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Field Security with Patch


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In a heroic twist of bravery, we've decided to run all the dragon treasure tests:

symfony php bin/phpunit tests/Functional/DragonTreasureResourceTest.php

And... we have three failures, including one from testAdminCanPatchToEditTreasure on line 200... which says ->assertJsonMatched('isPublished', true). That's failing because... we don't have an isPublished field in our DragonTreasureApi at all!

Adding the isPublished Field

That's because this is an interesting field. Previously, this field was readable only by admin users or the owner. Let's re-add this field and keep that behavior. Say public bool $isPublished = false.

70 lines | src/ApiResource/DragonTreasureApi.php
// ... lines 1 - 40
class DragonTreasureApi
// ... lines 43 - 58
public bool $isPublished = false;
// ... lines 60 - 68

Then... head into the mapper to populate this. Down here, get rid of the TODO and say $entity->setIsPublished($dto->isPublished).

// ... lines 1 - 12
class DragonTreasureApiToEntityMapper implements MapperInterface
// ... lines 15 - 35
public function populate(object $from, object $to, array $context): object
// ... lines 38 - 51
// ... lines 53 - 54

So if we change isPublished in the API call, the new value will sync back to the entity.

On the other side... it doesn't matter where... say $dto->isPublished = $entity->getIsPublished().

// ... lines 1 - 13
class DragonTreasureEntityToApiMapper implements MapperInterface
// ... lines 16 - 33
public function populate(object $from, object $to, array $context): object
// ... lines 36 - 41
$dto->isPublished = $entity->getIsPublished();
// ... lines 43 - 53

Cool! We don't have any security yet... so when we run the tests:

symfony php bin/phpunit tests/Functional/DragonTreasureResourceTest.php

A few pass, but the original one still fails - testGetCollectionOfTreasures - because it's not expecting the isPublished to be there.

Conditionally Showing isPublished via Security

Check it out: this is the first test, and at the bottom, we've asserted that these are the exact properties we should have if we fetch treasures as an anonymous user. So since we're not the owner or an admin, we should not see isPublished

How can do we that? Earlier, we worked on DragonTreasureApiVoter. When we call this with the EDIT attribute, it checks to see if we're an admin, and if we are, it grants access. It also checks to see if we're the owner. This is exactly the logic we want to use to determine if the isPublished field should be serialized.

So... let's use it! Above this property, say #[ApiProperty(security: 'is_granted("EDIT", object)')].

71 lines | src/ApiResource/DragonTreasureApi.php
// ... lines 1 - 40
class DragonTreasureApi
// ... lines 43 - 58
#[ApiProperty(security: 'is_granted("EDIT", object)')]
public bool $isPublished = false;
// ... lines 61 - 69

If you want, you can change this attribute to something else - like OWNER - if that's more clear. EDIT sounds a little funny here... since we're just deciding if we should include this field in the response... not "edit" it... but it's up to you.

More importantly, let's see if this does the trick. Run the tests:

symfony php bin/phpunit tests/Functional/DragonTreasureResourceTest.php

It fixed our first test! The isPublished field is no longer being shown. But, curiously, we made another test fail. Whac-A-Mole! Now it's testPublishTreasure - failing on line 244.

Let's pop over and search for that. Okay, as the name suggests, we're testing to see if we can publish this treasure. We create a treasure that is 'isPublished' => false, log in as its owner, then send a patch() request to set isPublished to true. Finally, we assert that the JSON in the response has isPublished true. And that's what's failing.

The ApiProperty Security Option on Patch Operations

Why? It took me a bit of debugging to unravel this mystery. The problem is that, when the JSON is deserialized, isPublished is not writable.

The security expression is called both when serializing and deserializing: when taking the JSON from the request and updating the object. For some reason, during deserialization, our security expression is returning false!

The reason is... arguably a bug: I have an issue open on API Platform. When you make a patch() request, our data provider first loads the object from the database. Despite this, when the expression is called during deserialization, object is always null. And because our voter only supports if object is a DragonTreasureApi, this returns false. Ultimately, no voters support this, and when that happens, access is denied. The end result is that isPublished is not writable.

The workaround is a bit weird, but stay with me here. We're basically going to allow access to this field if object === null or is_granted("EDIT", object).

75 lines | src/ApiResource/DragonTreasureApi.php
// ... lines 1 - 40
class DragonTreasureApi
// ... lines 43 - 58
// Object is null ONLY during deserialization: so this allows isPublished
// to be writable in ALL cases (which is ok because the operations are secured).
// During serialization, object will always be a DragonTreasureApi, so our
// voter is called.
#[ApiProperty(security: 'object === null or is_granted("EDIT", object)')]
public bool $isPublished = false;
// ... lines 65 - 73

Think about this. If we're reading a DragonTreasure, then object is never null. We will always have an object, so the voter will always be called. This object === null will only happen during deserialization: when we're checking to see if we can write this field. This effectively makes the field always writable. That seems like a problem, but it's not, because we already have security up here on Post() and Patch(). For Patch, only the owner can edit this object. So once you've passed the Patch security, we already know that you can edit this object. So, down here, it's okay to let us always edit this field.

If this looks too weird to you, another strategy is to leave API security off of the field entirely. Then, we would use the mapper to handle conditionally setting the isPublished field. We could put some security logic right here that basically says:

Only set the isPublished field on the DTO if you're the owner. Otherwise, leave isPublished null as the default.

It's good to remember that we do have full control of the data via our mappers.

Okay, let's go back and re-add our security expression. Oh! And go back to the mapper as well: I just realized that we also want to keep that isPublished code... just not in the if statement.

All right, now head over and rerun all the tests.

symfony php bin/phpunit tests/Functional/DragonTreasureResourceTest.php

And... oooh! So close! We're down to just one failure in testPublishTreasure. This tests that, when a treasure is published, we send a notification. Let's see how we can tackle that in our new system next!