1545 search results for symfony bundle

... looking for some bundle or something to add something simple to an existing project. Recently, Sulu was made Symfony 6.x compatible, so I jumped on it. And I'm very, very happy with the CMS part. The documentation is a ...
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... /54015cccf0236bbdb38cd5abae5b2bdc89aa8ac2/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebProfilerBundle/EventListener/WebDebugToolbarListener.php#L140 . IF that is found, it injects a bunch of JavaScript onto your page. You can see this if you "view source" in your browser ...
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... activates this: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/symfony/webpack-encore-bundle/1.9/config/packages/assets.yaml The tl;dr is this: I think that somehow you have this `json_manifest_path` config already in your ...
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... - they cache the Doctrine annotations and how it *builds* the queries (not the results). But thanks to the prod config that you get out-of-the-box - https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/doctrine/doctrine-bundle ...
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... of it for us: Symfony automatically adds that tag when it sees that our controller service implements the interface. However, in "bundle land", we don't use autowiring or autoconfiguration (to keep things explicit ...
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Setting up Webpack Encore

... git add . And... looks good: So commit everything: To install Encore, run: composer require encore:1.14.0 This installs WebpackEncoreBundle. Remember, a bundle is a Symfony ...

The Important CLI Options phpunit.xml.dist

... before I forget, Google for "Symfony PHPUnit Bridge" to find a special component that lives in Symfony.com: symfony/phpunit-bridge. This is a wrapper around PHPUnit that adds a couple of extra features like deprecation ...

... SensioFrameworkExtraBundle - i.e. a *Bundle*... not actually from the core of Symfony, which is shared by Drupal. So... it depends on how you define "without too much pain" :). And actually, it would be kind of fun to ...
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Hi, and thank you for your courses, I just updated my subscription back to start learning again. But, I'm a bit frustrated by this new Symfony CLI. I can't make it work on my work computer. I've followed all the ...
Turbo Your Single Page App

... Symfony has a bundle that helps integrate it. Find your terminal and run: composer require symfony/ux-turbo This time, the recipe made two interesting changes. I'll show you. The ...

Debugging with the Amazing Profiler

Symfony boasts some of the most epic debugging tools of all the Internet. But because Symfony apps start so small, we don't even have them installed yet. Time to fix that. Head over to your terminal and, like before ...

Mapping Assets

... bundles can add their own AssetMapper paths to make their own files available publicly. This won't be important for us, but we could point the browser at any files inside that directory of the bundle. Below, we see our ...

Creating your First ApiResource

... treasure. Find your terminal and first run composer require maker --dev to install Maker Bundle. Then run: php bin/console make:entity Perfect ...

Annotation Wildcard Routes

... tiny Symfony app. And... that's fine! In fact, that's the whole philosophy of Symfony: start small and add features when you need them. To add annotations support, we'll use Composer to require a new package. If you ...

phpunit-bridge routing Recipes

... in .env.test. Revert it with: git checkout .env.test Woo! Let's find out what recipes we have left: composer recipes Woh! Only 3 main Symfony repositories left: security-bundle, translation and validator. Let's do those next.

... /symfony/blob/4.4/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebServerBundle/Resources/router.php > The problem is here that I can't work properly with symfony server because every request has a 2 second delay (TTFB). Wow! That's super weird! Have ...
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... ": "C:\\CODES\\FORMATION\\TutoModuleComment\\vendor\\doctrine\\doctrine-bundle\\Mapping\\MappingDriver.php", "line": 42, "args": [ [ "string", "ApiPlatform\\Metadata\\Post ...
Hey shing! Great question :). And... no! In Symfony 4, you never create or have a bundle in your app (you of course still install third-party bundles, but no bundles in src). The reason we didn't make this change until ...
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Had trouble loading doctrine-fixtures-bundle and nelmio/alice... when trying to do the require --dev for them I got all kinds of errors about symfony/symfony 3.1.4 satisfiable by v3.1.4 and so forth....on a bunch of ...
Hey Yehuda Am-Baruch! Hmm, yes, I agree with your assessment! I also think that Symfony/Doctrine is still not reading the annotations! Your configuration in config.yml should be ok, but let's change it back to how it ...
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