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Security: Creating Roles and Role Hierarchies

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Security: Creating Roles and Role Hierarchies

Let’s change gears and mention a few more things about security. Earlier, we saw how you could enforce security in two different ways. The access_control method is the easiest, but we can always enforce things manually in the controller. In both cases, we’re checking whether or not a user has a specific role. If they do, they get access. If they don’t, they’ll see the login page or the access denied screen.

In our example, we showed a pretty basic system with just ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMIN. If you need another role, just start using it. For example, if only some users are able to create events, we can protect event creation with a new role.

To show this, let’s make the role that’s passed to enforceUserSecurity configurable and then only let a user create an event if they have some ROLE_EVENT_CREATE role:

// src/Yoda/EventBundle/Controller/EventController.php
// ...

public function createAction(Request $request)

// also change ROLE_USER to ROLE_EVENT_CREATE in newAction

// ...
private function enforceUserSecurity($role = 'ROLE_USER')
    $securityContext = $this->container->get('security.context');
    if (!$securityContext->isGranted($role)) {
        // in Symfony 2.5
        // throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('message!');
        throw new AccessDeniedException('Need '.$role);

The only rule when creating a role is that it must start with ROLE_. If it doesn’t, you won’t get an error, but security won’t be enforced.

Try it out by logging in as admin. But first, reload the fixtures, since our users were deleted earlier when running our functional test.

Now, try to create an event. No access! Our admin user has ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMIN, but not ROLE_EVENT_CREATE. If we want to give all administrators the ability to create events, we can take advantage of role hierarchy, which we can see in security.yml. Add ROLE_EVENT_CREATE to ROLE_ADMIN and refresh again:

# app/config/security.yml
    # ...

We are in! Now let’s schedule that wookiee wine down!

Strategies for Controller Access

Keep these two tips in mind when using roles:

  1. Protect the actual parts of your application using feature-specific roles, not user-specific roles. This means your roles should describe the features they give you access to, like ROLE_EVENT_CREATE and not the type of user that should have access, like ROLE_ADMIN.
  1. Use the role hierarchy section to manage which types of users have which roles. For example, you might decide that ROLE_USER should have ROLE_BLOG_CREATE and ROLE_EVENT_CREATE, which you setup here. Assign your actual users these user-specific roles, like ROLE_USER or ROLE_MARKETING.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to easily control the exact areas of your site that different users have access to.