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Dtos, Mapping & Max Depth of Relations


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Head to /api/users.jsonld to see... a circular reference coming from the serializer. Yikes! Let's think: API Platform serializes whatever we return from the state provider. So head there.... and find where the collection is created. Dump the DTOs. These are what's being serialized, so the problem must be here.

61 lines | src/State/EntityToDtoStateProvider.php
// ... lines 1 - 14
class EntityToDtoStateProvider implements ProviderInterface
// ... lines 17 - 25
public function provide(Operation $operation, array $uriVariables = [], array $context = []): object|array|null
// ... line 28
if ($operation instanceof CollectionOperationInterface) {
// ... lines 30 - 36
// ... lines 38 - 44
// ... lines 46 - 53
// ... lines 55 - 59

Refresh and... no surprise: we see 5 UserApi objects. Ah, but here's the problem: the dragonTreasures field holds an array of DragonTreasure entity objects... and each has an owner that points to a User entity... and that points back to a collection of DragonTreasure entities... which causes the serializer to serializer forever and ever. But that's not even the real problem! I know, I'm full of good news. The real problem is that the UserApi object should really relate to a DragonTreasureApi, not a DragonTreasure entity.

Over in UserApi, this will now be an array of DragonTreasureApi. Once we start going the DTO route, for maximum smoothness, we should relate DTOs to other DTOs... instead of mixing them with entities.

71 lines | src/ApiResource/UserApi.php
// ... lines 1 - 42
class UserApi
// ... lines 45 - 61
* @var array<int, DragonTreasureApi>
#[ApiProperty(writable: false)]
public array $dragonTreasures = [];
// ... lines 67 - 69

To populate the DTO objects, go to the mapper: UserEntityToApiMapper. Down here, for dragonTreasures, we can't do this anymore because that will give us DragonTreasure entity objects. What we basically want to do is convert from DragonTreasure to DragonTreasureApi. And so, once again, it's micro mapper to the rescue!

Micro-Mapping DragonTreasure -> DragonTreasureApi

Add public function __construct() with private MicroMapperInterface $microMapper. Down here, add some fancy code: $dto->dragonTreasures = set to array_map(), with a function that has a DragonTreasure argument. We'll finish that in a second... but first pass the array that it will loop over: $entity->getPublishedDragonTreasures()->toArray().

So: we get an array of the published DragonTreasure objects and PHP loops over them and calls our function for each one - passing the DragonTreasure. Whatever we return will become an item inside a new array that's set onto dragonTreasures. And what we want to return is a DragonTreasureApi object. Do that with $this->microMapper->map($dragonTreasure, DragonTreasureApi::class).

50 lines | src/Mapper/UserEntityToApiMapper.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
use App\ApiResource\DragonTreasureApi;
// ... line 6
use App\Entity\DragonTreasure;
// ... lines 8 - 10
use Symfonycasts\MicroMapper\MicroMapperInterface;
// ... lines 12 - 13
class UserEntityToApiMapper implements MapperInterface
public function __construct(
private MicroMapperInterface $microMapper,
// ... lines 21 - 41
$dto->dragonTreasures = array_map(function(DragonTreasure $dragonTreasure) {
return $this->microMapper->map($dragonTreasure, DragonTreasureApi::class);
}, $entity->getPublishedDragonTreasures()->getValues());
// ... lines 45 - 47

Circular Relationships

Cool! When we refresh to try it... we're greeted with a different circular reference problem. Fun! This one comes from MicroMapper... and it's a problem that will happen whenever you have relationships that refer to each other.

Think about it: we ask Micro Mapper to convert a DragonTreasure entity to DragonTreasureApi. Simple. To do that, it uses our mapper. And guess what? In our mapper, we ask it to convert the owner - a User entity - to an instance of UserApi. To do that, micro mapper goes back to UserEntityToApiMapper and... the process repeats. We're in a loop: to convert a User entity, we need to convert a DragonTreasure entity... which means we need to convert its owner... which is that same User entity.

Setting Mapping Depth

The fix lives in your mapper, when calling the map() function. Pass a third argument, which is a "context"... kind of an array of options. You can pass whatever you want, but Micro Mapper itself only has 1 option that it cares about. Set MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH to 1.

52 lines | src/Mapper/UserEntityToApiMapper.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
use App\ApiResource\DragonTreasureApi;
// ... line 6
use App\Entity\DragonTreasure;
// ... lines 8 - 10
use Symfonycasts\MicroMapper\MicroMapperInterface;
// ... lines 12 - 13
class UserEntityToApiMapper implements MapperInterface
public function __construct(
private MicroMapperInterface $microMapper,
// ... lines 21 - 41
$dto->dragonTreasures = array_map(function(DragonTreasure $dragonTreasure) {
return $this->microMapper->map($dragonTreasure, DragonTreasureApi::class, [
MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH => 1,
}, $entity->getPublishedDragonTreasures()->getValues());
// ... lines 47 - 49

Let's see what that does. When we refresh... look at the dump, which comes from the state provider. It maps the User entities to UserApi objects... and we see 5. We can also see that the dragonTreasures property is populated with DragonTreasureApi objects. So it did do the mapping from DragonTreasure to DragonTreasureApi. But when it went to map the owner of that DragonTreasure to a UserApi, it's there... but it's empty. It's a shallow mapping.

When we pass MAX_DEPTH => 1, we're saying:

Yo! I want you to fully map this DragonTreasure entity to DragonTreasureApi. That is depth 1. But if the micro mapper is called again to map any deeper, skip that.

Well, not exactly skip. When the mapper is called the 2nd time to map the User entity to UserApi, it calls the load() method on that mapper... but not populate(). So we end up with a UserApi object with an id... but nothing else. That fixes our circular loop. And, we don't really care that the owner property is an empty object... because our JSON never renders that deeply!

Watch. Remove the dd() so we can see the results. And... perfect! The result is exactly what we expect! For DragonTreasures, we're only showing the IRI.

So, as a rule, when calling micro mapper from inside a mapper class, you'll probably want to set MAX_DEPTH to 1. Heck, we could set MAX_DEPTH to 0! Though the only reason to do that would be a slight performance improvement.

This time, when we map $dragonTreasure to DragonTreasureApi, try MAX_DEPTH => 0.

52 lines | src/Mapper/UserEntityToApiMapper.php
// ... lines 1 - 13
class UserEntityToApiMapper implements MapperInterface
// ... lines 16 - 32
public function populate(object $from, object $to, array $context): object
// ... lines 35 - 41
$dto->dragonTreasures = array_map(function(DragonTreasure $dragonTreasure) {
return $this->microMapper->map($dragonTreasure, DragonTreasureApi::class, [
MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH => 0,
}, $entity->getPublishedDragonTreasures()->getValues());
// ... lines 47 - 49

This will cause the depth to be hit immediately. When it goes to map the DragonTreasure entity to DragonTreasureApi, it will use the mapper, but only call the load() method. The populate() method will never be called. Put the dd() back. What we end up with is a shallow object for DragonTreasureApi.

This might seem weird, but it's technically okay... because this dragonTreasures array is going to be rendered as IRI strings... and the only thing API Platform needs to build that IRI is... the id! Check it out! Remove the dump and reload the page. It looks exactly the same. We just saved ourselves a tiny bit of work.

So, to be on the safe side - in case you embed the object - use MAX_DEPTH => 1. But if you know that you're using IRIs, you can set MAX_DEPTH to 0.

Over here, let's do the same thing: MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH set to 0 because we know that we're only showing the IRI here as well.

// ... lines 1 - 13
class DragonTreasureEntityToApiMapper implements MapperInterface
// ... lines 16 - 33
public function populate(object $from, object $to, array $context): object
// ... lines 36 - 41
$dto->owner = $this->microMapper->map($entity->getOwner(), UserApi::class, [
MicroMapperInterface::MAX_DEPTH => 0,
// ... lines 45 - 52

Forcing a JSON Array

One other thing you may have noticed is that dragonTreasures suddenly looks like an object - with its squiggly braces instead of square brackets. Well, in PHP it is an array - array_map returns an array with the 0 key set to something and the 2 key to set to something. But because of the missing 1 key, when it's serialized to JSON it looks like an associative array, or an "object" in JSON.

If we change the toArray() to getValues() and refresh the page... perfect! We're back to a regular array of items.

Next: We can read from our new DragonTreasureApi resource, but we can't write to it yet. Let's create a DragonTreasureApiToEntityMapper and re-add things like security and validation.