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Login SubscribeAunque actualice la página, ahora que nuestros mensajes no se gestionan inmediatamente... las cuatro fotos más recientes no tienen a Ponka. ¡Eso es trágico! En su lugar, esos mensajes fueron enviados al transporte doctrine
y están esperando pacientemente dentro de una tabla messenger_messages
Entonces... ¿cómo podemos volver a leerlos y procesarlos? Necesitamos algo que pueda recuperar cada fila una a una, deserializar cada mensaje de vuelta a PHP, y luego pasarlo al bus de mensajes para que sea realmente manejado. Esa "cosa" es un comando especial de la consola. Ejecuta:
php bin/console messenger:consume
No verás ninguna salida... todavía... pero, a no ser que hayamos estropeado algo, esto está haciendo exactamente lo que necesitamos: leer cada mensaje, deserializarlo y enviarlo de vuelta al bus para que lo maneje.
Así que... vamos a refrescar. ¡Woh! ¡Ha funcionado! ¡Los 4 mensajes tienen ahora Ponka! ¡Estamos salvados!
messenger:consume -vv
Para hacer esto más interesante, como puedes ver, dice que ejecutes este comando con-vv
si quieres ver lo que está haciendo entre bastidores. Pero... interesante, una vez que el comando ha terminado de leer y manejar los 4 mensajes... no ha abandonado: sigue ejecutándose. Y si lo reiniciamos con -vv
al final:
php bin/console messenger:consume -vv
... hace lo mismo. Un comando que "maneja" mensajes de una cola se llama "trabajador". Y el trabajo de un trabajador es observar y esperar a que se añadan nuevos mensajes a la cola y manejarlos en el momento en que se añade uno. Espera y ejecuta... ¡para siempre! Bueno, eso no es del todo cierto, pero hablaremos de ello más adelante, cuando hablemos del despliegue.
Volvamos a echar un vistazo a nuestra "cola": la tabla messenger_messages
SELECT * FROM messenger_messages \G
¡Sí! Tiene cero filas porque todos esos mensajes se han procesado y eliminado de la cola. De vuelta al navegador, subamos... qué tal... 5 fotos nuevas. Woh... ¡eso fue increíblemente rápido!
Vale, vale, ¡vuelve al terminal que está ejecutando el trabajador! ¡Podemos ver cómo hace su trabajo! Dice: "Mensaje recibido", "Mensaje gestionado por AddPonkaToImageHandler
" y luego "AddPonkaToImage
se ha gestionado con éxito (reconociendo)". La última parte, "reconociendo", significa que Messenger ha notificado al transporte Doctrine que el mensaje ha sido gestionado y puede ser retirado de la cola.
Luego... sigue con el siguiente mensaje... y el siguiente... y el siguiente... hasta que termina. Así que si refrescamos... ¡Ponka se ha añadido a todos ellos! Hagámoslo de nuevo: sube 5 fotos más. Y... refresquemos y veamos... ¡ahí está Ponka! Podemos ver cómo se manejan poco a poco. ¡Cuánta maravilla Ponka!
Vale, esto molaría más si nuestro JavaScript refrescara automáticamente la imagen cuando se añadiera Ponka... en lugar de tener que refrescar yo la página... pero eso es un tema totalmente diferente, y que está cubierto por el componente Mercure de Symfony.
Y... ¡eso es todo! Este comando messenger:consume
es algo que tendrás que ejecutar en producción todo el tiempo. Por ejemplo, podrías decidir ejecutar varios procesos de trabajo. O, incluso, podrías desplegar tu aplicación en un servidor totalmente diferente -uno que no esté gestionando peticiones web- y ejecutar allí los procesos de trabajo. Así, la gestión de estos mensajes no utilizaría ningún recurso de tu servidor web. Hablaremos más sobre el despliegue más adelante.
Problema: ¿La base de datos no se actualiza?
Porque ahora mismo... tenemos un problema... un problema un poco raro. Actualiza la página. Hmm, las fotos originales dicen algo así como
Ponka visitó hace 13 minutos. Ponka visitó hace 11 minutos.
Pero, como hemos hecho las cosas asíncronas, todas estas dicen
Ponka está durmiendo la siesta. Vuelve pronto.
Abre la entidad ImagePost
y encuentra la propiedad $ponkaAddedAt
. Se trata de un campodatetime
, que registra cuándo se añadió Ponka a la foto. El mensaje en el front-end proviene de este valor.
En el caso de los originales... cuando todo el proceso era sincrónico, este campo se establecía con éxito. Pero ahora... parece que no es así. Comprobemos la base de datos para estar seguros. En MySQL, ejecuta:
SELECT * FROM image_post \G
Al principio... se establecía ponka_added_at
. Pero ahora están todas en null
. Así que... nuestras imágenes se están procesando correctamente, pero, por alguna razón, este campo de la base de datos no lo está. Si miramos dentro deAddPonkaToImageHandler
... sí... justo aquí: $imagePost->markPonkaAsAdded()
. Eso establece la propiedad. Entonces... ¿por qué no se guarda?
Vamos a averiguar qué está pasando y a aprender un poco más sobre algunas "mejores prácticas" a la hora de construir tu clase de mensaje.
Hi Tim K.
First I'd recommend you to reinstall vendors/
and try again. Also you said that it appeared after upgrade to 5.4 I think you already tried to clear caches manually, so you need also to check doctrine updates, may be something is out of sync.

Hello Vladimir,
Thanks for your support!
1) yes, I deleted already the vendor-directory and re-installed with `composer install`.
2) yes, i cleared the cache `./bin/console cache:clear`
3) All other parts of the project seem to work (all test run smoothly ... code-coverage 70%)
4) `composer update`don't show anything left to install (--> Is this what you mean check doctrine updates?)
Any other idea?
hm... which OS and PHP version? do you have multiple PHP versions? probably CLI version is not the same as working Server

Hi Vladimir,
here is local dev-environment:
- MacOS (Monterey 12.3)
- `php -v` (CLI) --> 7.4.27
- `phpinfo()` (webserver) --> 7.4.27
not aware of multiple PHP versions... how would I validate this?
that is ok. Try to run composer outdated
to see the list of outdated packages, also try to remove cache manually.
Also I found you posted an issue to github, and you have platform.php 7.3 as requirement, can you drop it and updated packages? also try to test it without ext xdebug

Hey Vladimir,
i just saw that my answer has not been posted/send... so once again... (I hope it's not double now).
Here is the result:
1) I removed the cache manually (`rm -rf /var/cache`) --> no effect, same error
2) `composer outdated` gave this result
doctrine/dbal 2.13.8 3.3.4 Powerful PHP database abst...
doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle 2.2.3 3.2.2 Symfony DoctrineMigrations...
doctrine/migrations 2.3.5 3.4.1 PHP Doctrine Migrations pr...
doctrine/persistence 2.4.0 2.4.1 The Doctrine Persistence p...
laminas/laminas-code 3.4.1 3.5.1 Extensions to the PHP Refl...
league/html-to-markdown 4.10.0 5.1.0 An HTML-to-markdown conver...
psr/container 1.1.1 2.0.1 Common Container Interface...
symfony/phpunit-bridge v5.4.3 v6.0.3 Provides utilities for PHP...
3) removed `plattform.php 7.3` and `composer update`: --> 3 packages installed --> no effect, same error
- Upgrading doctrine/persistence (2.4.0 => 2.4.1)
- Upgrading laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge (1.4.1 => 1.5.0)
- Upgrading psr/container (1.1.1 => 1.1.2)
4) removed `ext-xdebug` (and added plattform.php 7.3 for my prod-env) --> no effect, same error
Sorry for long waiting. I honestly have no idea what is wrong, probably you can make a bug reproducer on github, so I can look at the code, and test it on my server.

Hello Vladimir.
Thanks again for support!!!
I sorry, but I will not be able to publish the code.
Do you think it could be connected to my local Apache-Server? I know that MacOS internal and homebrew versions fighting sometimes against each other.
I'm not about sharing your private code, but probably you can bootstrap some stub project with issue so we can investigate it =)

Hello Vladimir,
installing latest doctrine-migrations-bundle (3.2.2) solved the issue (see also GitHub). But strange that only the messenger consumption per CLI caused an issue. The rest of the website worked perfect with the previous version.
Anyway ... many thanks for supporting me!!
That's surprising! I'm happy that you find a way to solve issue. I guess something works different in the CLI that's why you didn't faced problem on site, maybe some error handling... not sure =)
You are welcome! Cheers! And happy coding!

Communicating with IoT devices
I'm wondering how to use the Messenger to communicate with IoT devices (using mqtt protocol, but I think Rabbit can already handle that),
so that I can send commands to devices (like "open the door"), and receive messages from device (like "someone with ID card ### wants to get in", or simply its reply to the previuos command "open", like "door opened").
I have to manage 2 (or more) queue?
Thanks and sorry for that stupid question which denotes I don't understand really how to do things... :((
Hey Carlo L.!
Hmm. I'm not really sure - I'm not familiar with mqtt. However, my impression is that this may be a custom enough protocol that you would want to use it directly vs using Messenger to try to use mqtt. My impression is based on the fact that the mqtt support in Rabbit is a plugin, which tells me that it's some special functionality built on top of RabbitMQ. So my guess is that Messenger wouldn't automatically fit well into that, but I could be wrong. In theory, yes, you could "publish" messages (e.g. open the door) to one transport in Messenger and also listen to another transport for messages like (someone with ID card ### wants to get in). That part makes sense to me. But I just don't know what mqtt really is, so I can't give a solid answer.

Hi @weaverryan!
I figured out how to work with mqqt protocol inside RabbitMQ: basically it's about (manually) configure binding keys in RabbitMQ and Messenger, and managing routing keys in messages with AmqpStamp when dispatching (because each device has its own queue). And, of course, creating a custom serializer because communications are in JSON.
(a brief summary: I'm communicating with IoT devices: I send a command message - like "open", the device reply with an event message - "opened"-; or the device may spontaneously transmit an event message - "someone wants to get in", and awaits for my reply - command or event in this case?? it's a reply to an event-).
Now when dispatching a command message, my custom serializer encode method correctly sends data, but (someone) calls the decode method too on the same outgoing message: how to avoid that?? I'm sending this message outside, I don't want to handle that. It's like when putting a message on the bus, it get sent and received in the same time (I'm expecting that when I dispatch, the encode method is called, when I receive, then the decode one, but not both)
(another question: I'm doing correctly in the decode method using a switch/case, based on incoming json, and instantiating and returning the correct message class? But if there's no message to instantiate, what to return from decode and let go on? Maybe I'm doing that in the wrong place?)
Which is the correct way to work with a command message that expects a possible answer?
Sorry for my poor english and thanks for your great work.
Hey Carlo L.!
Nice work! This is generally what I had in mind, but getting it all to work is a whole other thing.
> Now when dispatching a command message, my custom serializer encode method correctly sends data, but (someone) calls the decode method too on the same outgoing message: how to avoid that??
Hmm, I would not expect that. Can you find a stack trace to see who is doing that? That method *should* only be called when your transport is *receiving* a message: - so it sounds to me like, somehow, your transport is receiving the same message that you're sending...
Why would this be happening? If you're exclusively using amqp, then when you dispatch a message into messenger, it will be routed to amqp, and sent to amqp. And that's it. It should not be sent to amqp AND then also handled in your app. And even if it *were*, it wouldn't be decoded: decoding only happens when a message is truly being *received* from the outside. Is it possible that your routing rules are routing the message through amqp and then right back to your transport? You'd want to make sure that your transport is not "listening" on some queue where the message is ultimately sent. This stuff gets complicated, but we talk a bit about it around here:
> (another question: I'm doing correctly in the decode method using a switch/case, based on incoming json, and instantiating and returning the correct message class? But if there's no message to instantiate, what to return from decode and let go on? Maybe I'm doing that in the wrong place?)
Hmm. So you have a situation where you receive a message... but you simply have nothing to do? Like you say "I see this message, but I don't need to do any work or handle it in any way". Is that the idea? If so, I'd create and instantiate a some NoopMessage and a NoopHandler that simply does... nothing. Then create and return NoopMessage in this case.
> Which is the correct way to work with a command message that expects a possible answer?
Afaik, you don't really get an "answer". It's more (and you described this above in your message), that you send a message ("open door") and then, 5ms later, something sends YOU a message "door opened". In this situation, I would have a OpenDoorMessage that I originally dispatch. This is then sent to Amqp and goes through your custom serializer. Then, 5ms later, you will have a transport that "receives" the "door opened" message. In decode() of your custom serializer, you turn this into a DoorOpenedMessage. Then, in a DoorOpenedHandler, you do some work - like maybe save in the database that the door is now open. Or, maybe you do nothing in that handle :).
I don't know if these answers help - but let me know.

I'm not getting any output to the console when running:
bin/console messenger:consume -vvv -e test
Is this normal for messenger when in test mode and does anyone know how to turn on output? (things like message received, displaying exceptions etc).

Hey Fox C.
I'm afraid you'll have to smash your computer with a hammer! J/K
What's happening is for the test environment some log channels are disabled by default. You can enable them by adding this piece of config to your test monolog.yaml
// config/packages/test/monolog.yaml
... (other handlers)
type: console
process_psr_3_messages: false
channels: [ "!event", "!doctrine", "!console" ]

oh nice! thx

Extra info:
- the command runs and processes messages correctly (just no output)
- symfony framework 4.4

My messages aren't being consumed because of a time zone issue that I can't figure out. They are stored with a created_at that is 6 hours ahead.
My php ini time zone setting is correct.
In the terminal I have running the symfony local web server, it shows logs for "Application" and "Web Server".
The [Web Server] logs show the correct time. The [Application] logs show a time 6 hours ahead.
On the symfony web profiler's phpinfo page, underneath the "date" header, the "Default timezone" shows as America/Detroit, but underneath, it shows the "date.timezone" Directive has Local Value and Master Value set to Europe/Berlin.
Why are these different and how can I fix the "Application" time zone?
Hi Nick F.,
Hm... interesting issue. First lets try to debug it:
Do it somewhere in controller to see the values.

In our company We would like to implement rabbitMQ to do few things on our sites. I have read a little bit about "supervisor" and possibilities to work with rabbitMQ. In our team we would like to (if it possible) dynamically change num of processes of workers (e.g if it is 50 messages awaited in queue, one worker will be enough to proccess them, but if number of messages increase dramatically in short period of time then it will be the best to supervisor dynamically changed number of workers whose will be process that messages). I read it is not possible to dynamically change it by supervisor without stop previous workers. Is there another tool which allow to do that without shutting down working workers??
Hey Cristóbal Rejdych!
Excellent question! First, there is not tool at this point in Symfony itself to help with this. It would be great if there were - it's something that I would love to see (but time is short!). Full disclosure - this is a feature that Laravel *does* have (Horizon), but Symfony does not have yet. It works by creating your own custom console command. Its job is to run in a loop, read the size of the each queue, and create worker processes (e.g. messenger:consume command processes) based on their size. Ultimately, you run supervisord to ensure that the main command you've created always has 1 process running. This gives you control over spinning up as many (or as few) worker processes as you want. However, you'll need to make sure you fork the process so that the child worker processes keep running in case the main command dies. Here is an old example in Symfony (from a no-longer-existing server:start command) that you can check out -
There are also other options, that are more related to your infrastructure. For example, you could have some external process that monitors the queue size and then spins up new "worker containers" (if your infrastructure is set up in such a way).
I hope this helps!
Is it possible to not refresh the page every Time, Is there any way to get to change the image on the front automatically ?
Hey ahmedbhs!
Ah yes, definitely! It's kind of a "different topic", which is why we didn't cover it here :). On a high level, you need your frontend JavaScript to be able to get a "notification" from the server that something changed so that it can update the DOM in some way. There are various ways to do this, but the recommended way in our world for sure is Mercure:
Unfortunately, we don't have a tutorial on it yet - it's highly asked for. But I hope this will help.

Hello! I have strange problem with verbose output in messenger:consume command. In video everything works fine at 2:20, but my output freezes at first INFO message no matter what. Example:
`root@7ea27b7cb7c7:/app# php bin/console messenger:consume -vv
[OK] Consuming messages from transports "async".
// The worker will automatically exit once it has received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
22:22:28 INFO [messenger] Received message App\Message\AddPonkaToImage ["message" => App\Message\AddPonkaToImage`
I use Docker with php 7.3.6, symfony/messenger 4.3.9.
There is no error messages in var/log/dev.log (only debug and info), messages are processed successfully.
Other console commands work fine.
Even strace command didn't show me any suspicious behavior.
Do you have any recommendations how to fix or analyze this problem?
<b>UPD.</b> Thanks to Diego, I analyzed my situation more deeply. The problem is in PhpStorm+Docker. Hope it will help someone in the future :)

Hey Dariia M.
That's weird :)
Does it only happens when verbose output is enabled?
What happens if you try to consume a different message? (Maybe a dummy one)

Hi Diego :)
I've created DummyMessage - yes, the problem with freezing is the same. Output is freezing even in non-verbose mode when error starts to display in console.
Updated response: well, I've managed to clone my application from docker to host machine with php 7.4.4. and problem with freezing output is not reproducing. I don't even know - in docker script has 2048 RAM to consume, more than enough, logs are clear...

Ohh, so the problem was that it was running out of memory when trying to print errors?

No, the problem is in running worker from Docker inside PHPStorm terminal :) Updated my first post in discussion.

That's a nice edge case! You may want to report it to PHPStorm website :)
When i upload project to my server ./bin/console messenger:consume -vv
It needs 3 hours to start handle the messages
But when i change created_at and available_at to the past 3 hours ago and run cli again it works immediately
What cause this issue
Hey AhmedWali!
Hmm, it sounds like a possible timezone issue... though I'm not sure. Your server is responsible for both *setting* the original available_at dates AND for setting which values to look for via the queries. So even if your server and database are on different timezones, I would *expect* that it would make no difference. However, I still think this is probably the issue (and I'm missing some detail). What timezone is your server and database in?

Thank you weaverryan
The issue came from timezone i change it and it works
when it try to run this command ./bin/console messenger:consume -vv
it's working well in Sy 4
when i using Sy 5
it didn't work even though i found messages in database
i realized log file return different Datetime formate between my Sy 4 and Sy 5:
Sy 4
SELECT m.* FROM messenger_messages m WHERE (m.delivered_at is null OR m.delivered_at < ?) AND (m.available_at <= ?) AND (m.queue_name = ?) ORDER BY available_at ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE ["2020-02-01 23:26:53","2020-02-02 00:26:53","default"]
Sy 5
SELECT m.* FROM messenger_messages m WHERE (m.delivered_at is null OR m.delivered_at < ?) AND (m.available_at <= ?) AND (m.queue_name = ?) ORDER BY available_at ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE ["2020-02-08T17:55:23+01:00","2020-02-08T18:55:23+01:00","default"]
Mysql version: 5.7
How i can fix it?
Hey Ahmed,
Well done! I'm glad you found the problem yourself! And thanks for letting us know you was able to handle it!
Hi !
I do not see any output to the consume command.
I tried -v, -vv, -vvv with no results. I can see in the database that messages are inserted then deleted, so it works well, but still no output of the worker command.
I use Symfony 4.3, php 7.2, the monolog bundle 3.5.0 and launch the command on ubuntu.
Any idea?
Hey Gilles,
Do you run this command manually? Could you write the exact command you're running? Also, do you run this command in prod or dev environment? Could you try to run the command in the dev env? And please, make sure the cache is cleared. Still no output?

Hello Victor,
Thanks, I do try what you suggest: the following command in dev after clearing the cache. Still, it does not display anything, but messenger is doing its job in the background. Symfony version is @4.3.8.
php ./bin/console messenger:consume -vv async_priority_high async async_priority_low
I should try on another environment and another project to spot the error.
Hey unicolored!
Check that you have this section in your config/packages/dev/monolog.yaml
This is what controls outputting logs to stdout when you're using -v
. If that is NOT the problem, let me know :).

Big thumb up for choosing Vue.js

I'm receiving "No transport supports the given DSN "doctrine://default""
error after setting up my handler and setting the .env key.
Any ideas?

Hey @Sym
If you have Doctrine installed on your project it should just work out of the box. Double check that you are using Doctrine on your project and if that's the case and the problem persists, please, let us know :)

Thank you for the quick response. I have symfony/orm-pack installed and the following bundles relating to doctrine:
Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle\DoctrineCacheBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Also, Doctrine is configured in the .env
Was using an outdated version of symfony/messenger. Didn't realise the transport wasnt introduced until 4.3.

Aha! Excellent, at least it wasn't something bizarre. Cheers!

"Houston: no signs of life"
Start the conversation!
What PHP libraries does this tutorial use?
// composer.json
"require": {
"php": "^7.1.3",
"ext-ctype": "*",
"ext-iconv": "*",
"composer/package-versions-deprecated": "^1.11", // 1.11.99
"doctrine/annotations": "^1.0", // v1.8.0
"doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^1.6.10", // 1.11.2
"doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^1.3|^2.0", // v2.0.0
"doctrine/orm": "^2.5.11", // v2.6.3
"intervention/image": "^2.4", // 2.4.2
"league/flysystem-bundle": "^1.0", // 1.1.0
"phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "^3.0|^4.0", // 4.3.1
"sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^5.3", // v5.3.1
"symfony/console": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/dotenv": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/flex": "^1.9", // v1.21.6
"symfony/framework-bundle": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/messenger": "4.3.*", // v4.3.4
"symfony/property-access": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/property-info": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/serializer": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/validator": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/webpack-encore-bundle": "^1.5", // v1.6.2
"symfony/yaml": "4.3.*" // v4.3.2
"require-dev": {
"easycorp/easy-log-handler": "^1.0.7", // v1.0.7
"symfony/debug-bundle": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/maker-bundle": "^1.0", // v1.12.0
"symfony/monolog-bundle": "^3.0", // v3.4.0
"symfony/stopwatch": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/twig-bundle": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/var-dumper": "4.3.*", // v4.3.2
"symfony/web-profiler-bundle": "4.3.*" // v4.3.2
Hey SymfonyCast-Team,
I hope you can give me a hand on this. After my update to Symfony 5.4
(and other composer updates), my wonderful transport (sending emails) is
exploding and I have following error, which comes from
Do you have an idea what could have happened?
Which transports/receivers do you want to consume?
Choose which receivers you want to consume messages from in order of priority.
Hint: to consume from multiple, use a list of their names, e.g. async_emailing_batch, async_emailing_email, failed
Select receivers to consume: [async_emailing_batch]:
[0] async_emailing_batch
[1] async_emailing_email
[2] failed
> 0
[OK] Consuming messages from transports "async_emailing_batch".
// The worker will automatically exit once it has received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
// Re-run the command with a -vv option to see logs about consumed messages.
In Driver.php line 24:
Attempted to load class "Connection" from namespace "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO".
Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g. "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server\Connection", "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Redis\Transport\Connection", "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Doctrine\Transport\Connection", "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Amqp\Transport\Connection", "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt\Connection", "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Doctrine\Connection", "Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\RedisExt\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\DrizzlePDOMySql\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlsrv\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLSrv\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\SQLSrv\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\Connection", "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli\Connection" or "Doctrine\DBAL\Portability\Connection"?
messenger:consume [-l|--limit LIMIT] [-f|--failure-limit FAILURE-LIMIT] [-m|--memory-limit MEMORY-LIMIT] [-t|--time-limit TIME-LIMIT] [--sleep SLEEP] [-b|--bus BUS] [--queues QUEUES] [--no-reset] [--] [<receivers>...]