1545 search results for symfony bundle

Hello again, if I run `./node_modules/.bin/encore dev`, I cannot create the Webpack bundle and get the following error: ``` $ ./node_modules/.bin/encore dev Running webpack ... Invalid configuration object. Webpack ...
Anton Bagdatyev
Anton Bagdatyev
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Great to hear that it’s on your todo! 1.) Best method of integrating it into Symfony (Have you used the FOS Bundle or did you “manually” integrate it into Symfonycasts website?) 2.) An advanced use case, that I ...
Hey Twan! We won't cover that in this tutorial - but we might in a future Symfony 5 tutorial :). But, here are some tips I can give you: A) First, there is a bundle to help with this! I highly recommend checking it ...
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I have debugged and found prolbem is same as for this guy:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40566647/symfony-3-fb-login-after-oauth-login-flow-i-go-back-at-login-page-because-the and there is an answer. Does that ...
Lijana Z.
Lijana Z.
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... /screencast/symfony-fundamentals/markdown-bundle#codeblock-bd30ef152a . Basically, if you will stick to the exact code in this tutorial - you won't have this problem. Well, in your case when you intentionally add some spaces ...
... than once. About migration, it can be doctrine migration bundle where you can create a migration, e.g. with "bin/console make:migration" command if you have MakerBundle installed. But in more complex examples, like in ...
... support is incomplete or something - I'm not sure. If you try to find a OAuth2 client library for Twitter (which you could then use with this bundle), there are a few - but they are all basically abandoned and maybe ...
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... registration system? Documentation around the internet about this seems pretty sparse. Tutorials about this are mostly all outdated using symfony 2 and 3. I see there is a package knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle, but I'm ...
... stops the rest of the listeners. 2) I see you're extending ContainerAware and this is giving you a `$this->container` property. Where did you get this code from? I don't think this is a core feature of Symfony itself ...
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... update the user 1 with the email from another user. I also saw in this link from symfony how to integrate FOSUserBundle with EasyAdmin (https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/integration/fosuserbundle.html ...
... Hey, I'm trying to implement FOSUserBundle with guard on Symfony 4.1. As steevenDS pointed out there are 2 errors with the constructor type hints : EntityManager and PasswordEncoder that need to be set to their ...
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... \Mojang\Uuid: ~ UTM\FactionBundle\Twig\Extension\FactionExtension: ~ ``` ``` namespace UTM\CoreBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class CoreController extends Controller ...
... ; return $this; } } ?> ``` Controller: ``` namespace AppBundle\Controller; use AppBundle\Entity\Blog; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Symfony\Bundle ...
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Greetings, Ryan! Thank you for a very useful piece of advice concerning testing private services from inside the bundle test suite. As an idea, it's a great way to get access to a private service object. So I ended up ...
Volodymyr T.
Volodymyr T.
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... when it's not, we want to make it obvious. The fact that the tutorial doesn't work with PHP 7.4 definitely motivates us to upgrade it ;). **2) About `composer require --dev liip/functional-test-bundle:^1.9` not working ...
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Persisting to the Database

... DoctrineBundle. From the Symfony Fundamentals course, you might remember that the main thing that a bundle gives us is new services in the container. And even though Doctrine is super powerful, it turns out that there is just one ...

Hey Shairyar! Ok, nice job with this! Creating extensions can be challenging, but you also don't need an extension class unless you're building a re-usable bundle. Otherwise - it's overkill: if you want to set a ...
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Using Symfony Forms with Rich Domain Models

Welcome. Hi. Hello. The stage is huge, it's intimidating, but we're pretty happy that so many of you joined us. And we're talking about Symfony forms. So who have you used Symfony forms before? Oh, that's an easy one ...

... \Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route; use Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface; class HomeController extends ...
Hey symfonycast peeps I love love love your screencasts and tutorials! It is so nice to see how things get done in symfony and how things really work. Your projects are always fun to code along :) I have one question ...
Tobias I.
Tobias I.
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