2709 search results for Doctrine

... /reference/attributes.html And, for your purpose you may need the `MapEntity` attribute: https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine.html#doctrine-entity-value-resolver Cheers!
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Hey Francois, Hm, if you already have some data in your DB and it does not work for you with simple Doctrine migration - you may want to create separate new tables for that and write a Symfony "migration" command and ...
Hey Tim, Good catch! I'm glad you were able to find it yourself :) Most problems with config are about the wrong indentation. You can always leverage `bin/console config:dump doctrine` command to double-check that every option is on the correct level. Cheers! ...
Hey |mention:79070| The Symfony ux-turbo package is missing a dependency. I'm not sure if that bug is already fixed, you can try upgrading it `composer up symfony/ux-turbo`, or you can install the missing dep manually `composer require doctrine/common` - or, if you're not using turbo you can remove it Cheers! ...
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Hey Tim, You almost nailed it, but mess up your configuration slightly. Try this one: ```yaml doctrine: dbal: default_connection: default connections: default ...
Hey |mention:30529| If the `leftDay` field is not part of your entity data Doctrine will add it to the result along with the entity object. If you want both things in a single object you can create a DTO Cheers! ...
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Yo @jmwamser! Hmm, I have no idea tbh. I've never used MSSQL, and I don't think the creator of Foundry has either, so it's quite possible that it's not coded correctly for that. You could try using https://github.com/dmaicher/doctrine-test-bundle instead to see if you have more luck. Cheers! ...
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Hey Alison, I'm happy to hear you were able to fix this issue yourself! Yes, you need that PHP extension because we're using Doctrine in this project which stores data in the MySQL DB. Btw, you only need to leave ...
Last example in [Doctrine documentation about fetching entities automatically](https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine.html#fetch-automatically) is missing essential parameter to the MapEntity: FQCN of the Entity, it ...
Hey Domin, Thank you for this tip! Yeah, we definitely want the filter for ORM not ODM as we use Doctrine ORM in this project :) But yeah, easy to miss this tiny difference in the long namespace, so it might be helpful for others. Cheers! ...
Hey @websafe, Connecting to a database is pretty simple with Symfony. You only need to install Doctrine `composer require symfony/orm-pack` then, override the connection environment variable like this: `DATABASE_URL ...
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Hey |mention:76041| That's a good question. IIRC, the cache won't be invalidated automatically. You can implement a Doctrine listener for detecting when the related entity is deleted, or you can just invalidate it upon deleting the image (if you have a CRUD controller, you could hook into the DELETE action) Cheers! ...
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Hey SymfonyCast! I had a question about querying images from the database. Would it be better to make URL requests for images statically from api's or is it better to query images from the database? And yes, I've learned that Doctrine queries the database in the background; with the focus on instantiating objects not tables. ...
... applying inheritance to Doctrine is not always easy. So, unless you got a strong reason to use inheritance I suggest avoiding it Cheers!
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Hey |mention:75363| , IMO the Doctrine DB prefixes feature is a completely standalone feature that is implemented via an event listener, so in theory yes, you can use that in this case if you need it. Unfortunately ...
Hey @Frederic_H-F, Thanks for kind words! And sorry, but that course is not out yet, so keep an eye on new courses. PS while waiting, you can check "ManyToMany" chapters here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations it is a bit older (Symfony5), but the main idea is pretty same =) Cheers! ...
Hey, At the time of the comment I didn't spend much time looking for tutorials which was the reason I just agreed. I'm currently not in the financial position to buy courses but I found the documentation for doctrine which is also very helpful and enough for my purpose :) ...
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Hey |mention:7778| We are sorry for the inconvenience. Yeah, we are using MySQL server for this course, and this `docker-compose.yaml` is the default part of the Doctrine recipe which was installed. I registered ...
... I'm gettting this error: - doctrine/migrations[3.2.0, ..., 3.3.0] require symfony/console ^3.4 || ^4.4.16 || ^5.0 -> found symfony/console[v3.4.0-BETA1, ..., 3.4.x-dev, v4.4.16, ..., 4.4.x-dev, v5.0.0-BETA1, ..., 5.4.x-dev] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (6.0.*). I can't seem to solve it
Yes, It was I meant, I have read this tutorial and the doctrine documentation about it, there was some differences and I was unable to understand what the *rector.php* file is and where to put it. So I mixed your documentation and try something and it worked, so I though a comment was useful for futur readers. ...