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Final config/ Migration

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We are in the Flex home stretch! These last config/ files are the easiest. Start with config_dev.yml.

Dev Environment Parameters

Ok, we have a cache_type parameter. This is meant to override the value that lives in services.yaml whenever we're in the dev environment.

How can we have dev-specific parameters or services in Flex? By creating a new services_dev.yaml file. Copy the parameter, remove it and paste it here.

cache_type: array

Symfony will automatically load this file in the dev environment only.

Migrating config_dev.yml

For the rest of this file... we haven't really changed anything: these are the original default values. So there's a good chance that we can just use the new files without doing anything.

And yea! If you investigated, you would find that the framework config is already represented in the new files. And the profiler... well actually... that's not even installed yet. Let's fix that:

composer require profiler

Go back and remove the framework and web_profiler sections. When Composer finishes... yes! This installed a recipe. The new web_profiler.yaml file contains exactly what we just removed. It even added config for the test environment and loaded the routes it needs. Thanks profiler!

toolbar: true
intercept_redirects: false
profiler: { only_exceptions: false }
toolbar: false
intercept_redirects: false
profiler: { collect: false }
resource: '@WebProfilerBundle/Resources/config/routing/wdt.xml'
prefix: /_wdt
resource: '@WebProfilerBundle/Resources/config/routing/profiler.xml'
prefix: /_profiler

The last key in config_dev.yml is monolog. Monolog is installed... and its recipe added config for the dev and prod environments.

I haven't made any changes to my monolog config that I really care about - just this firephp section, which I could re-add if I want. So I'll use the new default config and just... delete config_dev.yml! We can also delete config_prod.yml.

doctrine Config in config_prod.yml

Oh, by the way, if you have some doctrine caching config in config_prod.yml, I would recommend not migrating it. The DoctrineBundle recipe gives you prod configuration that is great for production out-of-the-box. Booya!

Migrating config_test.yml

Next: config_test.yml. And yea... this is still just default config. But there is one gotcha: in config/packages/test/framework.yaml, uncomment the session config.

5 lines | config/packages/test/framework.yaml
// ... line 2
storage_id: session.storage.mock_file

I mentioned earlier that the session config is not perfect smooth: if you need sessions, you need to uncomment some config in the main framework.yaml and here too.

Ok, delete config_test.yml!

Migrating paramters.yml?

What about parameters.yml? In Flex, this file does not exist. Instead of referencing parameters, we reference environment variables. And in the dev environment, we set these in the .env file.

We also had a parameters.yml.dist file, which kept track of all the parameters we need. In Flex, yea, we've got the same: .env.dist.

The parameters.yml file in this project only holds database config and secret... and both of these are already inside .env and .env.dist.

The only difference between the files is how you reference the config. In doctrine.yaml, instead of using %DATABASE_URL% to reference a paramter, you reference environment variables with a strange config: %env(DATABASE_URL)%.

But other than that, it's the same idea. Oh, the resolve: part is optional: it allows you to put parameters inside of your environment variable values.

So... we're good! Delete parameters.yml and parameters.yml.dist. If you have other keys in parameters.yml, add them to .env and .env.dist and then go update where they're referenced to use the new syntax. Easy peasy.

While we're on the topic, in .env, update your database config: I'll use root with no password and call the database symfony4_tutorial.

Copy that and repeat it in .env.dist: I want this to be my default value.

25 lines | .env.dist
// ... lines 1 - 15
// ... lines 17 - 25

Migrating routing Files

Back to the mission! What about routing.yml? Copy its contents. I'll close a few directories... then open config/routes.yaml. Paste here!

9 lines | config/routes.yaml
resource: "@AppBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
path: /
_controller: AppBundle:Main:homepage

We already have a config/routes/dev/annotations.yaml file that loads annotation routes from src/Controller. But for now, we still need our import because it loads routes from AppBundle.

But we do need to make two small changes. Even though we'll keep the AppBundle directory for now, we are not going to actually register it as a bundle anymore. Yep, AppBundle.php can be deleted: we just don't need bundles anymore.

But to make this work, we need to replace @AppBundle with a normal path: ../src/AppBundle/Controller.

And for the homepage route, remove the weird three-part colon syntax and just use the full class name: AppBundle\Controller\MainController::homepageAction.

9 lines | config/routes.yaml
resource: "../src/AppBundle/Controller/"
// ... lines 3 - 4
// ... line 6
_controller: AppBundle\Controller\MainController::homepageAction

I am so happy to be done with those two Symfony-specific syntaxes! Delete routing.yml. And... routing_dev.yml? Yep, delete it too! The Flex recipes handle this stuff too.

In fact, delete the config/ directory!

Does our app work? Try to list the routes:

./bin/console debug:router

Ha! Yes! We have our routes back!

Next, let's delete some files - that's always fun - and then welcome our new Flex app!