1545 search results for symfony bundle

... for each client to avoid that. 2) Each Client literally has their own, completely independent Symfony application that is deployed to its own server (or however you deploy) with its own database. There is absolutely ...
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Enhanced Docker Integration Testing Emails

Symfony has had Docker support for a while, in particular, to help with local web development. For example, I have PHP installed locally. So I'm not using Docker to get PHP itself. But my project has a docker ...

Hello, not sure if this belongs here but I have these 2 deprecations Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "Gedmo\Loggable\LoggableListener" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a ...
... is deprecated, pagerfanta/pagerfanta has everything and pagerfanta has native support for twig. I eventually figured out I needed not just pagerfanta/pagerfanta but babdev/pagerfanta-bundle for symfony support and ...
... messengers :) Actually, you even may want to receive notifications not only problems, but also about something important that happened in your application, e.g. you got a new customer that paid you 10 000$ :) And Symfony has ...
JSON API Endpoint

... array, but it means that you could start passing objects to $this->json(). If you want to learn more - or want to build a super-rich API - check out our tutorial about API Platform: an amazing Symfony bundle for building ...

JWT Guard Authenticator Part 1

... will be more natural: If this is your first Guard authenticator... welcome to party! The process is easy: we'll walk through each method and just fill in the logic. But if you want to know more - check out the Symfony ...

Databases and Doctrine

... Symfony doesn't care about your database or the code you use to talk to it. Seriously. It's not trying to be rude, but other libraries already solve this problem. So if you want to make a :phpclass:PDO connection and ...

Encore AssetMapper Part 2

... package is specific to Webpack Encore and the fix is related to our migration. Change this to @symfony/stimulus-bundle. And lo and behold: that string does live inside importmap.php! Below, the next line simplifies. But it ...

Denying Access in a Controller

... executed. This works because, to deny access in Symfony, you actually throw a special exception class: AccessDeniedException. This line throws that exception. We can actually rewrite this code in a longer way... just for the ...

Backport the API Platform 2.5 Test Tools

... \ApiPlatform\Test instead of what they look like inside of ApiPlatform: ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test. That's because we're going to move all of this directly into our src/ directory. Start by creating a new ...


... from the menu. But we can be faster! For Mac users, use ⌘+N to get the "new" menu open. And because we have the Symfony Plugin, by typing 'controller' you'll find an option to create one directly. Let's keep things ...

How to handle dynamic Subdomains in Symfony

How to handle dynamic Subdomains in Symfony¶ From Rafael: Hi, Symfony 2.2 has released hostname pattern for urls, I would like to know how can I create a url pattern that match domains loaded from a database? where ...

... the default `framework.yaml` file: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/0aadfa1169876356288225f3d6028cf07cdde48a/symfony/framework-bundle/5.3/config/packages/framework.yaml#L9-L13 My guess is that you may have started ...
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... situation, the URL that this will output will be 1 of 2 things: 1) If imagine_filter detects that the thumbnail for this image does *not* exist yet, it will return a URL that actually points to a Symfony route ...
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I have created nexy_slack.yaml file in packages dir. then "composer require nexylan/slack-bundle php-http/guzzle6-adapter:1.1.1" and this is the message I got Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable ...
Hicham A.
Hicham A.
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... in there), the bundle doesn't integrate with Symfony well enough to make that a *real* logger - it is a NullLogger... which means it logs nowhere. Let me know if that helps! I'm happy to keep debugging with you :). Cheers!
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Using API Platform to build ticketing system Antonio Peric-Mazar

Hello? can you hear me? Yeah. Cool. Hi. Morning. How are you enjoying the conference? Yeah. Cool. Uh, first I want to thank you, the entire Symfony team for inviting me to speak here. Uh, I did many of conferences. This ...

... SecurityController with a loginAction (http://symfony.com/doc/current/security/form_login_setup.html) SecurityController ``` /** * SecurityController */ namespace App\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller ...
... bundle developers. I would argue that it would be worth maintaining, because in my opinion, it is the one missing piece to making Symfony a truly all-in-one solution (well.. aside from probably still needing Tailwind). At ...