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Production Secrets

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Whenever you add a new secret, you need to make sure that you add it to the dev environment and the prod environment. That's because each set of secrets, or "vault" as I've been calling it, is specific to the environment. This vault of secrets, for example, will only be loaded in the dev environment. So, unless we also add MAILER_DSN to the prod vault, the prod environment will be... yep! Totally broken. And a busted production environment is... a bummer.

Creating the Production (prod) Vault

So, how do we add MAILER_DSN to the prod vault? With the same command as before: secrets:set, but this time with --env=prod:

php bin/console secrets:set --env=prod MAILER_DSN

I'll paste in my production SendGrid value... which you can't see because the command hides the input to be safe.

Cool! Just like last time, because this is the first time we've added a key to the prod vault, it automatically created the vault for us... which means that it created the decrypt and encrypt keys.

Production Encrypt & Decrypt Keys

And just like with the dev environment, the encrypt key file is safe to commit to your repository. Heck, you could post it onto the Internet! It only gives people the power to add things to your vault, which is probably something that you do want any developer to be able to do.

But the decrypt key file should not be committed to the repository. It is incredibly sensitive: it has the power to decrypt all of your production secrets! We decided that it was probably ok to commit the dev decrypt key... because the dev keys are probably not very sensitive. But you should not commit this one. Or, if you do - just realize that everyone who has access to view files in your repository will have access to all your secrets... and you might as well just commit them as plain-text values.

We'll talk more about the decrypt key in a few minutes.

Add the new vault files to git:

git add config/


git status

Oh! This did not add the private decrypt key. That's no accident: our .gitignore file is specifically ignoring this:

27 lines | .gitignore
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 2 - 4
// ... lines 6 - 8
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 10 - 27

This line was added when we updated the symfony/framework-bundle recipe.

Listing & Revealing prod Secrets

Anyways, just like with the dev vault, we can list the secrets:

php bin/console secrets:list --env=prod

And because my app does have the decrypt key, we can add --reveal to see their values:

php bin/console secrets:list --env=prod --reveal

Secrets are Committed

Ok, let's commit!

git commit -m "Adding MAILER_DSN to prod vault"

Do you realize how awesome that was? We just safely committed a secret value to the repository! Secrets are version controlled, which means that we can see when a secret is added on a pull request and can even check later to see why and when a secret was added. That's a huge step!

Deploying with the Decrypt Key

Now, instead of needing to figure out how and where to securely store all our sensitive values so that we can add them to our app when we deploy, there is now just one sensitive value: the decrypt key file.

When we deploy to production, the only thing we need to worry about now is creating that decrypt file with this long value inside. Or, you can base64_encode the key's value and set it on a special environment variable called SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET. You can use a PHP trick to get the exact value to set on that env var:

php -r 'echo base64_encode(require "config/secrets/prod/prod.decrypt.private.php");'

The point is, on production you either need to re-create the prod.decrypt.private.php file or set the SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET environment variable. How? That depends completely on your deploy. For example, with SymfonyCloud - which is what we use - we set the decrypt key as a SymfonyCloud "variable".

However you deploy, whatever is responsible for deploying your app should be the one, um, "thing" that has access to the private key.

Seeing the prod Secret Value

Let's go make sure this whole prod vault idea works. Right now, if we refresh the page, it still shows us the null value because we are still in the dev environment.

Open up your .env file and, temporarily, change APP_ENV to prod:

62 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 15
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 18 - 20
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 22 - 62

Then, find your console and clear the cache:

php bin/console cache:clear

I don't need to add --env=prod now because we are already in the prod environment thanks to the APP_ENV change.

Ok, go try it! Refresh and... yes! That's the value from the prod vault! Symfony automatically used the private key to decrypt it.

And if the Decrypt Key is Missing?

What would happen if the decrypt key wasn't there? Let's find out! Temporarily delete the decrypt key - but make sure you can get it back: if you lose this key, you won't ever be able to decrypt your secrets and you'll need to create a new private key and re-add them all again. That would be... a bummer.

Refresh now to see... oh! Giant 500 page... but we can't see the error. Check out the logs:

tail var/log/prod.log

And... there it is:

Environment variable not found: "MAILER_DSN".

If you don't have the private key... bad things will happen. Let's go undelete that private key file. Refresh: all better. Let's also change back to the dev environment to make life nicer:

62 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 15
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 18 - 20
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 22 - 62

So... that's it! You have a dev vault and a prod vault, you can commit your encrypted secrets via Git and you only need to handle one sensitive value at deploy: the private decrypt key.

But... what if a developer needs to locally override a value in the dev environment? For example, in our dev vault, MAILER_DSN uses the null transport so that emails are not sent. What if I need to temporarily change Mailtrap so that I can test the emails?

The answer: the "local" vault... a little bit of coolness that will open up a couple of neat possibilities. That's next.