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Api Tests & Assertions

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Time to test our API! When someone uses our API for real, they'll use some sort of HTTP client - whether it be in JavaScript, PHP, Python, whatever. So, no surprise that to test our API, we'll do the exact same thing. Create a client object with $client = self::createClient().

// ... lines 1 - 6
class CheeseListingResourceTest extends ApiTestCase
public function testCreateCheeseListing()
$client = self::createClient();
// ... lines 12 - 14

This creates a, sort of, "fake" client, which is another feature that comes from the API Platform test classes. I say "fake" client because instead of making real HTTP requests to our domain, it makes them directly into our Symfony app via PHP... which just makes life a bit easier. And, side note, this $client object has the same interface as Symfony's new http-client component. So if you like how this works, next time you need to make real HTTP requests in PHP, try installing symfony/http-client instead of Guzzle.

Making Requests

Let's do this! Make a request with $client->request(): make a POST request to /api/cheeses.

How nice is that? We're going to focus our tests mostly on asserting security stuff. Because we haven't logged in, this request will not be authenticated... and so our access control rules should block access. Since we're anonymous, that should result in a 401 status code. Let's assert that! $this->assertResponseStatusCodeSame(401).

// ... lines 1 - 8
public function testCreateCheeseListing()
// ... lines 11 - 12
$client->request('POST', '/api/cheeses');
// ... lines 16 - 17

That assertion is not part of PHPUnit: we get that - and a bunch of other nice assertions - from API Platform's test classes.

Let's try this! Run the test:

php bin/phpunit

Deprecation Warnings?

Oh, interesting. At the bottom, we see deprecation warnings! This is a feature of the PHPUnit bridge: if our tests cause deprecated code to be executed, it prints those details after running the tests. These deprecations are coming from API Platform itself. They're already fixed in the next version of API Platform... so it's nothing we need to worry about. The warnings are a bit annoying... but we'll ignore them.

Missing symfony/http-client

Above all this stuff... oh... interesting. It died with

Call to undefined method: Client::prepareRequest()

What's going on here? Well... we're missing a dependency. Run

composer require symfony/http-client

API Platform's testing tools depend on this library. That "undefined" method is a pretty terrible error...it wasn't obvious at all how we should fix this. But there's already an issue on API Platform's issue tracker to throw a more clear error in this situation. It should say:

Hey! If you want to use the testing tools, please run composer require symfony/http-client

That's what we did! I also could have added the --dev flag... since we only need this for our tests... but because I might need to use the http-client component later inside my actual app, I chose to leave it off.

Ok, let's try those tests again:

php bin/phpunit

Content-Type Header

Oooh, it failed! The response contains an error! Oh...cool - we automatically get a nice view of that failed response. We're getting back a

406 Not acceptable

In the body... reading the error in JSON... is not so easy... but... let's see, here it is:

The content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is not supported.

We talked about this earlier! When we used the Axios library in JavaScript, I mentioned that when you POST data, there are two "main" ways to format the data in the request. The first way, and the way that most HTTP clients use by default, is to send in a format called application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Your browser sends data in this format when you submit a form. The second format - and the one that Axios uses by default - is to send the data as JSON.

Right now... well... we're not actually sending any data with this request. But if we did send some data, by default, this client object would format that data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. And... looking at our API docs, our API expects data as JSON.

So even though we're not sending any data yet, the client is already sending a Content-Type header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. API Platform reads this and says:

Woh, woh woh! You're trying to send me data in the wrong format! 406 status code to you!

The most straightforward way to fix this is to change that header. Add a third argument - an options array - with a headers option to another array, and Content-Type set to application/json.

// ... lines 1 - 8
public function testCreateCheeseListing()
// ... line 11
$client->request('POST', '/api/cheeses', [
'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']
// ... line 15
// ... lines 17 - 18

Ok, try the tests again:

php bin/phpunit

This time... 400 Bad Request. Progress! Down below... we see there was a syntax error coming from some JsonDecode class. Of course! We're saying that we're sending JSON data... but we're actually sending no data. Any empty string is technically invalid JSON.

Add another key to the options array: json set to an empty array.

// ... lines 1 - 8
public function testCreateCheeseListing()
// ... line 11
$client->request('POST', '/api/cheeses', [
// ... line 13
'json' => [],
// ... line 16
// ... lines 18 - 19

This is a really nice option: we pass it an array, and then the client will automatically json_encode that for us and send that as the body of the request. It gives us behavior similar to Axios. We're not sending any data yet... because we shouldn't have to: we should be denied access before validation is executed.

Let's try that next! We'll also talk about a security "gotcha" then finish this test by creating a user and logging in.