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CSS & JavaScript with Asset Mapper


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What about images, CSS and JavaScript? How does that work in Symfony?

Stuff in public is... Public

First off, the public/ directory is known as your document root. Anything inside public/ is accessible to your end user. Anything not in public/ is not accessible, which is great! None of our top secret source files can be downloaded by our users.

So if you want to create a CSS file or an image file or anything else, life can be as simple as putting it in public/. I can now go to /foo.txt... and we see the file.

Hello Asset Mapper

However, Symfony has a great component called Asset Mapper that lets us effectively do the same thing... but with some important, extra features. We have a few tutorials that go deeper into this topic: one about Asset Mapper specifically and another about building things with Asset Mapper called LAST Stack. Check those out to go deeper.

But let's dive into the friendly waters of Asset Mapper! Commit all your changes - I already have - then install it with:

composer require symfony/asset-mapper

This recipe makes several changes... and we'll walk through each little-by-little as they're important.

But already, if we move over and refresh, our background is blue! Inspect Element in your browser and go to the console. We also have a console log!

This log comes from assets/app.js. Welcome to asset mapper.

Why thank you!

Asset Mapper's 2 Super Powers

Asset Mapper has two big superpowers. The first is that it helps us load CSS and JavaScript. The recipe gave us a new assets/ directory with an app.js file and a styles/app.css file. As we saw, the console log is coming from app.js.

10 lines | assets/app.js
* Welcome to your app's main JavaScript file!
* This file will be included onto the page via the importmap() Twig function,
* which should already be in your base.html.twig.
import './styles/app.css';
console.log('This log comes from assets/app.js - welcome to AssetMapper! 🎉');

So this file is being loaded. It's also apparently including app.css, which is what gives us that blue background.

body {
background-color: skyblue;

We're going to talk more later about how these files are loaded and how this all works. But for right now, it's enough to know that app.js and app.css are included on the page.

The second big superpower of Asset Mapper is a bit simpler. The recipe created a config/packages/asset_mapper.yaml file. There's not a lot here:

# The paths to make available to the asset mapper.
- assets/

just paths pointing to our assets/ directory. But because of this line, any file that we put in the assets/ directory becomes available publicly. It's as if the assets/ directory physically lives inside public/. This is useful because, along the way, Asset Mapper adds asset versioning: an important frontend concept that we'll see in a minute.

Listing Assets & the Logical Path

But first, head to your terminal and run another new debug command:

php bin/console debug:asset

This shows every asset that's exposed publicly through Asset Mapper. Right now it's just two: app.css and app.js.

If you download the course code from this page and unzip it, you'll find a tutorial/ directory with an images/ subdirectory. I'll cut this... then paste into assets/.

So now we have an assets/images/ directory with 5 files inside. And, by the way, you can organize the assets/ directory however you want.

But now, spin back over and run debug:asset again:

php bin/console debug:asset

The new files are there!

Rendering an Image

On the left, see this "logical path"? That's the path we'll use to reference that file in Asset Mapper.

I'll show you: let's render an img tag to the logo. Copy the starshop-logo.png logical path. Then head into templates/base.html.twig. Right above the body block - so it's not overridden by our page content - add an <img> tag with src="". Instead of trying to hardcode a path, say {{ and use a new Twig function called asset(). Pass this the logical path.

That's it! Ok, I'll add an alt attribute... to be a good citizen of the web.

19 lines | templates/base.html.twig
// ... line 1
// ... lines 3 - 13
<img src="{{ asset('images/starshop-logo.png') }}" alt="Starshop Logo">
{% block body %}{% endblock %}

Let's try this. Refresh and... it explodes!

Did you forget to run composer require symfony/asset. Unknown function "asset".

Remember: our app starts tiny. And then, as we need more features, we install more Symfony components. And often, if you try to use a feature from a component that's not installed, it'll tell you. The Twig asset() function comes from another tiny component called symfony/asset. All we need to do is follow the advice. Copy the composer require command, spin over to your terminal and run it:

composer require symfony/asset

When it finishes, move over and refresh. There's our logo!

Automatic Asset Versioning

The most interesting part? View the page source and check out the URL: /assets/images/starshop-logo- then a long string of letters and numbers, .png. This string is called the version hash and its generated based on the content of the file. That means that if we update our logo later on, this hash will change automatically.

That's super important. Browsers like to cache images, JavaScript, and CSS files, which is great: it helps performance. But when we change those files, we want our users to download the new version: not keep using the outdated, cached version.

But because the filename will change when we update the image, the browser is going to automatically use the new one! It looks like this:

  • User goes to our site and downloads logo-abc123.png. Their browser caches it.
  • On the next visit, their browser sees the img tag for logo-abc123.png, finds the file in its cache and uses it.
  • Then we come along, update that file and deploy.
  • The next time the user goes to our site, the img tag will be pointing at a different filename: logo-def456.png. And since the browser doesn't have that file in its cache, it downloads it fresh.

This is kind of a small detail, but it's also incredibly important to make sure our users are always using the latest files. And the best part? It just works. Now that I've explained it, you'll never need to think about this again.

Ok team, let's install & start using Tailwind CSS next.