1545 search results for symfony bundle

... (including require-dev) Restricting packages listed in "symfony/symfony" to "4.4.*" Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - Installation request for doctrine/doctrine ...
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... generated by the Webpack. I think you need to find a problem in a different place. First of all, make sure you upgraded your symfony/webpack-encore-bundle which is v1.12.0 for today, you can check it with "composer info ...
... ” has the class ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\Client instead of App\ApiPlatform\Test\Client. php bin/console debug:container test.api_platform.client --env=test Information for Service ...
Manuel G.
Manuel G.
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Hello Flex Moving Final Files

... We're on a mission to remove the last parts of our Symfony 3 structure! So what about the DoctrineMigrations directory? Look in src/. Interesting... the DoctrineMigrationsBundle recipe added a Migrations/ directory. So ...

Hey guys, I dont understand why I can't install the stof bundle since I started with the course code. This is what I get from the terminal : - Installation request for symfony/symfony (locked at v3.1.4, required as 3.1.*) -> satisfiable by symfony/symfony[v3.1.4]. Any clue? thx ...
Hi, when i try to install the doctrine-fixture-bundle i get an error about permission denied: hash_file(C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Composer/repo/https---packagist.org/provider-symfony$security-acl.json): fa iled to ...
Dino2014 D.
Dino2014 D.
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... doesn't exist anymore. And I can't get hautelook/alice-bundle to work either... Seems like they don't support Symfony 3... For example, their documentation suggests using "php app/console fixtures:load" Well, I did get ...
Maksym Minenko
Maksym Minenko
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Hi We are upgrading from SF5.4 to SF6.0 and we get this error when visiting any page: You cannot use the "renderView" method if the Twig Bundle is not available. Try running "composer require symfony/twig-bundle ...
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Salut! May I ask a question please? I would be grateful if you can help me! I am using Symfony for my backend and Angular for the fronend part. For the authentification, I am using CAS Bundle to login to sso system ...
Guys, what made you choose to put our main code inside *src/* instead of using *bundle/* or *lib/ folder* ? Why most of the open source Symfony bundles use *src/* to put the main code of the package! Is it a good ...
... actually have a need for decoupled bundles and I like the idea of creating a bundle in the src/. I'm confused about "treat it like true, decoupled bundle". In addition, should I use the Symfony generator to create bundles or ...
Your Flex Project is Alive

Thanks to the Flex recipe for symfony/framework-bundle, we now have a fully-functional Symfony Flex app living right inside our directory! public. is the new document root, config/ has all of the configuration, and our ...

... ": { "symfony/stopwatch": "^5.1", "symfony/twig-bundle": "^5.1", "symfony/web-profiler-bundle": "^5.1" }, ` Just noticing as i read over it again: Is "symfony/web-profiler-bundle" here the "symfony/profiler-pack" from the video? That would explain the missing line
... /index.php file, put a `die;` statement right before this line -https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/5b3ce909504b9366405820c49bc9f0e13ac4be54/symfony/framework-bundle/3.3/public/index.php#L15 - does it execute? Or not? If it ...
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Flex Versioning extra.symfony.require

... talking about upgrading all of the libraries that start with symfony/. Well, not all of the libraries: a few packages - like symfony/webpack-encore-bundle - are not part of the main Symfony code and follow their own ...

Webpack Bundle Analyzer

Each time we add a new Stimulus controller - either by adding a new file to assets/controllers/, or via the controllers.json file when we install a new Symfony UX package - all the code from that controller - and any ...

Automatic Controller Queries Param Converter

Once again, I have a confession: I've still be making us do too much work. Dang! Head over to QuestionController and find the show() action. Instead of manually querying for the Question object via findOneBy(), Symfony ...

Autowiring Public/Private Services

... here. But, when you create a re-usable bundle, the best practice is to use snake-case service id's. Change the key to class and add id="knpu_lorem_ipsum.knpu_ipsum". Why is this the best practice? Well, the user could in ...

Database Setup

Our homepage is busted. Find your terminal and SSH onto the server: Let's find out what the problem is. I recognize the error page as one that comes from Symfony... which means Symfony is running, and the error will ...

Less Ugly with CSS and JavaScript

... up after whatever we have in this block. Wait a second - what should we put in the href? Only things in the web/ directory are web-accessible, and these aren't in there. What was I thinking? Ok, so Symfony has a dead ...
