1545 search results for symfony bundle

Hey Colin, First of all, thank you for your kind feedback about this course and the bundle in general, that's really made our day! About your question, hm, are you sure you want to use exactly TomSelect? Looks like ...
... user that should be authenticated on your website. I'd recommend you to look at https://github.com/knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle if you're interested in implementing OAuth in a Symfony application :) Cheers!
Hey MolloKhan, Thank you for your reply. I succeeded to use the oneup/flysystem-bundle with FilesystemOperator interface. When I use the command symfony console debug:container flysystem, I don't have ...
... (SymfonyCasts !! keuzevak)\Uitwerkingen\5. Symfony Security - Beautiful Authentication, Powerful Authorization\vendor\doctrine\doct !! rine-migrations-bundle\DependencyInjection/../Resources/config/).``` I've ...
Why doesn't this work
Why doesn't this work
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Hey Stileex, Doctrine bundle does not do any rollbacks manually. If you have an automated deploy script - you should care about doing those rollbacks on failed migration execution, i.e. literally execute another ...
... to replicate my own code. All this comes as I said before because I have created a website with a FULL CMS with the new Symfony structure. Now I am going to create another website where I will use "almost" all of the ...
Jose carlos C.
Jose carlos C.
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Interesting, but I seem to have a problem when requiring the the blackfire-sdk. As it requires the composer/ca-bundle 1.2.7 I get the following error : "Attempted to call an undefined method named "getName" of class ...
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... suggest me all the files that contain "liip" text in its filename. Also, Symfony has a few commands that help you working with configs: $ bin/console config:dump-reference It dumps the *default ...
... MakerBundle in "require" section instead of "require-dev" of your composer.json. I.e. you need to install it with: $ composer require symfony/maker-bundle i.e. without --dev at the end of this command. Oh, and don't forget ...
... would need to register it. I suppose it should be done the same way as you did for monolog service? :) How did you register it? Just do the same steps for validator. But there's no validator bundle, the integration of ...
Hey Amin! That is *super* weird. I can't think of a reason why Docker would make a difference. When you call the `reset()` in your code, you are simply calling this method: https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore ...
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Hey Bagar, Ah, I see... well, since it's just a deprecation - it should still work, most probably until Symfony 5.0 where all the deprecations will be removed, but I see your point. There's another bundle called ...
Thank for the reply! But, I was rather thinking about the process of choosing version constraints more than how to enforce them. I'm sorry, that wasn't very clear. For example: let's say I need a class from a symfony ...
Victor Toulouse
Victor Toulouse
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... Ah, it's a same problem of deleting from an inverse side of a relation. We've faced it here in Symfony 3 track: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/collections/saving-inverse-side-collection https://knpuniversity.com ...
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Stimulus Writing Pro JavaScript

... Stimulus is a JavaScript library, but Symfony has a bundle that helps integrate it. Over at your terminal, if you want to see what the recipe does, commit your changes. I already have. Then run ...

... # simple-phpunit is the PHPUnit wrapper provided by the PHPUnit Bridge component and # it helps with testing legacy code and deprecations (composer require symfony/phpunit-bridge) - ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit $PHPUNIT_FLAGS ``` Can you please help me with this? It's the last step for me to say, that my bundle works 100% well :)
Boolean T.
Boolean T.
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... execute in the "test" environment - you can see that here - https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/4b2b64a97f39ea6a884f7553c962ed537c38d6ca/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Test/KernelTestCase.php#L112 But, if you set ...
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... //github.com/petre-symfony/Rest-Symfony-With-Api-Platform-Bundle-Tested-With-Behat.git repository with all the detailed steps. In the last commit I want to share the context from FeatureContext into ApiExtendedContext ...
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... (Request)) in E:\code\symfony\phpstorm\web\app_dev.php line 28 at require('E:\code\symfony\phpstorm\web\app_dev.php') in E:\code\symfony\phpstorm\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Resources\config\router_dev.php line 40
... /symfony/blob/1de42a5f0806ee5291943ad8337e06d9a93c98a5/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/DependencyInjection/FrameworkExtension.php#L430-L431 This ultimately means that Symfony's form system keeps a "reference" to your ...
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