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Updating the webpack-encore-bundle Recipe

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Our goal was to upgrade all of the recipes for the main Symfony packages. And... we've done it! Victory! The last one that starts with symfony/ is not part of the main repository... so if the goal is to upgrade to Symfony 5... we don't really need to do this now. But if our goal is to be an over-achiever and earn extra credit... well... then we should crush this last Symfony recipe update.

Let's do it:

composer recipes:install symfony/webpack-encore-bundle --force -v

Start checking out the updates with:

git add -p

Change one: it added /public/build/ to the .gitignore file. We definitely want that... I'm not sure why it was missing.


The Encore recipe now creates this file directly at assets/app.js. Make sure to delete that "starting" file. And later, the app.css file added by the recipe will now be at assets/styles/app.css.

Next is assets/js/app.js. There are a lot of changes here... but we don't want any of them. The WebpackEncoreBundle recipe gives you an "example" app.js file to start with. We don't want that example to overwrite our custom code.

The next change is a missing line at the end of the file - that's meaningless - and then... let's see... this is config/packages/webpack_encore.yaml. It didn't actually change anything... it just added a lot more comments. Let's hit "y" to add it - comments are nice.

Next is package.json. The recipe gives us a starting package.json file. But we want our custom code - so hit "n". Hit "n" again to also keep our custom browserslist config at the bottom.

Updating webpack.config.js

The next file is symfony.lock - hit "y" to accept - and the last is webpack.config.js. This is another file that we customize. So we definitely do not want to accept everything. But, there may be some nice new suggestions.

This first new code looks like it helps out with some edge-case... let's accept this. But the next overwrites all of our custom entries. Definitely hit "n".

The third change adds a commented-out example of disableSingleRuntimeChunk() - I don't need that - and then... woh! The last "chunk" contains a bunch of stuff. I'll clear the screen and hit "s" to "split" this big change into smaller pieces.

Much better! The first relates to configuring Babel. You should now have some config that looks like this in your webpack.config.js but I won't go into the details why right now. Both the old and new code are effectively identical... but the new version is recommended, so hit "y" to add it.

Next, we don't want to change any of our sass-loader stuff... say no to that. This changes some commented-out example code - might as well say "y". And we are using autoProvidejQuery(), so keep that. Finally, we're apparently missing a new line at the end of the file - that's meaningless, but I'll hit "y".

Phew! Run:

git status

Oh! And there are three new files too!

The first - app.css - is an example CSS file that the Encore recipe adds. We're not using it in our app - so we don't need it. Delete it!

rm assets/css/app.css

The next new file - config/packages/test/validator.yaml is one I missed earlier from the validator recipe. Let's check it out, it's super minor:

not_compromised_password: false

It disables a validator in the test environment that makes a network request and is a security-related feature that just isn't needed in your tests.

The last new file is in the same directory - webpack_encore.yaml:

# strict_mode: false

Which... contains some commented-out example code. Let's add both of these new files:

git add config/packages/test

And see how things look:

git status

Perfect! Commit time!

git commit -m "updating webpack encore recipe + missing validator file"

We can revert all of the changes we don't want with:

git checkout .

Ah! I think we're done! Check out the recipes:

composer recipes

Gorgeous! All the symfony recipes are now up-to-date. I know that was a lot of work... but mostly because we were being extra careful and doing our research to find the reason a change was made.

The benefit is huge. Not only can we keep upgrading our app forever thanks to the smart way that Symfony handles new major versions, but by updating our recipes, we can make sure our app truly continues to look & act like all apps. Plus, we get to find out about new features and this gave us a head-start on fixing deprecations.

Now that we're using Symfony 4.4 with a set of up-to-date recipes, let's start finding and fixing the deprecations in our app. That's the last step before going to Symfony 5.