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Upgrading the FrameworkBundle Recipe (Part 1)

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composer recipes

Updating symfony/flex

Our goal is to update all of the recipes starting with symfony/. The hardest ones are at the beginning: symfony/console and symfony/framework-bundle. But right now, let's update symfony/flex itself. Run:

composer recipes symfony/flex

... because that's an easy way to get the update command. Run it:

composer recipes:install symfony/flex --force -v

Hmm, it looks like it only modified one file: .env. Take a look with:

git status

Yup! Just that one. Check it out:

git diff

Ok: two changes. The first one is a fix for a typo in a comment. Then... it deleted a bunch of my code. Rude! Ok, we expected that: this is not a true update process: the new .env file from the recipe overrode mine completely.

So this recipe update was to fix a meaningless typo. That's super minor, but I guess we want that change. Hit "Q" to get out of this mode. Then run:

git add -p

I will accept the typo change - y - but not the rest - n. Add the symfony.lock changes as usual. Ok, run:

git status

Two changes staged and ready to commit and one unstaged change to .env. Let's commit the staged updates:

git commit -m "updating symfony/flex"

Cool! Now git diff tells us that the only remaining change is the removal of the stuff that we do want in .env. Revert all of that by running:

git checkout .env


Upgrading the symfony/framework-bundle Recipe

Let's check our progress:

composer recipes

Another one done! Take a deep breath and move onto the biggest, most important recipe: symfony/framework-bundle. Run:

composer recipes symfony/framework-bundle

Hmm, yea, we're upgrading from version 3.3 of the recipe to 4.4: that might be a fairly big upgrade. Copy the recipes:install command and run it:

composer recipes:install symfony/framework-bundle --force -v

Apparently this modified several files. You know the drill: let's start walking through the changes by running:

git add -p

Changes to .env

The first change is inside .env - it updated APP_SECRET. This recipe has a special power: each time you install it, it generates a new unique value for APP_SECRET, which is used to generate some cryptographic stuff in your app. We don't really need or want to change this value.

Hunting Down the Reason for a Change

What about the change right below it - for TRUSTED_PROXIES? We're not using that value anyways - you can see that both the old and new code are commented out.

But, as a challenge, let's see if we can find what this change is all about. Go back to the homepage of the symfony/recipes repository and then navigate to symfony/framework-bundle/. We're installing the 4.4 recipe, so start there.

Most of the time, a recipe simply copies files into your project. And so we're usually comparing the contents of a file between two recipes.

But there are a couple of other things a recipe can do, like modify your .env or .gitignore files. In those cases, you won't see a .env or .gitignore file in the recipe: those changes are described in this manifest.json file.

Ah! A symlink - this points to the 4.2 version. I'll take a shortcut and change the URL to jump to that file.

manifest.json is the config file that describes everything the recipe does. The env key says:

Hey! I want you to update the .env file to add APP_ENV, APP_SECRET and these two TRUSTED comment lines.

Let's "blame" this file. The TRUSTED_PROXIES line was modified about three months ago. Click that commit... and jump to the pull request - 654 - to get the full details.

Ok: "Trusted proxies on private and local IPs". This links to another issue on the main Symfony repository where someone proposes that private IP address ranges should be trusted by default.

If you're not familiar with TRUSTED_PROXIES, then you probably don't care much about this and... you might as well just accept the update. If you do care, you'll understand that this PR marks private IP ranges as "trusted", which may or may not be useful for you. The point is: we figured out the reason for this change and - if we use this feature - we can accept or reject these changes intelligently.

Because we don't want the APP_SECRET change... and I don't really care about the updated comment line, I'll say "n" to skip both changes.

The next file that's modified is .gitignore. Let's talk about this next as well as changes to framework.yaml and super important updates to the Kernel class.