2709 search results for Doctrine

Gey Gustavo, I'm not sure Doctrine has such annotation :) How will Doctrine know to whom assign it? It's only possible to set genus to NULL on deleting. I *think* you can add a listener to listen to preRemove event and implement a custom logic in it to assign it to another Genus. Cheers! ...
Hi! It is a great command line tool to create Entities and all other tasks for doctrine! Where I can get it? ...how to install it? I'm using ZF3 + Doctrine... But as I can see some Symfony modules could be used as well. Please, help! ...
Андрей Николаев
Андрей Николаев
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Hey Dmitriy, Yes, it's possible, but this relates to Doctrine not Symfony since we're talking about ORM. There're a few way to do so, each has its own pros and cons, see the docs for more information and examples: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.6/reference/inheritance-mapping.html Cheers! ...
Hey Abdelamine, Do you use the Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader somewhere in your project? Probably not, I think it's just used somewhere internally. If so - you don't need to do any actions, you just need to wait for ...
Hey Steeven, Hm, try to typehint your $em argument with "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface" interface as suggested in error message, do you still have the same problem? Not sure 100% but probably Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager alias was removed that caused some BC breaks. Cheers! ...
51 lines | src/Repository/AnswerRepository.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\Repository;
use App\Entity\Answer;
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
* @method Answer|null find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)
* @method Answer|null findOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null)
* @method Answer[] findAll()
* @method Answer[] findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
class AnswerRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry)
parent::__construct($registry, Answer::class);
// ... lines 21 - 49
See Code Block in Script
72 lines | app/config/config.yml
- { resource: parameters.yml }
- { resource: security.yml }
- { resource: services.yml }
# Put parameters here that don't need to change on each machine where the app is deployed
# http://symfony.com/doc/current/best_practices/configuration.html#application-related-configuration
locale: en
// ... lines 12 - 35
# Twig Configuration
// ... lines 38 - 42
# Doctrine Configuration
// ... lines 45 - 72
See Code Block in Script
72 lines | app/config/config.yml
// ... lines 1 - 43
# Doctrine Configuration
driver: pdo_mysql
host: "%database_host%"
port: "%database_port%"
dbname: "%database_name%"
user: "%database_user%"
password: "%database_password%"
charset: UTF8
# if using pdo_sqlite as your database driver:
# 1. add the path in parameters.yml
# e.g. database_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/data/data.db3"
# 2. Uncomment database_path in parameters.yml.dist
# 3. Uncomment next line:
# path: "%database_path%"
// ... lines 60 - 72
See Code Block in Script
Hey Nicholas Clark! Ah yes, I see your question! Indeed, I think this particular join is just a little confusing. To answer your question, no, Doctrine doesn't default to a specific note. Doctrine, fortunately, is much ...
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... doctrine behaviour with the newer versions), or if it's specific to my computer, but in the meantime i'll just create an .env.local file with DATABASE_URL using the correct docker port, hoping that it will do for the rest of ...
... ", "minimum-stability": "stable", "prefer-stable": true, "require": { "php": ">=8.1", "ext-ctype": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^2.10", "doctrine ...
... `doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle` somehow being upgraded from version 2.1 to 3. I didn't see how this happened in what you posted, but basically - it's complaining that your existing doctrine_migrations.yaml file is using ...
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... platform/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/ORMInvalidArgumentException.php", "line": 177, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Doctrine\\ORM", "short_class": "ORMInvalidArgumentException ...
19 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 6
server_version: '8.0'
// ... lines 8 - 19
See Code Block in Script
19 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 6
server_version: '5.7'
// ... lines 8 - 19
See Code Block in Script
31 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 7
// ... lines 10 - 11
server_version: '5.6'
// ... lines 13 - 31
See Code Block in Script
31 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 7
// ... lines 10 - 11
server_version: '5.7'
// ... lines 13 - 31
See Code Block in Script
31 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 7
// ... lines 9 - 19
// ... line 21
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
// ... lines 23 - 31
See Code Block in Script
31 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 7
// ... lines 10 - 12
charset: utf8mb4
// ... lines 14 - 31
See Code Block in Script
44 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 7
schema_filter: ~^(?!nglayouts_)~
// ... lines 9 - 44
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