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Entities, DTO's & The "Central" Object


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This entity class thing seems almost too good to be true. It gives us all the flexibility, in theory, of a custom class, while reusing all the core Doctrine provider and processor logic. But hold your horses because there are two, albeit fixable, snags.

Most importantly, we're not allowed to have custom property names. This will cause an error when it tries to serialize. Second, I haven't mentioned it yet, but write operations - like POST or PATCH - don't work at all. Well... if we, posted to our endpoint, the data would be deserialized... but it wouldn't be saved to the database.

The Problem with Write Operations

We can try this because we already have a test for it. Open UserResourceTest and, down here, copy testPostToCreateUser(). Spin over and run that with:

symfony php bin/phpunit --filter=testPostToCreateUser

And... 400 error! Open that up. Uh oh:

Unable to generate an IRI for the item of type App\ApiResource\UserApi.

Here's what happens. The serializer deserializes this JSON into a UserApi object. Yay! That UserApi object is then passed to the core Doctrine persist processor: the thing that normally saves entities to the database. But because UserApi is not an entity, that processor does... nothing. Then, when UserApi is serialized back to JSON, the $id is still null - because nothing was ever saved to the database - and... so the IRI can't be generated for it.

We could fix this by creating a custom state processor for UserApi that saves this to the database. But even if we did, the write operations, like POST and PATCH, just aren't designed to work out of the box with this entityClass solution. The reason... is a bit technical, but important.

Understanding the "Central Object" for an Operation

Internally, for every API request, API Platform has a central object that it's working on. If we fetch a single item, that central object is that single item. And that's really important. It's used in various places, like the security attribute: when we use is_granted, the object variable will be that "central" object. For example, if we make a Patch() request, that means we're editing a dragon treasure... so the central object will be a DragonTreasure entity. Easy peasy!

What's the catch? Well, when you use the entityClass solution with a read operation (so, one of these GET requests), the central object will be the entity. So the User entity will be the central object. But with a write operation (most importantly, the POST operation to create a new user), that central object will suddenly be a UserApi object. That causes some serious inconsistency: the central object will sometimes be an entity... and other times the DTO. Good luck making a security system that works with both of those... and isn't completely confusing.

Also, when the User entity is the central object, that's when we run into the problem that prevents us from having custom fields on our DTO.

So, if we could make the UserApi be the central object in all cases, then we'd have consistent security... and we could also fix our big custom properties problem.

How can we pull that off? By writing a custom state provider that returns UserApi objects. Think about it: because the core Doctrine collection provider returns User entity objects, those become the central objects. If we, instead, return UserDto objects, problem solved. If this doesn't all make sense yet, I'm not surprised. Let's walk through this step-by-step.

Decorating the Core State Provider

Start by running:

php bin/console make:state-provider

Call it EntityToDtoStateProvider. My goal is to create a generic state provider that will work for all cases where we have an API resource class that pulls data from an entity. So, we'll mostly keep user-specific code out of here.

15 lines | src/State/EntityToDtoStateProvider.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\State;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Operation;
use ApiPlatform\State\ProviderInterface;
class EntityToDtoStateProvider implements ProviderInterface
public function provide(Operation $operation, array $uriVariables = [], array $context = []): object|array|null
// Retrieve the state from somewhere

Over in UserApi, set provider to EntityToDtoStateProvider.

35 lines | src/ApiResource/UserApi.php
// ... lines 1 - 9
use App\State\EntityToDtoStateProvider;
// ... lines 11 - 12
// ... lines 14 - 15
provider: EntityToDtoStateProvider::class,
// ... line 17
// ... lines 19 - 21
class UserApi
// ... lines 24 - 33

Ok! In EntityToDtoStateProvider, we could manually query for our User entity objects, turn those into UserApi objects... then return them. But that's the whole thing we're trying to avoid! We want to continue to reuse all of that nice Doctrine query logic: that's the beauty of stateOptions.

To do that, like we've done before, we're going to decorate the core Doctrine provider. Say public function __construct() with private ProviderInterface $collectionProvider. And to help Symfony know which to pass in, use the #[Autowire()] attribute and say service: CollectionProvider (make sure you get the one from Doctrine ORM), followed by ::class.

35 lines | src/ApiResource/UserApi.php
// ... lines 1 - 9
use App\State\EntityToDtoStateProvider;
// ... lines 11 - 12
// ... lines 14 - 15
provider: EntityToDtoStateProvider::class,
// ... line 17
// ... lines 19 - 21
class UserApi
// ... lines 24 - 33

Down here, add $entities = $this->collectionProvider->provide(), passing $operation, $uriVariables, and $context. Below, dd($entities)

25 lines | src/State/EntityToDtoStateProvider.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
use ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\State\CollectionProvider;
// ... lines 6 - 9
class EntityToDtoStateProvider implements ProviderInterface
public function __construct(
#[Autowire(service: CollectionProvider::class)] private ProviderInterface $collectionProvider
public function provide(Operation $operation, array $uriVariables = [], array $context = []): object|array|null
$entities = $this->collectionProvider->provide($operation, $uriVariables, $context);

Let's see what happens! Head back over, refresh the endpoint, and... got it! We are calling the core provider, and it's returning a paginator object. To see what's hiding inside that Paginator, say dd(iterator_to_array($entities)).

25 lines | src/State/EntityToDtoStateProvider.php
// ... lines 1 - 9
class EntityToDtoStateProvider implements ProviderInterface
// ... lines 12 - 18
public function provide(Operation $operation, array $uriVariables = [], array $context = []): object|array|null
$entities = $this->collectionProvider->provide($operation, $uriVariables, $context);

Back over here... this show five User entity objects.

At this point, our new provider isn't doing... anything special. If we returned $entities, we'd be exactly where we started: with User entities as the central object. Our goal is to return UserApi objects... and we're going to do that next.