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Cleaning up with a plainPassword Field

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Cleaning up with a plainPassword Field

We’re abusing our password field. It temporarily stores the plain text submitted password and then later stores the encoded version. This is a bad idea. What if we forget to encode a user’s password? The plain-text password would be saved to the database instead of throwing an error. And storing plain text passwords is definitely against the Jedi Code!

Instead, create a new property on the User entity called plainPassword. Let’s also add the getter and setter method for it:

private $plainPassword;

// ...

public function getPlainPassword()
    return $this->plainPassword;

public function setPlainPassword($plainPassword)
    $this->plainPassword = $plainPassword;

    return $this;

This property is just like the others, except that it’s not actually persisted to the database. It exists just as a temporary place to store data.

Using eraseCredentials

Find the eraseCredentials method and clear out the plainPassword field:

public function eraseCredentials()
    $this->plainPassword = null;

This method isn’t really important, but it’s called during the authentication process and its purpose is to make sure your User doesn’t have any sensitive data on it.

Using plainPassword

Now, update the form code - changing the field name from password to plainPassword:

// src/Yoda/UserBundle/Controller/RegisterController.php
// ...

public function registerAction(Request $request)
    // ...
    $form = $this->createFormBuilder(...)
        // ...
        ->add('plainPassword', 'repeated', array(
            'type' => 'password',

    // ...

Also don’t forget to update the template:

{# src/Yoda/UserBundle/Resources/views/Register/register.html.twig #}
{# ... #}

{{ form_row(form.plainPassword.first, {
    'label': 'Password'
}) }}

{{ form_row(form.plainPassword.second, {
    'label': 'Repeat Password'
}) }}

Now, when the form submits, the plainPassword is populated on the User. Use it to set the real, encoded password property:

// inside registerAction()
    $this->encodePassword($user, $user->getPlainPassword())

Let’s try it out! I’ll register as a new user and then try to login. Once again, things work perfectly!