1536 search results for symfony bundle

KnpTimeBundle Install the Bundle Get its Service

... files. Let's open that. Down here, we can see that KnpTimeBundle was added to this array. That's where Symfony activates this bundle in our application. Remember, bundles give us services, and this one's no exception. But ...

Functional Tests

... add one line to config_test.yml. If you're using Symfony Flex, these steps should eventually be done for you. I say eventually, because - at this moment - Symfony 4 support is still being added to the bundle. Ok! Let's ...

... ", "sensio/framework-extra-bundle" : "^3.0.2", "symfony/monolog-bundle" : "^3.1.0", "symfony/polyfill-apcu" : "^1.0", "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle" : "^2.3.10", "symfony/symfony" : "3.3 ...
Jürgen Schatral
Jürgen Schatral
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Hi All, When I run `symfony composer require symfony/stimulus-bundle` I have this error ``` Problem 1 - Root composer.json requires symfony/stimulus-bundle ^2.17 -> satisfiable by symfony/stimulus ...
... ": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle": "^1.8", "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^5.5", "symfony/asset": "5.0.*", "symfony/console": "5.0.*", "symfony/debug-bundle ...
Yacine R.
Yacine R.
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... \Command\MigrationsDiffDoct rineCommand.php:41 Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\Command\MigrationsDiffDoctrineCommand->initial ize() at C:\symfony\tlt\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php:221 Symfony\Component ...
Dennis E.
Dennis E.
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... of packages. Problem 1 - Root composer.json requires stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.6 -> satisfiable by stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle[v1.6.0]. - stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle v1.6.0 requires symfony/config ^4.4 ...
Jörg daniel F.
Jörg daniel F.
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... => v6.2.10) - Upgrading stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle (v1.7.0 => v1.7.1) - Upgrading symfony/asset (v6.0.1 => v6.0.19) - Upgrading symfony/cache (v6.0.2 => v6.0.19) - Upgrading symfony/cache-contracts (v3.0.0 ...
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Data Fixtures

... terminal. The new bundle gave us one new command: doctrine:fixtures:load. Execute that through the symfony binary: symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load It asks us to confirm because ...

Hey there! You can see all the packages that gives you debug-pack here: https://packagist.org/packages/symfony/debug-pack#v1.0.9 . I'm talking about these packages: - symfony/debug-bundle - symfony/monolog-bundle ...
... /doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^3.2", "doctrine/orm": "^2.15", "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "^5.3", "phpstan/phpdoc-parser": "^1.22", "symfony/asset": "6.3.*", "symfony ...
MakerBundle Autoconfiguration

Congrats, team! We are done with the heavy stuff in this tutorial! So it's time for a victory lap. Let's install one of my favorite Symfony bundles: MakerBundle. Find your terminal and run ...

... ```terminal composer update ``` I still get a blocking error which is mainly: > Compile Error: Declaration of Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\Helper\MarkdownHelper::getCharset() must be compatible with Symfony ...
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hi,in symfony,can override other bundle template file on my bundle? i only find override bundle template file on symfony templates directory ...
24 lines | AppKernel.php
// ... lines 1 - 5
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
new \Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigBundle(),
new \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle(),
return $bundles;
// ... lines 18 - 22
See Code Block in Script
... version of "symfony/framework-bundle" do you have installed? You can check it with ...
... v6.1.0 symfony/console v6.1.2 symfony/debug-bundle v6.1.0 symfony/dependency-injection v6.1.2 symfony/deprecation-contracts v3.1.1 symfony/doctrine-bridge ...
... '..../vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/WebServerBundle/Resources/router.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0 ` After googling I found out that I have exactly this issue: https ...
... /doctrine-bridge": "^5.2.7", "symfony/dotenv": "5.4.*", "symfony/flex": "^2", "symfony/form": "5.4.*", "symfony/framework-bundle": "5.4.*", "symfony/http-foundation": "5.4 ...
Well, Here is my composer.json "require": { "php": ">=5.5.9", "symfony/symfony": "3.2.*", "doctrine/orm": "^2.5", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^1.6", "doctrine/doctrine ...
Martin Bittner
Martin Bittner
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