's also remove serializer: I wasn't using it before. If you are, run composer require serializer to activate it. No config is needed.

16 lines | config/packages/framework.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 3
csrf_protection: ~
// ... lines 5 - 16

Ok, let's see if we broke anything! Run:


Woh! We're busted!

CSRF support cannot be enabled as the Security CSRF component is not installed.

Ohhhh. Like translation and form, csrf_protection activates a component that we don't have installed! No problem! Go back to symfony.sh and search for "csrf". There it is! Run:

composer require security-csrf

By the way, once this is installed, the csrf_protection key in framework.yaml should not be needed... well, starting in Symfony 4.0.2... there was a small bug. Since I'm using 4.0.1, I'll keep it.

Let's go check on Composer. It downloads the package and... explodes!

CSRF protection needs sessions to be enabled

Enabling Sessions

Ah, sessions. They are off by default. Uncomment this config to activate them. Sessions are a bit weird, because, unlike translator or csrf_protection, you can't activate them simply by requiring a package. You need to manually change this config. It's no big deal, but it's the one part of framework config that isn't super smooth.

16 lines | config/packages/framework.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 7
# With this config, PHP's native session handling is used
handler_id: ~
// ... lines 11 - 16

Oh, and notice that this config is a bit different than before. In Symfony 3, we stored sessions in var/sessions. And you can still totally do this. But the new default tells PHP to store it on the filesystem wherever it wants. It's just one less thing to worry about: PHP will handle all the file permissions.


Just remember: when you change your session storage location, your users will lose their current session data when you first deploy!

Remove the old session configuration. Let's see if the app works!



Migrate Twig

We're getting close! Next is templating. This component still exists, but isn't recommended anymore. Instead, you should use twig directly. So, delete it.


If your app references the templating service, you'll need to change that to twig.

But our app does use Twig. So find your terminal. Oh, let's commit first: I want to see what the Twig recipe does. Create a calm and sophisticated commit message. Now run:

composer require twig

Yay aliases! This added TwigBundle, and Flex installed its Recipe. Run:

git status

Ah, this made some cool changes! First, in config/bundles.php, it automatically enabled the bundle. Flex does this for every bundle. I love that!

It also added a config/packages/twig.yaml file. Where do templates live in a Flex app? You can see it right here! In templates/ at the root of our project. And hey! It even created that directory for us with base.html.twig inside.

The config in twig.yaml is almost the same as our old app. Copy the extra form_themes and number_format keys, delete the old config, and paste them at the bottom of twig.yaml.

paths: ['%kernel.project_dir%/templates']
debug: '%kernel.debug%'
strict_variables: '%kernel.debug%'
thousands_separator: ','
- bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig
- _formTheme.html.twig

Oh, and the recipe gave us something else for free! Any routes in config/routes/dev are automatically loaded, but only in the dev environment. The recipe added a twig.yaml file there with a route import. This helps you debug and design your error pages. All of this stuff is handled automatically.

resource: '@TwigBundle/Resources/config/routing/errors.xml'
prefix: /_error

Now that we know that template files should live in templates/, let's move them there! Open app/Resources/views. Copy all of the files and paste them. And yes, we do want to override the default base.html.twig.

Perfect! Now, celebrate: completely remove app/Resources/views. Actually, woh! We can delete all of Resources/! Our app/ directory is getting really small!

Migrating trusted_hosts, fragments & http_method_override

We're now down to the final parts of framework. So what about trusted_hosts, fragments and http_method_override? Remove all of those. And in framework.yaml, uncomment fragments.

16 lines | config/packages/framework.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 12
fragments: ~
// ... lines 14 - 16

If you run:

bin/console debug:config framework

you'll see that the other keys already default to the old values. Yep, http_method_override is still true and trusted_hosts is already empty.

Migrating assets

This leaves us with one last key: assets. And guess what? This enables a component. And right now, in debug:config, you can see that assets is enabled: false.

Install it:

composer require asset

It installs the component, but this time, there is no recipe. But run debug:config again:

./bin/console debug:config framework

Search for "asset". Ha, yes! It enabled itself.

Ok: delete the framework key. This is huge! I know I know, it feels like we still have a lot of work to do. But that's not true! With framework out of the way, we are in the home stretch!